Let me get this straight

your expectations are why you’re sad. Believe me when I say they’re more than covered for this kinda thing and you more than agreed to it.

there never will be either.

still covered

you dont have to do anything.

Lol no. Sheep following the herd and being scared of PVP are what cause overcrowding.

negative confirmation bias is pretty funny. Yeah blizz aren’t exactly great but they’re not some demonic entity tricking you out of money . Its all up to you.

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Technically you payed for retail wow access, classic is just extra products for retail wow.

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Nice one, you sure got him with that technicality.

Everyone knows that the secret to business is to completely ignore where your revenue come from.

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They effed up. Now they’re trying to fix it.

Which explains Blizzard’s decisions in WoD perfectly.

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The story of blizzard’s recent history.


Look, I get why you’re upset. They messed up. But there comes a point where what you want bumps up against reality. The reality is that they’re trying to phase out mega servers. They’re doing that because the servers are at capacity. If the solution was something that could be done quickly (and cheaply), they’d probably do it. Since they’re not, I’m assuming that it would either take a lot of time to do, in which case the problem would solve itself by attrition eventually, or it would take a lot of money to do, in which case you’re better off letting some subs go.

Why not just get with your friends on discord and coordinate a realm to transfer to?

I’d take the free transfer then transfer back if the realm you move to sucks. It won’t cost anything now and then you get to play. I’ve been running a ton of PuGs because it’s the start and many guild members are still leveling.

Yes it will COST money to transfer back… But this is the best path available not the cheapest. The cheapest is stay put and do nothing…

It doesn’t matter if there’s an easy solution, hard solution, or just no solution for the foreseeable future. The reality is that by expecting players to transfer to other (new) servers, they’re contradicting their own design pillars.

Taking into consideration the amount of players in queues - I’ve seen queues reach 15,000 - for two servers at 15,000 each, that would be 30,000 players unsubscribing.

Of course, 30,000 x $15 = $450,000 in monthly revenue lost.

Now, I can’t compare 30,000 to total players since no one knows that number, but a company won’t throw $450,000 away, saying they’re better off that way.

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The sub pays for access to game servers. The fact that there is a queue means you are getting what you payed for (otherwise it would be telling you it can’t connect to the login server), there just happens to be too many people in front of you that want access to the same server

The bigger issue is that there are no other options for RPPVP servers besides Grobbulus

And what if the fix to the issue would cost a million dollars? Lets be honest, Wrath will most likely be just like Classic was, and just like TBC was. There will be a lot of people who come, try it out for a month or two, then realize they either don’t have the time for it, or aren’t enjoying it for whatever reason. Either way, the problem will fix itself eventually. There’s no way they’re going to spend more than they make to fix it.

Bloom might be a jerk about it, but he’s not wrong. Your choices are to either wait in the queue, take the transfer, or quit. That said, I do think they should sweeten the transfer option by offering another free transfer after a certain amount of time.

Actually, the overcrowding comes from people wanting to play on single faction pvp mega servers. Unless you created your character at Classics launch on that server, you should have done a little research. Had you looked up server pops and if you had any prior ecperience with WoW, you would have known that mega servers have queues following the release of new content. Been that way since 04. As a matter of fact, at the original Wraths launch it was so nad they allowed free transfers from most realms to new realms even though we had almost 100 servers. Crazy stuff.

I don’t think anyone’s debating this… What I said was that Blizzard expecting players to transfer (which they have explicitly said) contradicts their design pillars, which is a fact.

Let’s say I created a character two months in - there is no way for that duration to predict what the server would be like in three years.

Yes, it is a fact. It’s also a fact that what they want is bumping up against the reality of the situation. When your personal desires impact reality, reality always wins. That’s all I’m saying.

With the pillars, they’re saying “this is what we want”
With the server issue, they’re saying “this is what the reality is”.

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did the server not say (full) when you created the character there?

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This is more a matter of opinion, rather than fact.

If we looked at Benediction, the reality is that Blizzard can release a new realm, connected to Benediction (Benediction #2, if you will) where players can transfer to #2, while still being able to play with players on #1.

Once the queues die down (Optimistic that they’ll completely die out) eventually, they can remove the second realm, and merge the players back again.

The reality is that Blizzard DOES have a few options here.

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no, it did not. some of us have been there since day 1.


Move to another server with your guild

There was a giant blue post about servers and congestion warning players of queues and that you either would have to sit in a queue or take the free transfer because there isn’t anything they can do about it. You were warned a month in advance.

imagine shilling for a billion dollar company. lol

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