Let me get this straight

Yeah it’s absurd. Not to mention they’re introducing new, ridiculous trinkets next patch too, which are also RNG. WoD’s gearing system was more than fine, now they’ve just infuriated what little of the PvP playerbase is left.

They have to see how vendors play out in PvE first guys, even though we’ve had them for y’know, 10 years. Nbd.


My friends list was full of returning vanilla-cata players and they all left with in weeks after realising this.

Blizz pushes too hard and now a game that sold 3+ mil copies now has 1mil+ subs.

People came back, people left because they rather push than make the game right.


-Vouch @OP


That is what I loved about the WoD and MoP PvP vendors. I get bored with classes fairly quick, so that catch up mechanic allowed me to have 5 different classes to pvp with. This most definitely increased my play time because in both legion and BFA I unsubbed after the first couple months because I got bored with my main and didn’t want to spend the time to gear an alt, whereas before in MoP and WoD I would just switch to alts to play the game fresh again and gear in 1 day or a week depending on the time I had each day.


I had more fun in Legion.

Azerite gear, fewer PvP talents, and worse PvP balance have made the game less enjoyable for me.


blizzard devs are garbage at their jobs, more news at 11

honestly, idk any work environment where you can perform so poorly over so many years and still have a job


Scroll down to I have a question about itemization.

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Just do some PVE then and stop crying. Christ almighty you kids are ridiculous.

Yea, cause people who wanna PVP and not PVE should totally be forced to waste time doing PVE to get gear to use in PVP. Makes a lot of sense buddy.


Yeah… They’ll never admit they’re wrong. It’s why we got selfie patch in WoD


If something makes your character viable then it isn’t a waste of time. Hence why I have this badass Seabreeze with a socket even though I wanted to rip out the throats of my teammates (who traded it to me in the end) during this run.

Big facts.

Hot garbage RNG.
Hot garbage BFA
Its Hot garbage to force PVE down PVP peoples throats. It should be a choice.


I will copy paste what you are referring too.

I have a question about itemization. Regarding BFA, I have some doubts about PvP itemization. It’s kinda hard to gear up when you’re just doing Arenas, to get upgrades or even Azerite pieces. We keep getting the same item level pieces for weeks on end, and so we cannot progress. I’d like to know if there are any plans regarding PvP item levels or even clarifications on how PvP templates and item levels work.

Paul Watkins: We recognize that is something that players are definitely asking for. There are a couple of different systemic improvements that we are implementing in Tides of Vengeance to help you shoot for better pieces of Azerite on the PvE side, and that means you can make constant progress towards getting better pieces of gear, giving you the opportunity of shooting for very high item levels. We don’t have any definite plans to announce on the subject on the PvP side. We want to see first how the improvements for gearing on PvE will ultimately play out before trying anything on the PvP side of things.

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What if we just sorta met in the middle. Have pvp vendors but little to no catch up mechanics

It’s just beyond painful to go from wondering how bad the stuff they are going to add will be… to wondering which perfectly fine stuff they will remove just to be money hungry asholes.

We had the perfect gearing system in WoD with vendors. The pvp gear scaled up to a higher-than-pve level only while in combat with another player. If anything, I can understand tinkering with that near perfect system. Not gutting it in favor of a RNG system that the pvp community rejected at the beginning of legion.

Only major flaw I saw with WoD gearing was being forced to farm accolade trinkets if it was BiS for your spec since it only dropped from Ashran and couldn’t be purchased from vendor.

I hope someone at blizzard at least feels bad for what’s happened to the pvp side of this game.


Or “new players wouldn’t be able to find the vendor” flat out lying like we’re idiots.


We shouldn’t have to pve for pvp, this has never changed. You’re being a little ridic.


Its all about representation. They can twist the facts with the time gated numbers and make it look like wow is doing good.


You know what else isn’t exciting that Blizzard fails to realize? Having to go through hours of grinding catchup conquest for a piece of gear you want because you happened to fall behind.

It’s a joke. The game would be so much better if they gave PVP and PVE a proper vendor (the Mythic+ one is a joke too and raids has nothing).