Let Anduin be homosexual

Lol, likely not.

I’m not alt-right and my statistics aren’t false, but other than that… Yeah, we are pretty much opposites. We can agree on that.

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The National Coalition of Domestic Violence says 1 in 3 women and 1 in 9 men (some report 1 in 4 men) experience domestic abuse. I’m not sure why you think that men experience more domestic abuse.
1 in 3 is less than 1 in 4. Women experience more domestic violence than men. These statistics change by country but I went with USA since you are American and would likley refer to American statistics. All countries report more domestic abuse is experienced by women. That’s not widely debated, it’s just a fact.

Let’s just stop derailing this thread and get back to the subject at hand.

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I wonder why Renautus always attempts to bring up Politics and what not and also makes multiple attempts at derailing threads, constantly.

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It depends how we define domestic abuse. Women are more likely to attack their husbands than vice versa. I am sure you have even seen it. It’s typically Boomer humor. Husband says something, the wife smacks him upside the head. People laugh. Women hitting their husbands is more normalized. It goes unreported. Men are usual larger and sturdier, they less often perceive it as abuse, or they are too embarrassed to admit that they are abused by someone half their size. So, reported abused cases are more often man on woman. But overall domestic violence is the opposite.

That is the point I was making. The biological factors play a role in how we perceive abuse. If your big take away was “Women are more often abused” then you weren’t paying attention.

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I care about facts Aki. Not bogus things you find on Reddit that you believe are true. I showed you actual stats from a reputable source. You make wild claims with nothing to back it up. Why should I or anyone take you or your claims seriously?

The fact that only Finninbas has your back says a lot.

This whole thread is political. Homosexuality has been politicised. You two are two of the dumbest people in this whole forum.

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The irony of you saying this is hilarious.

I provided actual statics from ncodv dot gov two comments above, so this accusation falls super flat Finninbss. Troll better.

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Lol, you asked.

As far as reputable sources go… We are not even comparing the same thing. You are comparing cases of domestic abuse, which is a crime statistic. I am talking about recipients of violent acts, which aren’t necessarily reported. Here is a source for you.

“Noted that whereas husbands were the victims of hostility and attack in 63% of all conflicts, wives were victims in only 39% (see Table 1). Furthermore, males were more likely to initiate physically aggressive acts then were females (10% vs. 7%). However, only 1% of the females, but 14% of the males were recipients of domestic physical aggression.” - Steinmetz & Lucca, Husband Battering - Department of Individual and Family Studies, Life and Health Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark USA

Normally I don’t go to these lengths to prove a point here, but this is settled science. This has been known for decades.

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The irony in you not realizing that you are literally derailing the thread to talk about domestic abuse is as sweet as wine.

Please continue. I wont stop your trolling. I am merely pointing it out.

I did not derail this thread talking about domesic abuse. Akiyass brought up domestic abuse. Is your reading comprehension that bad?

She derailed this thread. You are trolling. I’m not gonna play your game or take your bait. This is something I should have learned awhile ago.

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You asked me about how I define terms like masculine and feminine, which is something I have thought about a lot because of my own struggles with gender identity. I never brought up domestic abuse, I brought up domestic marital violence. They are not the same.

I literally just answered your question… Which I thought was a genuine question and not a segway into yet another political debate with you lol.

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You are always trolling.

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It bagan as an honest question but then I quickly realized that your poisition would be exactly what I thought it would be and I realized we wouldn’t see eye to eye. You define masculinity in terms of social patriarchy and I don’t. I never wanted to discuss MRA talking points, but here we are.

I’m willing to just walk away here. I don’t think Anduin is feminine. I don’t think that would make him inherently gay. I’m only offering a different opinion from the status quo. If people are interested they could look up hegemonic masculinity and the critisims of it which is on topic to this thread.

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How the hell do you figure that? lol

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Because you define masculinity in terms of machismo. Academic thought and progressives reject this definition of masculinity.

Above you said that you don’t like the stereotype that Anduin is feminine therefore he’s stereotypically gay. But you yourself think that way. You say that being masculine means meeting the standards of machismo you are therefore projecting toxic masculinity as the standard.

You hate it but you’ll defend it. Your politics are so wishy-washy! But your also a 20 something year old, with zero life experience so… I’m not surprised.

Son of the Wolf, the Legion comic tackled Anduin, and Varian’s ideals of masculinity. It’s a good read. Anduin is his father’s son. Masculine strength isn’t defined by machismo. (Blizzard and It’s feminist agenda ftw! Actually Blizzard can’t take credit this is Robert Brooks and he just left Blizzard :cry: )

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Where the hell do you get that?

Seriously, how in the fresh hell did you come to this conclusion? lol

Its in Rens human nature to go with prejudice. Its a very human trait that comes from years of evolution.

It’s also a sign she sees you as a threat or something she fears.

Yes Xenophobia is an evolutionary trait that comes from humanity’s will to survive. It’s part of the very reason you are alive.

No xenophobia, only intersectional feminism. I don’t fear stupidity. How’s being a “non woke feminist” going for you Finninbas? I’m sure the “non woke” part has nothing to do with xenophobia.

You are the pot and the kettle.

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Why are you using terms like “Woke”? And why are you calling me a feminist all of a sudden?

Anyway you can call it whatever you want. But whenever you walk past someone you dont know and gets sus of them being a criminal or an idiot etc… That’s your own human xenophobia talking.

Your mind taught you to be judgemental.

Anyway Anduin shouldnt be a Homosexual and Wranduin and Tessduin fans are very weird. Anduin needs less prominence in the story. If he had been reduced to basically be a Background character like a “60s wife that is just in the sitcom background and does menial tasks” that would be a good change. We dont need to see Anduin every 5 story minutes. and we definetly dont need “Anduin Episodes” Coz lets be honest wows story is basically a sitcom for the PC. Our character is just. like uatu.