Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

Man, if somebody has been working on their transmog for two entire weeks, I think they deserve to put it on display.


When OP has ACTIVELY ADMITTED his issue is he doesn’t want to see pink, no I won’t entertain his idea.

People like him are why it’s 19 years into the game and we’re getting the first actual pink armor set. Not some shade of purple.

They dictated what we had for 19 years. I don’t care if I won’t know he has it on. I won’t entertain his idea that comes from bad places.


Does OP know his transmog is technically pink too?

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Shhh, they must never know. They aren’t ready for that conversation yet. They still haven’t grasped basic colors yet…you think they’re ready for Shades?

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I’d consider a hide-other transmog option. So everyone else looks like a mismatched clown and I get to throw off big main character vibes looking like a draenei conan the barbarian.

Might be fun for a day or two.

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No. Because this already exists, and makes the world look amazing:


Ah yes let’s go back to the day everyone couldnt change their looks and had all mismatched armor pieces in every slot! Much more immersive, yes.

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Zoom out your camera till the max, and you wont see anyones mog.

No. And NO it wouldnt make things look better. You clearly must not have played before the days of Tmogs when everyone looked like they grabbed all their armor from a goodwill store.


Happy opposite day everyone!

Is it that day already? Looks at watch My how time flies.

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A beautiful king

A subjective opinion at best…
Use x-ray goggles. Everyone will be naked.

You’re tracking mud EVERYWHERE!

:bat: :newspaper:


If the OP is requesting a personal game setting to be able to not see transmog for THEMSELVES ONLY, that shouldn’t affect anyone else.


Then the answer is.

Or could just mog everything blank and mog his pants shorts.

Vola, no transmog.

Dracthyr and Mechagnomes are another option.

You’ll have to do what I’ve been doing most of my life. You’re going to just have to mentally turn it off.

That’s the only answer. I’m sorry to tell you that.

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no. if you don’t like my outfits, don’t look at me :man_shrugging:


Im playing classic sod right now and everybody looks fine, tbc sure the sets didnt match but dragonflight has fine sets

technically the sets from tbc DID MATCH it’s just that the gear people often got along the way from quests in different zones was mismatched and didnt have an overall theme.