Let me transfer where I want to no PvE/PvP restrictions

You’re right it is pathetic that we can’t transfer :crazy_face:

KEKW entitled "but muh experience111!!! and RITE OF PASSAGE yada yada something something dark side

LOL. Exactly. I mean someone else already called this guy out earlier and he just says the same things on his alts. Again, no reason to have these restrictions in place.

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Nice transfer “discount” but still no PvE>PvP transfers. SMDH.

Did they offer a transfer discount with phase 2?

Yep 25% off but hell we can’t even get this stupid restriction LIFTED.

Not 2003 anymore Blizzard, wake UP.

Seriously. I don’t mind if they want to capitalize on transfers, but I have a big problem with this restriction, as do countless others reflected from the people posting on this post and my thread.

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How to get easy mode levelling on a PVP server:

  1. Roll on a dead or 100% faction imbalanced PVP realm.

  2. Boost to 58

  3. Level to 70

  4. Transfer to any PVP realm you want.

  5. ???

  6. Profit.

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Sure what about existing characters? No? Okay. Just buy a 58 boost… which completely makes “leveling” irrelevant. Let me transfer with NO restrictions Blizzard.

This isn’t about ez mode leveling. This is about transferring our already existing characters that we want to have on PvP servers. Some of these characters are 60 from Classic and we want to level them on a PvP server.

I’m saying the argument that PVE players are playing “on easy mode” than transferring to PVP is incorrect, because you can already do easy mode PVP levelling as described in my steps above.

I will take, “Obvious forums trolls” for $1000, Alex

The answer is:
“Relodis and Vegeta”

The question is:
“Who is really one person but continues to use two accounts to bump their own thread?”, Alex.


Well if it isn’t…LITTLERASCAL! Rascaling everyone! You remind me of Randal from that 90s cartoon “Recess”.

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I understand. Also, people just lvl up their alts on their PvP servers by simply buying mage boosts and instance spamming.

Who’s Alex? Anyway yeah same garbage with you different day.

Vegeta isn’t my character or account… keep dreaming mate.

LOL. WE’RE BEING ACCUSED OF DOING THIS?! AHAHAHAHHAHAH. We caught the guy on my thread I believe, remember?

Yeah it’s a bit ridiculous imagine being so madge over this topic :rofl:

I don’t play on PvE servers because I don’t get along with people who roll PvE servers - I’m not even that good at WPvP. And the entitlement in this thread shows I don’t want them transferring to PvP realms and bringing it all with them.

Entitlement? What’re you even saying lol.

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I don’t understand that either…