Let people permanently stay in visage form

Something I noticed watching MDI, literally every single evoker uses some kind of toy or item to not be a dragon, and I honestly don’t blame them at all.

Please Blizzard just give people the option to permanently stay in visage form. You made evoker such a great and interesting class but some people just do not want to be a dragon at all.


Both forms look pretty bad, but at least you can hide yourself in armor when you’re in visage form. But hiding the problem doesn’t actually change the fact that dracthyr are low quality furry art you’d find on DA. Maybe they’ll redo them 10-12 years from now.


Firstly, it’s extremely stupid to have the ‘dragon class’ not be a dragon if Dracthyr are doomed to be chained to Evoker for the rest of their days. At that point, you need to open the class to other races and give Dracthyr other classes. Second, Blizzard was dumb enough to attach mechanical benefits to being in Visage Form, so yeah, that’s also probably why you’re seeing a lot of Visage use.


No what I mean is they’re all using toys to never be in dracthyr form at all. It overrides visage and dracthyr form so they never have to be in dracthyr form at all.

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Well, you can’t really stop the toy from doing what it does, but permanent Visage is still pretty anathema to, y’know, the entire theme of being a dragon.

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I don’t like how the female visage is just a human. Like out of all models, you chose human? They should’ve gone with night elf or something.

This is just silly. You’re playing a DRACTHYR meaning dragon, not a risque human/elf.


In combat, you’re in Dracthyr form, and out of combat you’re in visage form. That’s how it waorks on my Preservation Envoker, although sometimes it gets stuck in Dracthyr form, but it’s not that often.

May I ask what ‘toys’ are used to stay in visage form ?

Im not sure why they dont just change it so that you can be in visage form always, except when doing the dragon only things (the breaths, the beam, flying across the field) - and then immediately shift back.

It’s more “evoking” the dragon than current way it works too


Real problem is that dracthyr form obscures mechanics completely and visage form doesn’t. Even tauren don’t have it this bad. The sizing of the dracthyr model is not right from a gameplay balance perspective.


You as a druid should know better than to ask for this.

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Cuz probably all MDI players are older, and who wants to play as a dragon


Drathyr looked Ugly , they got enough feedback about it . Its Blizzard’s fault.

Infact there was a forum thread here where the players themselves had better design for Drathyr than Blizzard themselves

This is how sad its become.


Y’all are no fun…and a bit whiny. Who wants to be boring humans and elves all the time?


I haven’t played as a Dracthyr yet and I honestly didn’t even know this was a thing. That’s crazy!

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If you don’t like Dracthyrs play another class. Or use toys like the brodudes in the MDI, whatever works.

Never noticed that but i play at max camera distance. Trees are my problem.

They are primarily using it because dragon hitbox is huge and it allows for ease of dodging mechanics, Not for a visual aspect, People at that level don’t care about visuals.

They don’t have a larger hitbox. Hitboxes were normalized eons ago. I think in early TBC.

Facts should not made so unappealing race.

Playing as a barbie doll is unapealing to me though. How do Blizz get around that?