Let me turn transmog off - Settings request

Sadly thats just some of their tier stuff. It may not even be a mog.

There is a difference between ridicolous transmog that should have nver existed (yeti pjs and the latest animegirl suit) with wows humor. The fish weapons are more akin to wow than animegirl cosplay. I wouldnt be opposed to this tbh

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While I can see the reason why you might be annoyed it is ultimately how people want to present themselves. In the real world there is no off button for when people wear what to you might seem ugly or gaudy, Why should there be one ingame?


I mean, if someone’s mog is proving disruptive to you, then /ignoring them should allow you to fix it straight away since if you don’t like their aesthetic choices, you’re probably not going to get along with them anyway.

Put it as a toy on a vendor. Charge 5 million gold + 10k timewalking badges.

I bet they’d sell a lot of toys that showed everybody in their underwear.


That seems like a pretty sweeping judgement of both people involved in this scenario.

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Oh, don’t be catty. Similar toys barely cost anything.

100 gold for the regular version, 1k gold for the underwear version, along with a note telling you to go to Church.

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I know I’d be pretty infuriated if I learned that someone was disregarding my aesthetic preferences but still demanding to interact with me.

I think it’s fair to have the /ignore function also undo transmogs on that character/account.

But if this were integrated into the client by blizzard, no 3rd party program or mod would be required. Just a setting to always see the base appearance of the items everyone is wearing, not the ones that get overridden on to it.

I just want to point out that this thread popped up at the exact same time the ‘sailor moon at home’ outfits were added to the game via trading post.

This Thread:

  • Player 1: I’d like to control what I personally see through my game client.
  • Player 2: NO! You will see what I want you to see!

Some Other Thread:

  • Player 1: I’ll use whatever pronouns I think match the way you look.
  • Player 2: NO! You’ll use the pronouns for me that I want you to use!

It’s probably nothing.

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I mean yeah, my dog’s barking too, but I at least tried to engage the content as-presented.

Again, just expand the /ignore function to disable the target player’s transmog. There, ‘offensive’ mogs are gone.

I would guess it would depend if the Devs decided that it gave an unfair advantage to players using it. The same way they actioned players using the nude patch and other appearance mods that changed appearance files. Even though it was pvpers getting the advantage, they swept with a wide broom.

As someone who loves transmog and winces at the thought of you seeing me in gear that I vomit at the ugliness, of…

…Yes you should be able to do this. It’s your screen. If you don’t want to see it, you shouldn’t have to.

It should not apply in battlegrounds though. This would lead to PvPers feeling forced to turn off transmog, simply because seeing what gear someone actually has, can give you an advantage.

This is actually a very good point, but all it means is that if they add this, and most people have mogs disabled, I’m not going to be dropping 500g on just mogging my gear.

I still think they should be allowed to turn it off. It’s their screen.

But frankly if the only person guaranteed to see my mog is me, it should be free.

give me a option to turn everyone into Murlocks it will help my PC a lot.

How on earth would it be an unfair advantage? the setting would be to basically set the transmog system back to what we had in Wrath for people with it on.

I can use a toy right now to change what you look like on my client side.

Most people would have transmog turned on, so i dont see the big deal if some people wanna turn it off for a bit they cant see your mog. Its just a gameplay option for people who would rather not have everybody looking like the strongest thing alive, a big orc weilding 2 legendaries while having dragon wings l, a yeti mask and a salior moon skirt

Something you can flick on and off. I would turn it off and on that is for sure.


What’s wrong with getting fish slapped? Do you hate fun? :stuck_out_tongue: