Let Anduin be homosexual

If it’s just about Anduin and Wrathion smut why does it have to be canon? Just enjoy the fantasy. I don’t have a problem with people shipping Anduin and Wrathion as part of their own fantasy if it’s something that brings them joy.

I just think making Anduin gay because he seems to fit certain archetypes for it is a bit dumb and in terms of representation would rather see Grak’thul and Torgek the gay orc couple who live just down the road from Razor Hill, living their life out peacefully. Or Thanis and Burgreon Stoneshield living out in Dun Morogh, enjoying their ale by the fireplace.

And you know, no one ever talks about gnomes in terms of love, let alone representation. How about some gay gnomes too?

I don’t have a problem with any of these things. Go for it. Make more gay characters. But don’t do it to score points. Do it to make characters that are gay.

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Well, there is that one Gnome at Brewfest who’ll flirt with you regardless of your gender.
She always makes me feel happy.

She wears glasses that make everyone look like a male gnome. She isn’t bi. However, there are other npc’s who flirt with you regardless of gender, like Helga Bonehewer, Drek’thar, Avrilla, Shademaster Kiryn, Estelle Gendry, and a couple of others.

I know they make everyone look like a Gnome, but what says it only makes them look male?

You can buy the glasses yourself, and see, unless you assume the ones she is wearing are different.

ah. Been a long time since I’ve wore them and never noticed everyone was male.

That reason is the same reason that Supernatural’s biggest fan pairing is the brothers. Because slash shippers are beyond cringe and think any friendship between guys automatically means they are doing it.

Meanwhile we have multiple instances of Anduin being attracted to women in the books and Taelia in game likely being setup as a long term relationship.

Also Anduin and Wrathion’s “relationship” would be a textbook unhealthy one. Wrathion lies to Anduin and releases one of his factions greatest enemies for “the greater good”.

Put simply there is a reason Anduin decks him and is extremely reluctant to trust him even when dealing with nzoth’s threat.


They are cringe, but Anduin is obviously wiith Wrathion, like c’mon people stop pretending like you don’t see it.

Let it die.

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If you see something, it does not mean that it is. Perhaps you just want to see it.

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Oh, this one is back. Yay.

And? There are plenty of ships that have a lot of fans but they were never made canonical.


Oh yeah can definitely see the love in where he decks him and blames him for his dad’s death /s

You make in sound like people have not been shipping anyone and everyone. Rule 34 exists for a reason.

The irony that you would use Taelia when Flynn could replace Anduin and the statement could still be true.

I have seen worse, there is a reason “enemies to lovers” is a know trope. Because there are plenty of them, some of them remain toxic, some of them actually grow/be better.


Taelia and Flynn always seemed very one sided Anduin and Taelia did not. Also seriously it’s not enemies to lovers it would be glorifying abusers just stop.

Wrathion did not “abuse” Anduin. At best he didn’t tell the truth and that he had other plans. I honestly doubt he knew Anduin’s dad would personally die due to his plans nor do I think he personally wanted anyone to get hurt, but like Illidan his goals were always more important than the possibility of other people getting trampled by his schemes.

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How does the Legion overrunning Azeroth and possibly winning help him or anyone else? Like Illidan, he’s not very smart at thinking things through

The problem is Certain Writers who have Word of God power do push the angle that “Wrathion abused Anduin”.

(And also mocked the hypothetic “ship” that this thread is a premise of, simultaneously)

WoW’s lore is essentially quickly approaching a JK Rowling situation lol

Wrathion betrayed Anduin(well everyone to be honest) by releasing Garrosh. He wanted an army to fight the Legion. That plan backfired spectacularly one can admit but there is a logic to it. He thought both Horde/Alliance wouldnt be able to stop the Legion so why not get a new Horde from an alternate timeline and use it to defeat the Legion.

It also might have actually saved all of as well. The whole speeding up the Legion ultimately allowed us to go Argus and stop the Legion before the corrupted the rest of the titans.

If we are talking about Anduin punching Wrathion I don’t think it was about abuse so much as 1) Old God manipulation 2) Anduin rightfully being angry at what Wrathion did that was partially responsible for the death of his dad.

No I’m talking about that Golden word of God insisted Wrathion abused Anduin and that Anduin being queer in any capacity is a “fantasy” (she was very disrespectful about it in 2018).