Let Anduin be homosexual

You called yourself a “non woke feminist” the other day in a reply to some other thread. Did you delete it? Anyway. You are just a troll, and I’m not going to feed you anymore.

Everyone knows what you are.


That says more about you than it says about me :slight_smile:

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I don’t blame anyone for wanting a gay Anduin, just be honest about -why- you want it.

You want femboy Anduin. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. Just say it, cowards.


I want gay Anduin to piss homophobes off


You wont piss them off. Homophobes already think he is gay.


I love gay Anduin

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It’s confusing, I know. Try really hard to understand that you are not always right, and others can think differently than how you think. Deep breaths!


“let” like “should” is a dangerous word


The idea that Anduin is homosexual because he’s not traditionally masculine is kind of screwed up, don’t you think? He’s a young, blond pretty boy who is empathetic and emotional. He must be gay.

How about Muradin is gay instead. How about some gay Orcs, and Dwarves, and Trolls if you really must have representation? How about a variety of characters instead of assuming the guy who is emotional and empathetic and traditionally attractive is gay?


I was shipping Kolthira and Thassarian long before Anduin/Wrathion. Suffice to say Blizzard dropped the ball on even an emotional reunion let alot any romantic one with the former.

As for the reason Anduin/Wrathion get shipped it is a Luca effect. They are one of the few male couples with a strong bond in the entire game.


I really wished they took the plunge with Koltira and Thassarian. That was a huge missed opportunity. I remember shipping them as far back as Cata. Thassarian does refer to saving Koltira as a “personal” matter, and he does thank the DK PC. I know it’s played up as “just friends” but I always felt like there could be something more.


Also glad this thread keeps popping up in my unread feed from time to time.:blush:

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Go push your crap somewhere else. Go make your own game that is full of you! Have fun.

The upside down, that no one can see. Look around your world, the plan you are programmed and indoctrinated into is completely upside down. A ‘h3ll’, a mafia. How can you not see it unless you want a world of death, murder, crime,… everything in reverse. ‘Childhoods End’. If this is what you want… then I dust my feet off, and move on.

Today’s to do list in the

:rainbow: gay agenda :rainbow:

is to make the homophobes cry.


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Undead Deathknights without real feelings who fall in love with each other?
As if the recent story wasn’t weird and confusing enough already. :laughing:

The problem is that they are undead or that they are death knights?

Both. “We ride forth” taught us that the perception of feelings is basically a mere memory for undead beings, not even close to the “living” experience.

Add to that that Death Knights were basically created to kill and slaughter like machines - they even need this to “survive” and sustain their undead existence - inventing a lovestory with two Deathknights would probably be… well, one step away from the “Goldshire experience”. If you know what I mean. :sweat_smile:

Think of it as a plot point to distract from the fact that Bolvar decided to make more homicidal maniacs. :sweat_smile:

Bolvar: “See!! They do have other feelings! They can love.”

/points at two awkward Kul Tiran Deathknight bears :bear: :rainbow_flag:

Deathknight #1: Did we really have to wear leather?
Deathknight #2: Shut up. He’s trying to make a point.