You already gave the Alliance blood elves with the recent changes to void elves. May as well let the Horde get more Night Elf options out of the Nightborne. Maybe you can even fix their models too while you’re at it!
I’m all for it, also allow the Nightborne females to have the bounce animation.
And let them pick their ear size. They are gross looking.
And the flip-jump.
Seems like a fine idea to me.
That too.
Never thought I’d see the day where I get newspaper whacked by a Tonka toy
I have to agree. They were the only race I would consider over orcs and they suck.
Zandalari lived up to the hype I should probably use mine more
The Nightborne models in game are actually pretty close the the NPCs. Unless you mean fix like making them more like Night Elf models, in which case please no. Or if so, let us chose the body type. I do not want my Nightborne to have a male Nelf model though.
The playable nightborne models are horrible and I am still shocked they made it to live in the state they are in.
I suppose it’s a matter of opinion. I like them. Side by side they look very similar in pose and proportion to the NPCs, and that’s what I cared about. They ARE a little smaller, but otherwise much the same. Their faces leave a bit to be desired, but they’re better than they used to be.
In turn, I don’t much care for the Night Elf model. The female one is okay, but the male Night Elf model is just awful.
I’m not against more choice though. I just argue against just straight up replacing the models. There are those of us who like them.

And the flip-jump.
That would be awesome. I enjoy seeing how many flips I can do in a row sometimes and it’d be nice to do the same on my nightborne alt.

male Night Elf model is just awful.
To be honest, the Nightborne Male models should have looked more like the NPC ones.
I don’t know what Blizzard was thinking…
I would appreciate more red/pink skin tones. Some hairstyles like there wavy hair, the sombra hair style would be nice as well, although I wish that was on all races tbh. Definetly could use more hair colors that night elves have. Like the light blue, like purples/pinks, light greens. A more wine red skin tone would be greatly appreciated since they seem to darken them up. Dark red would be lovely.
Nope…I like my nelf as it is and my night borne with the ultra low body fat. The nelf seems rolly polly…if anything they need to upgrade the nelf body …
If you take the robe off the player character and do a side by side of the bodies, they’re actually pretty similar. Not perfect, but nearly identical. The fault is mostly in their faces/heads/ears. Those still looks quite different from the NPCs, though after the character customisation update they are at least better.
Sure OP. Lets share everything between the Night Elves and Nightborne. Including the eye shape since that was the OG Night Elf eyes anyways.
I’ve seen both models side by side and the player one’s chest is too large compared to the npc (for males obv.) Tho the face is more obvious I agree. I don’t like the big hooked chin they have that the npc’s don’t. I would’t want the nightelf male model tho. That would be a step down imo. I don’t want to look like Popeye.
Worked for void elves
I don’t see your point in me agreeing that we should just share assets with them.