Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

The one thing I dislike about Classic is the lack of transmog.

But you will have people swear up and down that transmog in an era where we barely had any options to begin with - let alone all the insanity we can find now in retail - would somehow ‘ruin’ the game.

People who want to dictate what others can and can’t wear in their holier-than-thou presence reek of a certain kind of mentality, to me.

I really wish classic players would just enjoy their game mode and leave us alone.

You dont see me barging into their forums demanding they change stuff to suit me.


Tell me you didn’t play the game before WotLK without telling me.

This is a pretty interesting idea.

Because you don’t get to decide what other people’s characters look like. You get to decide what your character looks like.


I don’t see a problem here.

  1. You can decide what other people look like via toys.
  2. Other players would still view their character and the world how ever they like to.

This doesn’t seem like a bad thing, really.


I could not agree more. There is literally no down side to this setting.

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What a silly response by you. They obviously played beforehand, because of their philosophy. They want to see people in the gear they have on so when you see someone in the mmorpg (because this is an mmorpg), you know instantly what that players status is in the world/what content they do/how they play.

They want the change for themselves via a checkbox so it wouldn’t hurt your feelings. Also don’t act like the entire forum community didn’t barge in and enforce changes on the classic crowd previously this would be nothing new.


For you, perhaps. It is incredibly ironic though asking for an option to disable transmogrification with a character fully transmogrified. Turning off all other players’ transmogrifications, even for my eyes only, would look way worse as I would see a ton more clown suits running around (more than I already do that is).

If you weren’t in full tier/PvP sets, you were in a clown suit.

You want to “flex” your level of play? Get the top 0.1% title at the end of the season.

People put effort into their transmogs and the devs don’t need to waste their time+energy for the sake of a handful of whiny players with an ego.

if you dont like dont look

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I can’t speak for the OP but nothing takes you out of the game more than an Orc Warrior wearing fairy wings and it gets way more ridiculous than that.

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The new Eyes Only for You goggles are even better. Everyone disappears!

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Narcissism and vanity

If people want a toggle to turn off transmog client side, I would not say no.

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then my hobo suit of randomly colored mismatched nonsense that gives me .00005% more crit would even further ruin your immersion.

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That’s the damn point lmao it drives people to get good looking gear

You can call people whiny all you like as a defending statement if that gives you an ego trip, but don’t call him out for being a bfa baby when you clearly don’t understand basic mmorpg philosophy.

This is a feature that would be neat to turn on once in a while but overall be worse for the game.

WoW needs to focus more on its world aspect. If something exists in the world, it should do so for every single person.

If I’m in town dressed in all pink, me, you, and everyone else in town should see it. Because that is what is going on within the world.

The funny thing here is that the existence of Mythic+ means disabling transmog would result in most people who do anything at endgame looking worse than whatever clownery you’re seeing.

Played in 2008, playing sod right now and classic and peoples look is fine.

Again im just asking to turn off all transmog just for me or others that might want the setting, it wont effect you

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the og clown outfit lol