Let me know when sharding is gone.

11/12/2018 07:50 AMPosted by Brockthorn
You think I'm going to shell out $15 to get that experience all over again ?
No. I'll wait 2-3 weeks. By then it will be evident if sharding goes beyond the 1-10 zones.

I'm with this. When I quit Legion, I had realized that I'd never pre-buy an expansion ever again. That has turned out to be an amazingly good decision.

I decided I wouldn't be adding game time unless there was actually something of enough value to make me want to play for a month. (LOL, the token price has actually dropped enough I have the gold to buy time without spending cash, but heck to the no, I'm not playing a game to earn more gold so I can do that again - and giving Blizzard more money for something worth less.)

As for WOW: Classic, the demo was amazing ... and yet worrisome. Sharding in any form, no thanks. My preference is no sharding, no dynamic respawns, an AUTHENTIC launch experience -- OR my authentic vanilla experience which was rolling on established servers because I joined the day Naxx released. I can get that experience by not playing until I know they actually got WOW: Classic right, or pass on the experience entirely and feel glad I didn't waste a dime if they don't.
11/12/2018 10:50 AMPosted by Natiari
They didn't. Their launches were terrible. Unplayable and progression at a standstill...
I've been there for several and it was great.
11/12/2018 10:46 AMPosted by Banja
They had sharing in the TBC launch for the primary zones and it worked FLAWLESSLY.
I'll probably play from the start (since both sharding and waiting both ruin the intial server feel), but if sharding is still present by the time the bill comes for the second month, then I'll quit and wait until it's removed. If they can't keep even that promise, then there is no hope for classic.
I'll probably wait about a week for the day one people to get well beyond the starter zones, then see what the word is.

If sharding is discovered anywhere else, Classic is DOA to me.