Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

which armor would that be?

my mage needs something hefty to go with her Thunderfury

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I would totally put my Mages/Warlocks in a plate set for a good Battle mage look

its ok OP you’re allowed to like pink

That sure is an pretty blunt way to say you’re an entitled person that wants to force people to view you in a state they dont care to. By your logic anyone should be able to run around naked and be “forced” to view you in all your “beauty”.

If you want to look like a clown, go for it. Some folks would prefer to not have their immersion ruined by it.


bats newspaper

Filthy, filthy, FILTHY!!!



Again, I point to my post earlier in this thread. You talk about your immersion ruined, but what of the immersion of others? Does our immersion not matter when we are roleplaying and how our characters are supposed to be shown and represented?


I think we should take this no-trasnmog thing a step further: if, you turn off mog, force druids to appear in their racial forms instead of anything from Legion or DF. No more roid bear, no more sparkle kitty, no more firemoonkin! Those things are TRANSMOG!

I’m kidding btw, but OP might like the idea!

So much salty tears lately about pink being in the game, it’s quite entertaining. :popcorn:

While being a Dracthyr:

Corgi goggles
Giggle goggles
Murlok goggles

Dracthyr can go full blown 0 mogs in dragon form, just avoid vintage form.


On the one hand, lmao. On the other, eh.


And I’ve, invented it, AND I’VE, PERFECTED IT!!

And don’t you, forget it.

As along it’s cilentside, that being the user’s side, sure, i don’t see the harm in that. :slight_smile:

Sadly we can’t have such an option because otherwise then these … totally rational and sane people… would be coming in like liquid and going “OOOOoooOOooooooooOH WHAT’S THE POIIIIIIIIIIIIINT???” As if optional options killed their dog, or stole their cake during a birthday party or something. Something something, they need to be victimized over something trivial, something something ,twitter. :roll_eyes:

Well the more likely reasons are technical, like i don’t think tmogs are built with the idea of just turning them off cilentside from the word go. So it’s not as simple as Blizzard going in, making a switch where all it does is switch a few variables on your screen to 0.

Then again, there’s a goggles toy that allows you to see people naked so… I’l let a dev explain it if they wanted to. :man_shrugging:

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I am not even against the idea.

I just think the reasons given by OP are hilariously bad.


But still rather valid even if he was being rather insulting with it. Especially since some of us older players (well not me since i was a late cata baby, i meant the pre cata ones) do yearn the time before tmogs.

I love tmogs, but i can understand why people want an option like this to turn off tmogs on their screen. The more options the better.

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…I don’t see how this would affect you, esp considering if this option does exist, you wouldn’t even know if they turned it off to begin with…

In the same way you wouldn’t know that person is playing on the lowest graphics.


I mean specifically listing things like

“transmog makes RPing worse”

If he wants the option, I dont care. Just say you want it because you want it. But there is absolutely no way you will convince me that the mismatched armor is better for RP servers.


Maybe some, but I suspect just as many are glad we have transmog so we can have a way to not look like tricked out transformers with the size of gear pieces having grown over time. Having a simple look as an option is why I use transmog.

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Okay, that one is just plain bad. Subjective, but bad.

But as bad his reasons are for why this idea needs to exist…

… the opposition’s reasons are worse.

I’m talking about the whole “We spent time putting together outfits we like and want to share with others and not want to be seen unmogged”. It gets even worse when it’s followed up by thinking OP is trying to control how everybody view somebody else… while not understanding the irony of that statement that their doing exactly what their claiming OP to do, when this idea OP suggested would be cilent side only anyways…


They don’t want anyone else getting their lucky charms?

Also, kinda sad Classic isn’t still in BC, which would have made OP’s comment about clown suits even better.

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And I get that. Which is why I am saying I am not even against the idea of it. I just wish he woulda been like “I want this because I want it” and left it at that.

I dont even think the reasoning needs justification.


Agreed. :+1:


confused lizard experiment noises