just use the corgi goggles.
atleast it makes everyone look cute and adorable.
just use the corgi goggles.
atleast it makes everyone look cute and adorable.
I have never heard of this, i will investigate
I know there is a toy that makes everybody naked with just the default cloth on haha fog goggles are new to me
the only bad side about the goggles is that it only makes them corgi for a little while and the cooldown is pretty high, i honestly wish there was a option in the game menu that would allow me to turn everyone into either a corgi or a Murlock.
that would help my PC a lot too…
Looks fine in sod without transmog and wotlk classic.
Its kinda cool in sod you can identify a class just by the armor, feels more immersive not everybody looks like a power ranger or a end game boss
I kind of agree with this. There is a lot of stupid mogs out there. Things like the yeti should have never been added.
I agree add a dye system like Guildwars 2. If a B2P mmo can do it surely wow can ask scrounge up some money for it.
I think its funny and cool for collectors but immersion wise and look wise it would be cool to be able to turn off transmog sometimes just so its easier to see what class somebody is and not get distracted
You can do this with a quick glance at the tooltip or, if you have icons in the portrait, the target window!
Hope this helps!
The modern target demographic for Blizzard is very trolly as a personality trait, lacks tactfulness, requires excess attention, likes to ruin things for others- standard subtle psychopathic tendencies. And if they can’t project these traits, they meltdown. This is bad PR for the corporations who pander to them.
Before the game went downhill Ion Hazzikostas used your example regarding xmog limitations in WOD when the game still felt like WARcraft: "well, y’know, we don’t want to have rogues running around dualwielding fish, that’d be a little silly for [WoW] ".
But, he is a bought and paid-for game director who has to change with the times. And modern times are absurd. So turning off xmog won’t happen.
You were saying?
I could argue that you disagreeing is a pretty blunt way to say you’re an entitled person that doesn’t care for the efforts or costs that others have applied to strive the way they want to be viewed.
You realise Maizou’s logic is the logic of the actual real-world, right?
Personally I find removing transmog, removes more immersion than actually benefits it & also makes people look more like a clown than those with transmog.
At least on wotlk classic and sod this hasnt veen the case at all. If you go on sod and walk around people look fine.
You can actually tell what class they are based on armor and not everybody looks like a power ranger or a god like character with crazy transmog. Looks good, but that is my opinion i am just asking to turn it off for me sometimes if i want to. Not to turn it off for you its just an option that wont effect anybody but the person that turns it off.
You DON’T get to control how anyone, even yourself - view someone else. That IS entirely their choice.
I can though… as others have said using toys i can modifer the appearance of others only on my screen. Somebody said there was corki dog goggles that turn people into dogs, there are xray gnomish goggles that makes everybody naked and that is all on my screen only. I can just walk up to people and control click gear to see what it looks like without transmog. No idea why you think its a huge deal if i just wanna turn iff transmog in my screen, why would it even matter to you, you wouldnt know
Turn off other peoples transmog.
Um no … you can just not use your trans mog
This guy is zero fun at parties
This is actually kinda a disturbing post.
I understand people like chasing down paper doll cut outs, but what I am seeing is people DEMANDING that other people HAVE to see it.
I do not follow this logic. Your right to display that kind of stuff stops at my right not to want to see it.
No one here suggested getting rid of transmog, it was just suggested that the actual display gets toggled.
I see nothing wrong with an option to kill tansmog displays.
I DO see something inherently wrong with forcing people to see them.
clown suits
Yeah lets go back to before transmog where you would end up with a clown suit without trying to be in a clown suit.
Amusingly posted from a character that is wearing a transmog.
I do not follow this logic. Your right to display that kind of stuff stops at my right not to want to see it.
The fact that you are calling it a right either way throws any logic out the window. Its what Blizz has implemented. You have a right not to play. Thats about it.
Then by that very statement transmoggers have no right to display their transmogs.
And this is just semantics anyway. Go ahead and replace “right” with anything else. The fact to the matter is why would anyone doing transmogs care if others see it or not. If they absolutely demand to be seen, they have much deeper issues inherently…
you have obviously never seen levelling gear in burning crusade