Let Anduin be homosexual

On one hand, I won’t mind seeing “non-traditionally masculine” gay men in the story. Can this be done without using cliche stereotypes? Probably, (though truth be told, they’re a guilty pleasure of mine as I actually enjoy those cliches. Reminds me of some great friends and stories from my life.)

But this shouldn’t be Anduin. On the same note that there should be more LTBGQ representation, there should also be more non-traditional HETEROSEXUAL characters as well. I like Anduin not being the “WRRAGGH! Me smash!” muscle idiot who uses their might to solve their problems.

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Not really, why do people always assume we think Anduin is gay because he’s not masculine?

Is it really not possible for people to like Anduin’s relationship with Wrathion and want Blizzard to go even further with that?


Because of the aforementioned lack of a call to make less conventionally attractive characters gay.

All im saying is there’s a reason (other than stereotyping) why Wranduin has tbe most fanbase among any pairing in the game, especially amongst LGBT players.

If you don’t like him being gay perhaps you are the problem all along, have you consider the possibility?

Except I’m the one saying, sure make more gay characters. But where’s the gay orcs and dwarves? The ones that aren’t just manmeat for yaoi fans.

Yeah, Wrathion and Anduin have all the makings of that kind of relationship!

The physical abuse, the manipulation, the questionable age difference. It seems pretty blatant to me!

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Why move the goalpost? The topic is about Anduin, and Wranduin does have alot of LGBT fans.

Stop running away, are you against Anduin being gay or not?

Because it’s relevant to the discussion. This isn’t about representation as much as people want it to be. It’s about pornography. Which, hey, is fine by me. But don’t frame it as being about representation when it isn’t.

Yes, I am against Anduin being gay. I’m not running away from you. I have nothing to run from.


It isn’t for you, stop trying to speak for everyone else that are for it.

The people who are for Anduin being in a relationship with Wrathion do so because they want to get off to two twunks with pretty boy faces. Not because they have an interesting relationship dynamic or that there has been any sort of chemistry between them at all.

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Stop speaking for everyone. Is this so hard for you?

You can’t even pretend this isn’t the case.

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Why would i? Everyone has their own reasoning behind supporting Wranduin, i will not speak for them or assume their intent because im not them.

You holding your opinion as the fact and that anyone that disagree with you isn’t telling the truth is just garbage mentality in general.

I’m sure everyone is very honest about their intentions for Anduin to be gay specifically for Wrathion. There’s a smaller community that used to ship him and Baine. But that ship sailed with Baine entering into a relationship with the Highmountain leader.

How about Anduin and Magni instead?

The truth is no one know if anyone is being honest in the first place, i could just say that you’re not being honest and is probably against Anduin being gay because you’re a homophobic as well.

Why? That would be out of nowhere and the literal definition of pandering, Anduin and Wrathion has been journeying together since MOP.

He’s mine. :angry:


This won’t work on me because I’m saying add in more gay characters. They already did that with Shaw and not!Jack Sparrow. But they’re still pretty boys despite being more traditionally masculine. Again. Where’s the call for more gay Orcs and Dwarves and Trolls? Just the pretty boy humans?

Because why not? He has about as much chemistry with Anduin as Wrathion does. And it’s still Anduin being gay. Yes, I’m being facetious in order to drive home the point that it’s not about Anduin being gay. It’s about Anduin being acceptably gay.

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Eh at least you admit that you’re not arguing in a good faith.
Bye then.

You don’t know what facetious means, do you?

And Xhisun is correct. The primary reason people want to see Wranduin is to see their Ship in game. IT has very little to do with actual representation.

You know that it can be both aren’t you?