At best, Lone wolf should be an option for MM not a flat penalty. It’s one of those things they never should have allowed. They gave that option for Warlocks and it hit a point where not many people take it because the other talents in the row were better.
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i’m not advocating for the taking away of anything, i’m just advocating for more options
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Lone wolf sv would turn into a worse version of enh then…
While im not the biggest fan of SV’s dependency on its pet I feel like this can be address without getting ride of it.
I don’t understand why people keep trying to stuff more play-styles into a class that was ruined because they stuffed too many play-styles into three specs.
Lone Wolf is an option on MM. A baseline passive option.
MM can run with a pet same as BM or SV, they just can also run without a pet if they choose.
It’s not. Single target damage for MM is within 1% pet vs Lone Wolf. AoE damage falls off quite a bit, but pets don’t do any AoE for MM, so that is to be expected. Pets provide utility that Lone Wolf doesn’t.
It’s an option, with pros and cons on both sides.
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Optional means “available to be chosen but not obligatory”. Lone wolf isn’t an option, it’s forced on you. All I was saying it should be an option to turn it off. I’m sure if the pets made up the 10% reduction you’d see more MM using them.
MM has never been the pet or AOE spec and I’m not disputing that they ever were, but we used to have the option with pets. The biggest mistake they made with the hunter class was tinkering so much that the specs don’t come close to resembling one another.
No, it isn’t.
Summon a pet, POOF! Lone Wolf disappears.
Pets do make up the difference, but only in single target Patchwerk encounters. As soon as you add more targets you can cleave, adds you need to burst down, travel time for the pet, etc, LW becomes better. This is the only means to give MM the option of a pet and have it remotely balanced.
We saw how overturned it was in WoD. We saw it overturned and basically mandatory in Legion. We had a couple iterations during testing where MM simply couldn’t use Call Pet at all. The only workable alternative is what we have now.
I will die on this hill. I argued for exactly what we have now for 4 years, and I’m not about to give it up due to a perception problem.
I’m not so sure we’re arguing the same thing. I’m saying you don’t have a choice, you’re saying the same thing. I’m saying MM is designed completely wrong in that having the key hunter component is gone.
I mean, you’re right and I’m not arguing with that.
You don’t make sense.
You can choose to use a pet. You can choose not to use a pet. No key component is missing. You are able to focus better on putting an arrow between the eyes of your enemy when you aren’t telling Fluffy to nip at his heels.
I can’t for the life of me understand why this is controversial.
I don’t make sense because I have no clue what you’re arguing about.
All I said was MM gives you a 10% damage reduction that you can’t turn off if a pets out and you’re turning into whatever.
So uhhh, you win.
There is no reduction.
You get a damage buff when you have no pet, to make up for the damage your pet would have been doing. This works out to a buff for AoE because MM pets have no AoE. This works out to a nerf to utility because you lose access to pet abilities.
Hardly ignored it, but you’re being very very weird over this.
But you gain the pet’s DPS, which you keep ignoring.
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Honestly having a talent choice that replaces Kill Command and Coordinated Assault with:
Killing Blow:(replaces Kill Command) Attack your target with the intent to kill, causing physical damage. Chance to reset immediately
Furious Assault:(replaces Coordinated assault) Attack with the fury of a beast, increasing all damage you deal by 20%. Every time you damage an enemy with an ability the damage is reapplied for half the amount(i.e you use carve and hit 3 targets for x damage they are hit again for x/2 damage to compensate for the pet)
It would fit, but it still wouldn’t fix survivals main problem imo which is class fantasy
EDIT: grammar and vocab errors
I don’t usually talk on threads specifically about Survival, but I think this would be a bad idea. When they did this for MM, you were forced to play without a pet because the DPS of playing with a pet was inferior, and you couldn’t re-talent every time you switched from solo play to group play.
They fixed this by providing a buff that worked when you didn’t have your pet out. While I dislike Lone Wolf for a hunter, and least I could play MM with a pet when I wasn’t raiding or doing a dungeon. Making it a talent was a bad idea. Making it an option worked better.
There is one more important thing to say here: STOP TRYING TO SQUEEZE MORE PLAY-STYLES INTO THIS CLASS. It already has too many.
was just going to make a post like this, i 100% agree. i always get a small pet just cause its annoying to look at while being all in there. at least give us the option to make pets very small (the glyph doesnt make them small enough) for survival. like the birds are cool but there too big and it looks off.
I always imagined survival with like a small pet perched on its shoulder or no pet at all
Why pick a pet class if you don’t want a pet?
Lone Wolf was a mistake. Back when people first started complaining about having to use pets on the pet class was the right time to introduce another physical ranged class. Ranger/Tinker/Whatever. Doesn’t matter what it was as long as it used ranged weapons and didn’t have a pet. The only thing no pet crowd had going for it was there were no other physical ranged options. There are PLENTY of no pet melee options and as we’ve seen when we have a no pet option for a hunter spec it becomes the superior option.
Soo many other issues to address and lone wolfing survival ain’t one of them.
Maybe I’m biased because I enjoy the fantasy of fighting along side your pet spec
But regardless, let’s just make sure what we got which is now in beta works
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