Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

they’re not Fortnite skins. Colorful skins in online games have been around wayyyyyyyyyyy longer than the game made for middle schoolers. You think we would look better but fact is, most of us are not wearing complete sets, so everyone would look more absurd than they do now. Think of a decked out Vanilla tank, that’s what we’d all look like.


In vanilla I can tell the difference between a tank, a dps, and a pvp warrior instantly.
If they could xmog their gear it would be near impossible until I started to hit them.

I don’t care about ‘people looking good or bad’. 1) I think vanilla characters look awesome at all parts of the game and 2) if people look so bad than blizzard should make better looking gear in retail lol.

I only care about good gameplay and pvp and xmog is the antithesis of good pvp in any game which gear gives stats.

This I am fine with. As Long as there is a buff/debuff that shows me who is using this setting I am okay with it.

I am fine with this just show other players who is using it so they can get jumped in pvp

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Pretty much. And I agree you should be able to turn off mogs.

But I have a better idea for BGs. If you turn off mogs, then in BGs, you see everyone in the same generic armour set. (And it’s not the Sailor Moon set, lol.) That way you’re still not forced to see the silly mogs, but there’s no advantage whatsoever to turning mogs off for PvP.

Why reduce the pvp skillcap?

The point is that good players learn to adjust their gameplay based on what enemies are wearing, this is a skill that is learned and can be improved.

Putting everyone in the same generic armor is the same issue as xmog xD


My fear is that PvPers feel like they need to turn off mogs, if this is added, for the advantage of being able to size someone up at a glance, by seeing their true gear.

To keep people who want to see mogs level with those who don’t, BGs would give everyone generic armour if you have mogs hidden.

Pvpers should turn off tmog, nobody can seriously pvp and have tmog on at the same time…

It is an anti-pvp feature. The fact that it cannot be disabled shows that pvp is not an important part of retail, which simply means that pvp players have left the game.

I am sure a lot of people on these forums rejoice in that, though they may never admit it.

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You would be surprised at how rewarding it is in classic when you finally finish your tier set off and get a nice wep.

Maybe those gnomes identify as 6ft tall?

That has less to with the ask and more to do with why/how they’re asking.

But then we get people on the forums crying about “NO CHANGES” so, lose lose.

Zohakuten already pointed out the incorrectness of the previous post but for this i have to point out I’ve said nothing about pvp servers so lumping me in with that doesn’t accomplish you anything.

People not liking others being jerks about their mog does not make them tyrants.

that applies in retail as well, the chase lives there too, it never left.

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This is why DF currently has some of the best pvp, it’s less about gear and more about skill and tactics, especially in Blitz which has scaling.

Oh, you’re one of those “only world pvp aka pillaging ang ganking is the only pvp” that ignores arenas and BGs.

you realize you’re demanding what you’re accusing others of right? To force them to look a certain way?

So you think the request is okay but you are making a judgement call that they are asking it for some nefarious reasons? Or are you claiming that they didn’t write the post in a way that is appropriate to you so it is okay to shut down their idea in rude ways?

I don’t really follow here… people want to turn off tmog because they want to see the gear people are wearing.

Nobody is being a jerk when they ask to turn off tmog, they are asking to play the game in a way they enjoy. It is about their relationship with the game, not about other people who may or may not have tmogs.

A client side tmog toggle doesn’t impact how other players look - they will still see their own tmogs…

It would only impact players who want to see the actual gear enemies are wearing.

Forcefully controlling what others see is very different than controlling what you see.

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You can also download and play a single player game, if you can’t deal with other people doing their own thing.

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You do know that during this patch you’d be seeing a load of “druidy tree-hugging” death knights, right? Nothing more immersive than a demonic warlock with leaves and tress all around his gear!


This isn’t one of them though, is it.

I’m not some inscrutable judgement entity, the posts are there for everyone to see.

looks at posts in thread


Impacting how others look is literally what you’re demanding though.

Again, you and your’s are the ones demanding that, people just using the transmog system for it’s intended purpose aren’t forcefully controlling anything.

What next? You’re gonna go after people in Mythic and Elite sets for forcefully controlling you seeing them in those?

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Only for the player that turns it off.

Everyone else will still see the tmog and probably have zero idea that anyone has it turned off. It isn’t their business how the player that turned it off wants to experience the game, why should they control their experience on their client?

People want to see the gear that people are wearing. That is the gear that is equipped on their character and giving them stats.

And a benign request for this would have been met with much less venom.

They’re “forcefully controlling” what you see though.

Here’s the thing, you’re not, have not, been arguing in good faith, for the simple fact that you jump straight to demonizing people who checks notes use the transmog system to transmog, like they’re some nefarious villain maliciously out to get you.

You made your boogeyman, now you have to live with the nightmares.