Let Anduin be homosexual

Source? I did once ask her if Anduin could just end up bi and she replied to me “All Anduins are good Anduins”.

Tweets been deleted but just look up Golden Wrathion Anduin Homophobia or something to that affect on Twitter and you’ll find critiques on it

Don’t want to link tweets because the story forum is filled with weirdo fascists who like harassing LGBT and POC who play the game.

Right Wingers are weird like that.

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Ye. Mind if it had been my tweets I don’t mind, as I like existing as a trap for racists so I can expose later (recently did so with a story forum stalker), but the only people who have talked about it Aren’t Me so I feel bad sharing the tweets and risk exposing them to harassment.

Fair enough, and your super attractive, so I don’t get why you get crap hun.

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:pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face: thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Personally I never saw Anduin and Wrathion’s relationship as being a romantic one, and I don’t like the idea that two males can’t be emotionally close to one another without it being taken as a sign that they must be in a romantic relationship as a result.

In fact, “being emotionally vulnerable around other men is a statement of sexuality” is a hallmark of toxic masculinity.


That’s pretty much how every hero behaves in WoW.

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Are we arguing to make Anduin Homosexual or Bi-sexual? Because there is a difference.

Bisexual. Yes, I know there is a difference between the two, but homosexual the term can be used to refer to someone who isn’t straight(which encompasses bi/gay/lesbians).

The clear solution is to make Anduin Omnisexual.

Anduin (standing before a great crowd of many races from all of Azeroth and beyond): I love you. I love you all.

Crowd: Awwww…

Anduin (a weird gleam entering his eyes): …Carnally!..

Crowd: Uhhhhh…

Marcus gives thumbs-up.

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Anduin never had the makings of a varsity homosexual.

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His coach turned into a pumpkin.

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Why do you keep necroing threads?

Anduin X Wrathion is a lot more credible than Shaw X Flynn.

Anduin being tutored by Taelia’s father makes their relationship more like brother and sister than lovers.

Brother and sister? It seems a little far-fetched. With a very big stretch “friends”. More likely “superficial acquaintances”.

Wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened in fiction.

I mean you have Jak and Keira from Naughty Dogs Jak and Dexter series (Samos basically raises young Jak following Praxis’ coup. Even going back in time to raise him in secret. Keira is from the past and is Samos’ daugher). Adora and Catra from the Dreamworks She-ra series (both were raised by Shadow Weaver, although SW only really cared about Adora. She saw Catra as a pest that had to be tolerated for Adora’s sake). Strangely enough, I have only seen some people get upset with the latter pairing but not the former. Something to think about.