"8% of Dawnlight’s damage and healing radiates to nearby allies or enemies, reduced beyond 5 targets" → As we all know, Dawnlight healing is NOT being reduced in Raid enviroments.
This bug has been known since beta, can we get it fixed before doing yet another tunig pass on Holy paladin?
We lost Glimmer, Daybreak, Beacons were nerfed, Tyr’s was effectively erased from existence by flat nerfs, to get our WoGs and Holy Shocks back up. Since then, our core kit has received the following nerfs:
29 % reduced healing to Holy Shock. Nerfing Holy shock of course directly nerfs DT as well signifcantly.
21% reduced healing to WoG/ET/LoD (counting Strenght of conviction nerf)
Overall nerf (already baked in values above) of 11%.
Holy power Generation reduced in 33% in CS (Holy infusion removal)
Hpal doesn’t have a way in its current design to properly balance between Raid and M+, and these nerfs are mostly Raid based. Nerfing our core kit just makes the spec feel worse to play everytime. We know were this has led in the past (S3/S4 of DF).
Not only this, but Lightsmith, even with buffs, is not close to competing with Herald in neither M+ nor Raid of course, seeing just a 2% of representation and with core design issues/ feeling unfun/clunky to play.
Can we get Herald specifically fixed in Raid/hero talents before doing yet another core kit healing nerf that wont be reverted for 10 months again?
What on Earth is your point? They’re referring to the 10% nerf Strength of Conviction received in TWW.
This 5% nerf is insane, hpal in keys is already completely dependent on virtue windows and even during those it’s basically impossible to top the group without wings or dtoll, even with proper holy power pooling. I can’t believe they’re doing this instead of fixing the bug. Guess it’s just going to be the same as s3/4 Dragonflight for us with basically no representation in m+. Any situation where the group is taking damage outside of virtue we’re nearly helpless to do anything about it unless it’s all on one person. All we can do is call for help if we don’t have wings.
This also means we can pretty much never send wings for damage on any pack/boss where the group will be taking heavy damage (so 90% of the time in keys). I love having my best healing cooldown also being my best damage cooldown. Would love to send wings to do damage when we spear the third boss of Necrotic Wake but I can’t because I need to save it to heal the Abom damage later on. Meanwhile rsham can just passively out dps a holy paladin with Acid Rain while doing twice as much hps that isn’t only effective for 8 seconds every 15.
If you want us to be spot healers our heals need to top one person quickly. It was looking good on the beta but now it’s just becoming an abomination again that has no clear strength and will just be struggling to survive until the next virtue window.
I wss talking about the net nerf that happened a few weeks/months ago to Strength of Conviction (10%) and then 1 week later spenders were nerfed for another 5%. Anniversary changes are other thing.
You are right though, only WoG was nerfed by 15%, BUT now we are getting 11% nerf that we have gotten last couple of weeks.
Now we are getting closer and closer to DF S3/S4 Hpal where our direct heals are no longer meaningful, however this time, we have half of our abilities.
We want the bug fixed so that they stop nerfing our global healing. Hpal is overperforming in raid when everyone is stacked because of a bug, not because of tuning. Instead of fixing this they’re just nerfing our healing, which is not overperforming at all in all other aspects of the game (it will be pretty awful in m+ after this).
They apparently don’t, if their solution to a bug that is propping up our healing incorrectly is to keep the bug that is propping up our healing incorrectly, and nerfing all our other healing to compensate.
Which means if they do end up fixing the bug, we’ll just be that much weaker.
I’ve mentioned before, I’m trying to be optimistic but I’m not really feeling the desire to reroll again to have fun so I may just not play if this continues.
We got our whole class reworked and finally felt good outside of CDS, due to Herald hard carrying the spec and doing STUPID amounts of passive healing, we are getting our active healer abilities nerfed.
The disparity between Herald and LS is insane. Instead of nerfing/fixing herald, they are nerfing everything.
We got from a Holy Shock in DF doing about 2-3% of someone Health Pool, to a holy shock doing 8% in beta, to around 5-6% now, and probably closer % with this coming week.
Our spot healing is getting severily weakened by each passing week, which makes the second rework feel bad to play, just like the first from DF.
Considering for how long the bug has been known about, and talked about. I wonder if something is preventing them from fixing it. Maybe they outright can’t fix it for one reason or the other.
But that would probably warrant a complete removal of the AoE portion of Dawnlight. And other parts tuned up to compensate.
I honestly would love that Dawnlight would then be reworked, or just hard capped in raid, and some of the hero talents in Herald/passive healing get nerfed again, then Holy Shock and WoG tuned back up, with LS abilities being reworked/taken off GCD to make it a decent alternative for 5 man environment, since its just not tailored for raid since its conception.
This is seriously hurting how the spec feels to play in the long run and we know how long it took them to backtrack last time.
I was watching a AutomticJak video and he suspects they are -attempting- to make LS the primary Five man spec, but since they really havent done anything at all to make it less janky to play or bring up its healing, its just seems like…they dont have a plan lol
Yeah, I have seen videos from Ellesmere, Jack, Dratnos, Yoda, ect, etc its so funny seein how everyone its absolutely confused about that particular nerf.
The buffs to Ls are also notably bad, because it doesnt fixes any of its gameplay related issues at all, its just buffs to its passive numbers. Again, bussive passive healing sources and nerfed active abilities/doing blanket nerfs it what left paladin in the dust during DF. I have PTSD at this point.
HPal in raids feels like i’m doing nothing until i need to our raid cd and then i bring myself back up to the same Hps as the other healers. I could stand around and watch a movie until that point and nothing would change.
That doesn’t feel good. That feels unimpactful. I want blizzard to answer why everything but the one overtuned ability is being nerfed
You are jumbling. It seems like you’re defending the nerf, but trying to find a reason, there’s no reason. They need to fix the move or revert a change. They need to stop nerfing and rework the spec for the current numbers that are presented.
The nerfs never should have happened. Ever. End of discussion.
I am not defending anything this time around. You are right on this one and it was a unwarranted nerf. Just pointing out once they fix the bug, we will lose another 5-7% in raids.
Well, Idk if you were around for S2-S4, but they also didnt want you to play hpal back then either.