Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

-Asks for a setting that has no effect on people who choose not to use it
-This makes people very upset
Ah, the WoW forums.


Because it’s interfering with how people choose to be seen.

People are NOT their WoW characters.
If this is the “logic” being used to dismiss the ops simple ask them we should be vehemently against any type of ignore feature or speech filter in game, as, according to the naysayers, it takes away how you choose to be seen, right?

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You would have no idea if someone has the setting turned on or off.


And I suppose the Overturned Corgi Goggles don’t?


Thought policing and controlling perception isn’t Orwellian? That’s one of the central themes of the novel. That’s gonna be a yikes from me, fam.


That’s a lot of malice to ascribe to people.

You’d be surprised how many people refuse to play any version of Classic due to no way to Mog.

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I want a toy that makes all characters 6 foot tall. It annoys me to see gnomes and the like hiding in the shrubberies. Its my right to normalize heights.

for a short period of time with a long cool down.

Fun fact. Those toys only work on same faction characters. Opposite faction character are immune.


people modifying graphics client side to get an advantage in game were a thing. Thats why they were banned.

I don’t notice people’s mogs anyway, zoomed out zoomed out zoomed out.
I also don’t even notice their mounts or other “cool” stuff, more important things to do.
Choosing to have an option client side harms nobody as it isn’t any different.
Would you force their eyes to remain open so you could be seen?
Some of the people in this thread remind me of the scene in Clockwork Orange where Alex is forced to watch rehab videos.


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Just do it like toys do now, and just have a buff to say you are not using transmog

You know what, I’ll support this feature on the sole condition that people who turn it on cannot interact with people who have it off.

If you are so annoyed with how I choose to look then I don’t want to play with you anyways. If you can’t deal with my mog then you don’t get the privilege of my company. You don’t get to pick and choose every aspect of our interactions. Take it or leave it.


What about if i have a toy that changes your look right now ? You sound offended by such a small thing like wanting to turn off transmog. We can already change your appearance on the client side so i dont see it being a big deal.

Also i dont mind, people dont even talk in retail in \s anymore so its not the end of the world. Just give people a debuff to say they have transmog turned off. Saying you wont talk to people who dont have transmog turned on is like saying i want to phased out of people who buy store mounts or use goggle toys to change my appearance on there client side. Its weird

They do. If you go bright blue or bright gold and orange in a BG, you very well might get offed faster. Now if you’re a tank, maybe you do that on purpose.

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I am simply describing, from an outsider perspective, what it looks like whenever someone proposes on these forums to add an xmog toggle and they get bullied and their idea shutdown without open discussion. (i.e. meme post with a scrubs ‘No’ meme gets 100s of votes).

That’s fine, I have my RP set in classic and I simply equip the gear. Most classic players also have no problem with a xmog that could be toggled.

The problem is when you destroy pvp by forcing other people to see mogs.
The problem is when you control how other people interact with the game.
The problem is when an entire forum community will attack good suggestions because they have already forced out anyone who disagrees with them.

Y’all aggressively shutting down people who want xmog toggle and pvp servers - does not make a better game - it makes a worse game that you are in control of and pushes away players that don’t fit you in-group.

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destroy pvp by forcing other people to see mogs. this is factually incorrect

The problem is when you control how other people interact with the game. this is also incorrect

The problem is when an entire forum community will attack good suggestions because they have already forced out anyone who disagrees with them. this is incorrect cause this suggestion was not good in any form


You cannot have serious pvp when enemies can hide their power level.

If gear gave no stats (like in dota) then sure, you can do cosmetic changes and it will be fine. But in WoW gear gives stats, and thus pvp players need to be able to see the gear of their enemies. Blind pvp is not fun and greatly cuts down skill cap.

But y’all removed pvp servers anyhow so I don’t think any serious pvper have been around in a long time.

This is exactly what no xmog toggle does. It forces other people to see fake gear on your toons instead of the actual armor they are wearing.

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