Let Survival talent into Lone Wolf

to me survival feels like parts of arms warrior stitched together with parts of unholy death knight. i’m not a fan of managing a pet while also doing melee stuff. with unholy dk, there’s very little management involved. it would also fit within the confines of the class fantasy of survival (which lets be real, there is none)


It doesn’t really work because Survival’s reworked fantasy is completely reliant on the pet… for some reason.

I think if they added back in more traps with other more “tactical” abilities and moved away from pet reliance on SV (as they should have in the first place during Legion) then sure Lone Wolf would fit in fine since then SV would still have traps and what not to fall back on thematically.


you could just like, play arms warrior instead.


i do, but the warrior and hunter aesthetic are both very different

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Macro your pet’s abilities into your abilities.

#showtooltip Mongoose Bite
/cast [pet specific spells like claw or dash]
/case Mongoose Bite

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Fantasy of survival hunter mirrors that of Rexxar. Getting rid of pet would probably didn’t make sense.


Folks gotta stop bringing up rexxar, The guy spent so much time wandering desolace for most of the game he has no idea what spec he is.

He’s a minor character that had a cool WC3 campaign but now is a boring excuse for melee survival.


Because there’s no melee Hunter fantasy that isn’t tied into the pet. Otherwise it really wouldn’t be too meaningfully different to the Warrior fantasy.

OP wants a petless melee Hunter because he isn’t interested in a Hunter spec at all; he wants a 3rd Warrior DPS spec. This is the type of player melee SV attracts to the class.

And you’re asking for them to remove those differences.

He’s also a very poor match for melee Survival. He dual-wields while Survival is stuck with a 2-hander and he doesn’t use anything like the bombs and poisons that are the most prominent part of Survival. His kit has always been much more closely aligned with Beast Mastery (or rather the other way around).

The whole “Rexxar therefore melee Hunter” argument depends on a surface-level understanding of what Rexxar contributes to the Hunter class. It starts and stops at “melee” and nothing else. What isn’t properly understood is that the most prominent part of Rexxar’s identity is in fact the pet and that’s his contribution to the playable class.


This isn’t quite true.

I get the frustration over seemingly, or even actually, non-hunters trying to promote changes to the Hunter class. But even without a pet Survival isn’t a Warrior.

Traps, bombs, poison, focus. None of those are remotely related to Warriors. And they are somewhat central to Survival.

Survival, presently, is another melee spec, that does attract many melee centric players. However, it is fairly unique in what it does aesthetically and mechanically. To claim that, without a pet it’s just a Warrior is unfair.


ya…no. thats not what we need to try and work on right now.

i levelled both a sv hunter and arms warrior from 20 to 120 in that order.

arms warrior felt like a much more smoother and fun version of sv without all of the cumbersome pet management as well as all of the gcds to get my dots off.

you’ve got your cleave (which is baseline on sv hunter which is nice), dot uptime, aoe dot uptime and of course your haste uptime. the latter two points are why they feel so similar to me.

you’ve got kill command and bloodseeker (which is the most dominant talent of that tier) which you spread your kill command dot for haste uptime

and on warrior you’ve got in for the kill and anger management which is much of the same. use collosus smash, get your haste buff, spend rage to get colossus smash back up, get your haste buff, etc.

and all that stuff about traps, bombs, poison, and focus is just more just aesthetic stuff. true, warrior doesn’t have anything that function remotely similar to hunter traps, but bombs are your aoe dot (bladestorm) and of course your venom shot is the basic baked in mastery bleed. (to be honest i’d rather the venom shot thing be scrapped entirely in favor of something that works like rogue poison)

i think the option of lone wolf would only serve to enhance and flesh out the fantasy of survival. to me, a survivalist is an individualist whose tools of the trade are all around them in nature combined with their own ingenuity. you’ve got the homemade traps, the poisons, the homemade bombs. somebody who relies on themselves and not on a pet. and sure, you could say that someone who does those things could tame a pet, and i agree. which is why i think lone wolf as an option and not something baseline as it is on MM would be a good compromise


All I’m reading is “I played Arms, Arms felt better than Survival, so I want Survival to be Arms”.


sure, it’s better than being a bargain bin version of arms. i’ve also spent some time playing unholy recently and i feel like they should have taken a page from that instead of arms.

to me it feels like how havoc overtook windwalker. arms is just a better version of it in the same way havoc is just windwalker but straight up better

It really doesn’t though, Rexxar is way more of a melee BM than Survival, I mean, BM also places traps and how many times do you see Rexxar using a harpoon to jump on people, wielding a polearm or throwing different bombs at his enemies?


I could care less about class fantasy. Just sayin…

In the future, I’m hoping they’ll give SV a DW option: the “fast-and-agile melee ranger with a pet” is so AD&D that I was initially confused why it wasn’t DW in the first place. (Sure, spears make better hunting weapons than swords, but the option for DW should have been there.)

I’m guessing that Blizzard sorely wants to avoid players endlessly imitating a well-known DW ranger with a pet, who knows. It’s been nearly 30 years, why not go for it?

I see no issue with this.
SV needs way more focus on sting, bleeds, trap, bomb, snare etc.
For example: Igniting tar trap.
Binding Shot causes bleed.
Wildfire bomb effect should be a talent row. Choose the one you want.
Sting talent row. Like F&B effect/ or damage poison cloud / disorient effect

SV feels odd currently. Not bad. Just odd.
Lone wolf fits fine here as a talent. The talent would just have to go up against something that changes play-style. Like Coordinated Assault or whatever.


Do we really want to take pets away from two hunter specs? The whole reason I took hunter in the first place was to play a pet class.

I just want to shoot arrows and have my pet absorb damage. Only BM provides that now so let’s not take away more pets.


Yeah only real pet class at this rate will be no pet class in game. 2 things brought me to hunter not one or other, pets, and range. Not warrior wanna bes, or petless, if i wanted a petless melee i have many other classes choose from.


I don’t like this idea because hunters main class identity is to play with a pet, they removed that from MM hunter which is fine but I don’t believe they should remove it from another spec. I personally like the class fantasy of fighting alongside a pet instead of watching the pet attack while you auto attack a few bow shots.

I don’t like DK I feel like survival is fine with a pet right not given Blizzard doesn’t have plans to switch it back to ranged.