Let people chose, give us two versions of HC

The “debate” between HC enjoyers that want SSF and those that want “unlimited” trading/AH/mail is very polarizing.
It brings out the worst in everyone.

Some people enjoy Vanilla. Some people enjoy TBC, some people enjoy Dragonflight… etc etc.

Some people enjoy permadeath, and some people enjoy normal.

I say when it comes to permadeath servers, you should release two versions:
One “unlimited”, and one “SSF”.

This is the only way imo.

Let people chose.



I and alot would love a pre-tbc server or a pre-vanilla plus server. But not sure that will happen as hardcore is the current crazy because it is insanely good streamer content.

Make a forum post about it! :slight_smile:
Get people to like and comment the post to show that there’s interest! :slight_smile:

Or you know you people could just continue to use the addon and impose those extra rules on yourself like you’re already doing.

There is zero chance that hardcore will have a population big enough to have 2 seperate servers with different restrictions after the streamers move on from it


It would not be nearly the same experience though.

No one knows how things will pan out in the future.
But I would argue that it is unwise to not jump on what seems to be popular here and now, as it is a clear potential.

I find this “and impose those extra rules on yourself” sentiment I see often to be ironic. It seems to me that people opposing alternative servers are really the ones that “impose other (extra/less) rules” on people that want something else.
If/when alternative servers will be released, no one will force anyone to play on them.

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Ive seen far more people that dislike the addon restrictions than that support them when it comes to playing hardcore, there are a lot of people waiting for official because they think the addon rules are lame.

The hardcore community is doing just fine right now using the addon on regular servers, i dont see why that couldn’t still be the case on an official hardcore server that doesn’t have those restrictions


Then there is no need for a new server for us. It’s no different than playing on Bloodsail with the non-HC players there.
Here’s what they need to do.
Release a SSF HC server, and
Release a fresh normal server. Because that’s what these guys really want.


You might be right.
I, however, have seen just about 50/50, or 60/40 when it comes to this.
Look at this post for example:

39 likes. And the first reply, which have the opposite opinion, has 29 likes.

There is, of course, absolutely possible that one of the groups is more vocal than the other. But there is really know way to know for certain imo.

I would bet money that the amount of people that prefer death= delete being the only rule far outnumber the people that want the extra restrictions.

There is already a large amount of people actively playing with the addons ruleset that are only doing so because they have to for it to “count” and would rather not. And there is also a ton of people playing hardcore on their own terms without the addon and a lot simply waiting for official servers to open to even start.

People that want the extra restrictions can still continue to play with those restrictions on any server, but people that dont want them cant play without them if the restrictions were baked into the server

The obvious solution is to not include the restrictions and let people choose that for themselves, they could even make it a buff similar to how they implemented ironman


There is a poll up on a HC forum that has an overwhelming majority vote going for just HC with whatever base ruleset will be. With significantly smaller portions voting for the SSF restrictions.

Granted the ruleset could be SSF and I don’t know that it would deter a lot of people some it would definitely deter some.


You could just release one version and an achievement with title for SSF.


They can.
However, players that want the whole server to have a specific set of rules (Era is also a server with a specific set of rules), will not be able to do so unless the whole server has that specific set of rules.
I would imagine that there is a wish for this, given how big the hype is for the HC server.

This would not be the solution for players that wish for the whole server to have a specific of rules.

Even though a lot of people are enjoying their time currently at Era servers, with or without the addon, I would imagine they would be ecstatic to see a whole official server with the specific rules they follow.

You could argue back and forth about what people can and cannot. I just find it strange to be opposed alternative servers. No one is arguing to change the rules of the Era servers, we simply want separate alternatives.

It’s totally fine that you don’t want it, but to me it is strange that you are so opposed other people getting their wish.

Edit/update reply:

Interesting! Did not know this. Can you link?:slight_smile:

But the restrictions imposed by the addon make it so it literally doesn’t matter what other people on the server are doing.


It does matter! It does a matter a lot to a lot of people!
I think this is evident by the hype for the official hc server! :slight_smile:

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The hype is for official death = delete, not the addon restrictions, because people can already play that way

The addon restrictions completely removes the aspects of the game that are effected by other players on the server, so making a server with those restrictions baked in is pointless
Just make it a visible buff like ironman and it would be exactly the same

You would only be splitting the already niche community


The people who don’t want the restrictions can kill off their character on any era server. There’s no point in an official server to enforce one life and nothing else.

Personally, I’d like to retain all the rules with the addition of an account bank - expanded self found, if you will. I could supply gear and trade items to my alts, but not get stuff from other players. All alts on the same account would have access to the bank vault.

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Well for a lot of people (as we touched on earlier, impossible to say just how many), there is a real hype for a whole SSF server (which to them, is not the same as a permadeath server + title/addon).

To you, yes. But for a lot of people this will not be pointless at all. This will be the point. Again, impossible to know really how many people want this. But there is absolutely a visible amount. Enough for it imo be worth to release a server and see :slight_smile:

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Let me know when you roll a warrior with no restrictions and take a healer in your dungeon who is in questing greens and whites. I want to see the vid of him trying to keep those health bars full without going oom.

Uhh…What is the point you’re trying to make here?

I think the SSF rule set should be player choice, not enforced. I liked the suggestion of having an achievement for people who wanted to play SSF and get 60. Most people definitely would want the only rule being “don’t die”. One thing that would be cool to see from SSF is no AH, I really like the idea of people having to sell things and trading for them in person, it could add a level of social-ness.