Let Blizzard release BC and WOTLK

Try like 2+ years.

I would love to see TBC and WOTLK, but only if they leave vanilla alone. Those are the only three legacy expansions we need. I feel like any Cata+ fans would be satisfied by the current version of the game.


No thanks. BC was already a step in the wrong direction.


What about it makes you feel that way?

I didn’t like faction crossover with Blood Elves able to be paladins and Draenei shamans. It took away the faction identity.

Outland, being a whole other continent, further divided the community play space. You see less players in Azeroth and more in Outland—not to mention the horribly designed aesthetics of Outland.

Flying. That’s all I’ll say about that.

Arenas were a motivator is class homogenization.

I do think, though, that classes were better tuned. The meme specs were more viable.

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I have no interest in TBC or Wrath.

I’d be very disappointed if they released these additional legacy servers too soon and fragment the Classic playerbase.

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I’m actually very excited at BC being possible but I agree with this.

We need I’d say at least a year after Nax is out.

adding TBC or WoTLK servers doesnt mean replacing the Classic servers… they should remain indepedent of each other


Sacrifices must be made. Bring on BC/WOTLK

vanilla can get a couple years out of it at least, but BC would be nice as that was my favorite xpac of the series and i started on vanilla release

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My two copper:

The original WoW was WoW. But it stopped there. BC took us to another planet…or something. I could never figure out what was going on. There were a few moments of Warcraft in it, a few zones. But, in all, it felt totally different, which I guess is what an expansion should be.

Wrath brought it home, a little. It gave us the most choices, and fine-tuning of any period in WoW. We saw the last of the growing talent trees; Inscription was meaningful; we had pet talents!

But it was the last of the old, and was, therefore, already becoming the new world: gasoline for Deathwing.

I’d rather keep it simple. I want a game where my character doesn’t lose my favorite abilities overnight. I don’t want endgame to be so hopelessly far away, even if I do just level alts. I don’t want some cheesy, knockoff red orcs, or space goats, or Darth Vader with a long sword.

Let Classic live. Let us see if it will grow old. Many assume it will, because they’re used to the new drug Blizzard gives them every year or two. Let Classic live. I’m betting it will survive, and thrive, if you let it. The original vision was grand; all the others are simply greed.

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Good news, classic will always be there, even if BC and WOTLK servers are released.


I’d say keep Cataclysm, but actually improve it by including all the things that were cut from the expansion.

  1. Path of the Titans Progression System.
  2. The Abyssal Maw and Skywall Raid and Grim Batol as a Raid.
  3. War of the Ancients as the Final Raid.
  4. Gilneas City itself as a Battleground.
  5. Missing Story Content and Quests like Deathwing in Human form and the Stormwind quest with Anduin and Varian finding out about Benedictus and N’zoth’s presence in the story.
  6. The original story quest of Uldum. It wasn’t meant to be a parody of Indiana Jones.
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I will admit, I was kind of on the fence about bringing Paladins to Horde and Shaman to Alliance. I didn’t like it at first at all but then I didn’t really mind.

Reason… and I know this is going to sound bad, but it was very true. Horde were showing Alliance how to play Paladins. It was sad, funny and awkward all at the same time.

I didn’t mind the aesthetics of Outland. I wasn’t a huge fan of Blade’s Edge (I don’t know many who were?), Terokkar Forest was o…k… but the other areas were gorgeous. Netherstorm was a love or hate place. I loved it because of how unique it was. I do understand the whole “nobody in Azeroth anymore.” You’re not wrong there. That part kinda sucked however, in TBC, the Headless Horseman was introduced and I looked forward to the yearly ritual of world PVP going on at SM.

Flying, on the fence too. It did lessen the % of world PVP that happened but at the same time, it made those SM raids mentioned more exciting.

Arenas, you can have them. All that did was encourage people playing FOTM classes or specs to get free titles and pretend that meant they were good at PVP. I lost count of how many Warrior/Paladin, Warrior/Druid combos were given Gladiator titles. Even a guy in my guild and a non-guild buddy got Gladiator… and he wasn’t even good at PVP. It was a running guild joke for quite a while.

Yes, the meme specs were tuned. Some even overtuned. Remember Rets being “lolRet” to “yikes!” once 2.0 came out? I remember Paladins running around owning people within the 6 second stun of HoJ.

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This isn’t confirmed though. Blizzard hasn’t specified if BC would be forced on top of classic servers or if it would a separate server.

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I would think its common sense what is going to happen.

While at the same time, they could improve Wrath of the Lich King by restoring cut content like Azjol’Nerub as a whole Zone.

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And yet they destroyed classic once already so who knows?

They didnt recreate classic to go in the same path it went before. Hence common sense.

Look I’m all onboard the common sense train but let’s not pretend everything blizzard has done in recent years has made sense.