Let me get this straight. Locks get new races and Evoker a new spec but DH

So Blizzard gives even more races to Locks, a 3rd spec to a newborn class. Yet Dh’s are stuck with ONE dps spec ( viable for PVP ) and ONE race per Faction

just give us Ranged DPS and access to Orc’s


Lowkey demon hunters need a healing spec.

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Worse still, Blizzard hasn’t added dwarf druids or human shamans.


Because Illidari lore wise are elves; makes literally no sense.

Should’ve been a thing about 10 years ago, there’s nothing that would bar a night elf from being a warlock.

DH was just a gimmick to get people to play wow in Legion after the exodus in WoD. There’s no reason for there to be another spec for DH because that’s how barebones the class is, they never planned on making the class any better than what it already is.

I agree. Delete DHs and right the wrong.


I mean have you played devo? We are like 6 buttons; we are the Sega Genesis of specs. At least you guys are like the Super Nintendo of specs.

It’s been pretty clear since day one that a 3rd spec was coming - even a few of our current spells didn’t quite make enough sense on their own.

This is a really dumb train of thought.


No its not; did you not see the marketing for Legion? The blizzard employees wearing tshirts with the Illiari tattoos. The heavy push for Illidan to be a major role in the expansion. and yet they havent been touched in a major way since 7.0. The biggest change to them was Shadowland’s covenant abilities.

Demon Hunter was a gimmick and will likely never change. If they werent a gimmick then tell me why the only other thing from Legion that is still moderately relevant being World Quests?

Get ready for Tauren warlocks all over the place!! I know I am!

I find it hilarious that Augmentation seems like a more “complete” spec than Devastation. Throw the latter some keybinds / utility, guys.


I bet if you took all of the Aug talents and divvied them up, Pres and Devo would feel sooooo nice

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Do you want Blizzard to move the demo spec to DH?

Blizzard might as well since they took Metamorphosis away from demo and then built the DH class around that ability.

DHs with metamorphesis as a concept existed far before warlocks with metamorphesis did. Stop parroting reddit.


spot on

DH is a perfect example of how bad legion was

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would a healer spec be viable? It would need some form of Stun get out of jail card,
Maybe add blur with each heal tick?

I feel ranged would fit into the lore already

Well, warlocks with Metamorphosis existed in-game before DHs.

I was just suggesting if you want a ranged DH spec, it could be the demo spec. As a bonus, they’d get Metamorphosis again.


Sorry, don’t go there much.

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Dhs with meta and immolate was a thing in warcraft over 20 years ago. But i agree dhs dont need a ranged spec. Would be really stupid


Idk DH seems more fleshed out than fury. Definitely has more going on than fury did in say SL. Ele in SL was gimmicky, so was MM.

A class being simplistic though isn’t a gimmick…

Idk why ppl think a ranged DH spec would be stupid. Specs are so variably different. Enh is mothing like ele, ret nothing like holy, demo nothing like destro. Y’all just purple class bad.