Let me transfer where I want to no PvE/PvP restrictions

I mean… depending on what PvP realm you’re already on, it already is “easy mode” leveling with such unbalanced factions.
Plus with boosting, you already bypass 57 levels of possible ganking, so wouldn’t that technically also be “easy mode” leveling?

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NO! reroll, carebears stay on carebear servers

Exactly. It’s easy mode leveling in general, regardless of where you are.

And to the lvl 16 gnome warlock, if you suggest that we reroll, then anyone who’d ever want to transfer from a PvP server to another PvP or PvE server should also reroll and transfers should be prohibited permanently in all ways. Yea…nobody wants that…so open it up for PvE to PvP.

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Nice non sequitur.

Add faction queues to each server and I’m down.

You want to solve server balance? This is how

This is about liberating restrictions imposed on those who have characters on PvE servers who want to transfer them to PvP servers to play with their friends and be part of a PvP-centric community.

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Shouldn’t have chosen PvE server to begin with, why anyone would choose that is beyond me


Generally it’s because of family members or real-life friends playing there. People generally have no idea that the transfer to PvE is irreversible if they go there. The people who pick a PvE server from start are often the ones who actually want to just stay there. Rarely do you see someone who prefers a PvE server ever say they want to transfer to a PvP server. Everyone who’s appealing for change has played in a PvP server for majority of their WoW experience since the game came out.


So let’s get working on it Blizzard, just flick that switch.

How about allowing characters that started on PvP and went to PvE the ability to go back to a PvP server…

Exactly. It’s just a switch and it’s a win-win-win. Amazing how there’s been no response nor action despite how easily doable and beneficial this decision would be.

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I was in your boat, but if someone wants this they can just level on a 100% server and transfer. He’ll post to 58 worse.

Exactly so it’s pointless to argue the “oh no rite of passage leveling on a PvP server”

Let it go people stuck in 2007 and can’t get over the fact we have boosts now so just let us go wherever we want.

Free cash money Blizzard, let’s go.

While they can, someone who wants to transfer from a PvP server to another PvP or PvE server can just level too. It’s not about easy leveling on a 100% server and transferring. This is about just letting people transfer their characters so they can play them with their friends where they want to. There’s literally no good reason to keep this restriction up. It costs Blizzard a percentage of potential transfers and keeps players unhappy.

How many people will transfer from PvE to PvP though? Seems like more people are fleeing PvP servers than the other way around. Most of them I reckon are happy on PvE servers where they don’t get ganked. That’s not me (I like the rush of world pvp), but to each their own.

Nonetheless I’d support this if it means new fresh blood to pvp servers, particularly the smaller ones. The restriction is kinda nonsensical too, esp. now with the boost.

With people fleeing PvP servers, this would be even more beneficial to a server population for those with mostly PvP experience that have their characters stuck on PvE servers. But just like those who have characters on a PvP server want to transfer to a PvE server to avoid the experience of getting ganked, people on PvE servers deserve the right to transfer to a PvP server too. It’s simply completely unfair if this isn’t the case.

You can transfer to Mankrik PVE server and raid with us. We have spots open for 2 shaman and 1 healer and any skilled dps will be highly considered.

Contact on discord: Biodash#5840

I mean sure? Probably not the best place to try and recruit though haha…

I have Alliance on Pagle and Horde on Mankrik and I’m an Oceanic player, the only option for us is Remulos and that server… there’s something not right in the water there.

My main characters are on our most populated PvP server so hey it would be nice to consolidate my characters…

Even just 1 character allowance, I want to rescue a toon from Mankrik and bring it back home to Oceanic. I’d be totally okay with this if it had the same limitations as the boost does.

Totally 1994 thinking Blizzard, get with the times if you’re going for this whole woke culture thing (btw I think it’s silly the woke culture thing but ok)

Yup. More noise until Blizz does something about it.

Little pansy snowflake wants to safely level on a pve server then transfer to a pvp when 70 and bis? Hell no! That is just pathetic! Level up on a pvp server like the rest of us! :rofl:


It’s Littlerascal again! So predictable with your exactly same messaging.