Very simple actually, If the OP were to rp with someone and make a comment on what said person is wearing, but what they see and describe in their post does not match the person’s transmog then it can break down imersion in rp.
Because it is my character and it is something that I’m vested in, and that I pay for. You don’t, he doesn’t. BTW you’re #muted. tired of you and your crayon trolling.
Using that logic you could also argue pvpers have an incentive to transmog to look like a different class or minimize look to not stand out. Inb4 blizzard releases stealth,ghillie suit camo like in bdo.
I’m actually unclear on what that means but I assume its a pejorative. Muting me because you don’t like what I’m saying is a fine option, but doesn’t stop me from posting. Because you can choose to alter your perception of the forums without affecting my agency.
This would be akin to saying that unless everyone were forced into warmode then 2 players who want to do world pvp would be unable to do so because one of them might not be flagged. If people want to play together in a certain way it will be up to them.
That is the most disingenuous response I think you could have come up with. That is not at all what I said and that is not what was implied. I gave you a scenario where this setting could and would cause immersion problems with RP. Don’t cherry pick part of the post and then twist it to try and make the meaning something else.
they want to be able to pick out the clothies in pvp. Just like the people that modded the flags in WSG to be 30 foot tall to see them across the field. pick out the squishies is the aim.
It really is an apt comparison though, because what the OP asked for was a checkbox that turns transmog on and off. If two people are trying to RP together and that setting is affecting their experience they can simply turn it off. Its the same as two players wanting to do any other game activity but having a setting mismatched. They can simply match their settings to make their experience better.
I’ll say it should tie into the /ignore function. If you /ignore someone, you also don’t see their mog. That seems the most acceptable. Don’t like someone’s mog? /ignore them and poof.
Yeah, Options are only a good thing if the option potentially being added is one that poster specifically wants, otherwise you should just deal with it.
It doesn’t affect your gaming experience at all should someone be wearing Overturned Corgi Goggles or Giggle Goggles. There have been players in the game, standing near you at some point, wearing these. And you probably didn’t notice or care.
Okay there seems to be some kind of communication barrier here where you don’t seem to understand the point I was trying to make. So let’s just call the conversation here. I do hope you have a good night or morning.
What OP is asking for is a client side setting. So the settings on my client would have no bearing on anyone else in the game, just like how it doesn’t matter to anyone else what key I have bound to what action bar slot.
I do feel that this transmogging has gotten out of hand and the only reason I need to use that system is to maintain my shirtless kilt dwarf shaman appearance, otherwise I wouldn’t use it.