Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

That is your opinion, not a fact, and your opinion is not greater than anyone else’s.

i willnt be censored

Gonna pass on this. It would be hellish to implement, require an entire overhaul to how transmog interacts with the world, and also be nonsensical from a logistical standpoint.

I get it. You think people running around as Sailor Moon characters, and making transmogs to look like Justice League characters, or fortnite skins or whatever are annoying.

But you don’t get to determine how other people appear. That’s their choice.

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well… because personally, I put a transmog to see how i wanna look like, and how others see me as well.
do i want you to have the power to see me in whatever crap mix of gear i’m using? no!

I would still look like a mismatched clownsuit of gear from different expansions all mixed up. That doesn’t sound “better”.

You think it would look better with people running around with mismatched sets like it’s outland in 2007?


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This is an extreme opinion I’m actually not against. Mostly because OP asked for the option to turn it off and not ruin the experience for others.

I mean… I’d probably use it too. I just don’t care about how my character looks (Or others at that). It’s so much time wasted in a perpetually subscribed game that already eats up a ton of time to the point I can’t bring myself to commit anymore.

Nope. You don’t get to decide what I look like.

No. People need to know that I am better at playing dress up than they are.

Imagine now that Timewalking Gear drops, as well? Could have Heroic Level BT and Firelands gear on one Character.

People would look mad.

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OP, I feel it is ironic that you are making this post on a fully mogged character.

I am assuming you are not against transmog itself. Just against the ones that you don’t approve of.


Yeah, this is how I see it. I don’t mind them having a toggle if I can still transmog my own gear, but no transmogs would lead to rainbow armor which, imo anyway, would be a lot more immersion breaking than a death knight wearing a dress.



I love transmogging my gear, but I am not against this for those that rather for without.

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Transmog is the true endgame


So what I am hearing is this is a “you” issue and you don’t actually transmog for yourself but for others? At first I disagreed with the OP but now you have talked me into agreeing with them…


No, because it would be a pointless setting no one would care about and it’d be a hell’a’lot of wasted development time for nothing.

Actually I doubt it would require that much code at all. There is probably more code in place to handle storing the new model for each slot and then toggle the default model to something else.

Said no one ever who knows the slightest bit of code how it relates to 19 year old MMOs.

Not to mention, it would still be a complete waste of time. You still haven’t gotten around that part.


I am sure their code base is a mess but as someone who has been programming for 20 years, I would bet they probably wrote a method that is called to change the default model to the one you transmogged it to. If so all they would have to do is check to see if you want to see that alternative version or not before running said method.

I don’t think I ever said it wouldn’t be but then this wouldn’t be the first waste of time change they have made either.


Offside, Sunday thread on a Monday, five yard penalty, repeat fourth down.

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Why does it matter if somebody likes transmog if its a setting i can use to turn it off, h9w would it effect you lol.

Sometimes i would turn it off like during leveling and getting new gear and sometimes turn it on. Whats the big deal it doesnt effect people that like it its a option that only i would see or people that decide to turn it off

Let people transmog whatever they want, whatever type of gear go crazy with it. Just give me a toggle

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