Let rogues and warriors transmog warglaives of azzinoth

You have to kill the level 120 Illidan during the TBC timewalking event.

And then get lucky? Ir just kill him

Yes it blows because I worked hard farming them on multiple characters got them both on my rogue and did the achievement for it for my dh yet I still can’t Mog them like every other legendary in the game when that became a thing.

I don’t understand the whole “but DH’S worked hard to unlock them on there characters argument” I was one of those DHs and it wouldn’t loose any meaning to me if I can use them on my rogue.

So as a rogue I can see a bunch of warriors and such using thunder fury which I did the hidden artifact for but I can’t use the legendary I farmed out. Makes no sense tbh

Like I said, you have to have the glaive achievement before you kill Illidan. The timewalking Illidan, not the original.

Don’t tell her “yes” because that’s not true. Her DK can have the glaives and she can mog them on her DH if she kills Illidan during TBC timewalking event.

And it does not matter who has the glaives. My DK had the glaives and I killed Illidan on my Hunter then I was able to mog them on my DH.

Oops misread the comment I thought she said can’t mog it on my DK my bad

Yay! My favorite thread is here once again.

Hey folks, I’m here to tell you that Illidan is not a rogue, he’s a Demon Hunter, he doesn’t drop the Daggers of Azzinoth.

Suck it up buttercup, you got glaives in BC cus we had no DH’s back then so they let you have some “Bling-time”, sadly that time is over.

If you are a Rogue then act like it and get some daggers.

Warriors can manage 2 x 2 handers, they are brutes, so I feel warriors can pick up literally any weapon and simply beat the snot out of you.

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I’m confused what point your trying to make…because he definitely drops daggers called “shard of azzinoth”

Also theres this whole other rogue spec that DOESNT use daggers

Anyways psa for anyone who wants some 1h glaive models that isnt a DH there are these sword models felgore double blade/viscera-stained longsword/wild combatants quickblade that use a glaive model and sheaths on back like glaives. Now we just need a green void edge/wraith chill enchant and we can make a poor man’s warglaives

No sir, I’ve done this argument many times now.

Shards you say?

What does that have to do with Warglaives?

You want to equip a weapon type not meant for you, they are called Warglaives of Azzinoth, they are Demon Hunter weapons, a new toon added later on and, yeah sucks for you but they want their toys back.

I understand the need to look cool, but if you can have them then why can’t I?

Would you feel a Paladin running around with Warglaives on their backs would look natural to you? I’ll get that…no it’ll look nuts, just like when you see a Rogue with giant glowing Warlglaives. I loved BC too dude, but times changed, map got tore to pieces, major names died, world tree got torched, you lost the Warglaives.


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I ask because your argument is a confusing one

Rogues use more than daggers so I dont know why your argument(I’m guessing) is because theyre not called daggers? No one said they were, they said they were swords and still are classified as such in the game.

And yet you seem to make the argument that warriors should be able to use them because they should be able to use any weapon type to smack people around(or im assuming, again you dont seem to make it very clear)

I dont care what you run around with. It seems silly to care what other characters are running around with we can run around naked or in yeti jammies and smack people with fish or any of the other armor/weapons that seem to go against class fantasy

Im not as butthurt as you think I am. I hate outlaw spec so i would never use the glaives anyways. I just think its a silly restrictions with all of the lax transmog rules these days

Just like i think the rogue legendary daggers should be moggable on other classes because who cares what someone is running around with

I don’t have them but sure why not, it will be cool

I posted this in another thread and I will put it here too:

With this everyone will be happy and exclusivity is kept.

Ok I was uber confused, thanks tovi

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No, they are iconic to ONE DH.

Warglaives in general?

The specific ones we are talking about. Also weren’t the ones in BT training using regular NE glaives?

I was talking about all glaives are iconic to DHs, not just the legendary ones.

It would amuse me to mog thunderfury and a warglaive to increase my salt intake further.

Make it so number one.

Glaves are elven weapons. Warglaves were a Illidan thing until Legion. Iconic to Illidan until all DH became Lil’dans.

I know they’re iconic to Wardens and something else too. Shadow Hunters, maybe? It was mentioned earlier. Anyways, out of those three, only DHs at playable atm.

No regular ones are iconic to all elves. You see them on NPCs all over. Wardens have the moon glaves. The war glaves were unique to Illidan until Legion where all DH became mini-dans. They were iconic warrior and rogue weapons for a decade.