Let Anduin be homosexual

I do think there’s stuff brewing with him but it’s more marriage drama I think. His marriage to Alleria is on the rocks and the void wants her to kill him. She’s so paranoid right now that I think if she catches him, for example, trying to welcome some of the displaced Forsaken into the Alliance… she’d snap.

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As I understand it, they literally can not touch each other now that she ate a Dark Naaru.


that lack of intimacy must be hard for them. Imagine not being able to touch your wife/husband?! Torture.

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I’m not sure what this has to do with what I said.

I am commenting on people in the WoW community attributing known stereotypes of gay men into Anduin just because he is not a traditional masculine character.

It’s a soft acknowledgment that these people subscribe to these stereotypes. As if gay men aren’t masculine, or straight men are masculine. Which is a very ignorant view of what gay men are really like.

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Let me just preface this by saying I do not particularly care what is sexual orientation ends up being. Just felt like commenting on a few things.

This is covered in ‘Before the Storm’, where Genn is urging Anduin to pick a wife and produce an Heir due to the constant danger he is in. As is stated, it is Stormwind that would be in trouble- not the Alliance.

The High King is an overall title for the person who leads the combined armies(What the member states allot to the person), and nothing more. Another one would simply be chosen out of the remaining leaders.

It comes down to his title as King of Stormwind. As Genn states, the lack of a true Wrynn heir will make the noble house erupt into civil war as the noble families vie for power. That goes without saying- is a bad thing.

It is simply how the system works for the Monarchy. We may think of adoption or something similar as no big deal, but for many monarchies it just…kinda is a no go? At least in terms of that child becoming heir. Bloodlines simply factor in, so even if Anduin does end up being Bisexual or Homosexual, he would likely still need to produce an heir.

But Stormwind isn’t an electoral monarchy. And the war over which family becomes the ruling family is what is attempting to be avoided as stated in the story already.

And Stormwind is not the Roman Empire either. You can’t just compare Stormwind to any Monarchy throughout history and expect it to play by the same rules. Things are different, even between the ones you mentioned.

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Pretty sure this was what he was referring to, the whole uproar over Luca supposedly having “homosexual undertones” between the two boys… for acting like 13 year old boys.

People look at two young boys being “that close” supposedly hinting that their relationship was something else. People who have no damn clue about how 13 year old boys act.
Like, have they never been parents? Doesn’t even one of them remember BEING 13?
Or has our society completely eradicated the concept of boys being close friends with another boy as being normal?

I swear, it’s a psychosis. People want to project their own insecurities onto children, and not let them BE CHILDREN.

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It is also with grown men who simply have a “bromance”. Like some people think that a “bromance” = romance. When a “bromance” is just a platonic relationship between two men that may look like they are a romantic couple from people outside of their social circles. Why can’t two men just have a bromance?


They absolutely can be just friends. i don’t think anyone is disputing that, just pointing out that even in het relationships, the best relationships are founded on friendship first.

Gay or straight there’s no difference in the trope, enemies to friends and friends to lovers.


Or its precisely because we remember our childhoods that we know we were not that innocent. That we did have crushes even back then and were probably more sexually aware then disney likes to portray. I’d also point out if characters like say Star Butterfly/Marco Dias(literal best friends that became lovers) or heck Dipper/Mabel(both 13 years old!) can have romantic tendencies while being young, then gay/lesbian characters can as well!

Except that isnt what WoW/Blizzard is even saying. We have characters like Shaw/Flynn and Soldier 76 proving you can be masculine and still be gay. Sure, there are people who will solely think people who are on the soft side are gay but avoiding portraying characters like that as gay is its own stereotype! Some gay guys are on the softer side.


??? Ma’aam I kissed my first boy in the 3rd grade and had guy friends who I had crushes on or had crushed on me and also had friends I was simply friends with and I assure you that Luca was the former and not the latter.

What is the correct age we are allowed to be queer openly?

Yeah that’s the uneven nature of “young romance” in modern media.

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It is one of those funny days when I am forced to agree with you and disagree with with Faelia.

Interestingly I found this video today. The straight male friendships are “winning” over any gay interpretation:

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They can.

And they do. Almost every single time we see a close male friendship in a story. They almost always end up as “friends”.

But how many times have we seen this super close friendship end up as a romance? I can’t think of a single case of the top of my head, unless it’s specifically a “gay story with gay men for the gays”. It’s even more rare when one of those men has had an existing relationship with a woman. Because again, bi men (especially late bloomers) don’t exist, I guess.

There isn’t a pandemic of male friendships turning into romances (like there is for male/female friendships, lmao), so there’s no reason to roll your eyes and go “ugh, why can’t someone just be friends”

And I like friendships. I like them over romantic stories in fiction. But the two guy best friends are indeed overrepresented.


No one’s saying that gay/lesbian characters can’t have romantic tendencies. You know damn well that’s not what’s being argued here. I’m not disputing that. But what I am saying is that just because two people are close doesn’t automatically mean it’s romantic. Two young boys at that age have a friendship almost indistinguishable from a romantic relationship primarily because it’s more innocent, arguably the way all relationship should be.

That’s the differences with Star Butterfly/Marco Dias and Dipper/Mabel. Star Butterfly and Marco Dias actually started out as friends but GREW into lovers where Dipper and Mabel were very expressive of their romantic interests.
Star and Marco actually WERE friends. The Assumption that they were destined to be lovers from the start is a fallacy and a trope.

Good for you. Also irrelevant and you don’t get to make that determination.
That’s the problem with adults, they want to impose their own identity on others and only their interpretation is valid.

You’re talking about a prophecy given by a demon. Does the term “unreliable witness” bear mentioning?

Has it occurred to you that maybe if thousands of gay men across the world and language barriers all saw the same thing in Luca, it was, in fact, a thing?

Because it’s a common and almost universal experience?


Of course, Varimathras is an unreliable narrator, at face value. That’s why I had to decifer his truths from his lies. Varimarthas is a Nathrezim, that’s what he does, he manipulates, and he lies.

He tells the Horde that Sylvanas plotted for the Horde throne, we know this is a partial truth. Sylvanas admits to herself that it’s a lie to say she never coveted the power of being warchief but she did not want to wield power that bluntly, Reading between the lines there, while Sylvanas does want power she never wanted to be Warchief. Varimathras’s claims that she secretly plotted to become Warchief is proven false by her own internal monologue. She had no idea the jailer and Mueh’zala pulled stings to make her warchief but Varimathras did know about the whisper. He’s trying to seed doubt about Sylvanas in the Horde players mind for his own gains. ie personal revenge on Sylvanas and to further the gains of his true boss, which may be the jailer himself.

We do know from Sylvanas’s internal monologue that her end goal in burning Teldrassil was Stormwind, and she was willing to play a long game to get it. That’s the truth. She was successful in her plans in BfA to create a rift within the Alliance that will take a long time to heal, and where we left off in Shadows Rising was a fractured Alliance. Alleria and Jaina being one of those fractures. if anyone is going to betray the Horde and Alliance peace treaty at this moment it’s Alleria, we’ve already seen her break the treaty by keeping Horde hostages on her campaign against Sylvanas. All this has been shelved for the time being to deal with Shadowlands but the end goal of the Forsaken is to ease the Alliance into a false allyship so that they “will be welcomed into Stormwind with welcomed arms.” and that’s when Sylvanas will win and the Forsaken will reveal the grand decption. Calia’s arc is playing right into that.

Has it occurred to you that just because someone sees themselves in a story, it isn’t because that was the intended meaning rather the story was simply well written.

Because it’s human nature to do that.

Sure but it’s a common point of analysis for gay men all over the world for the game and for the movie in question.

We know what our childhood best friend looks like, and we know what our childhood first gay crush looks like.

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Luca was the story of two little boys falling in love, and they went and ruined it by making Luca straight out of nowhere. There’s a lot of complaints about shoehorning gay characters into straight narratives, and Luca was the exact opposite of that. They shoe-horned in a straight story over a gay romance. Those two boys were in love, it was adorable,

It was the same thing in Wolfwalkers. Good movie, watch it.

Writers rarely ever explicitly show romantic puppy love between child characters, which I personally don’t mind, on it’s own, but I do mind the double standard when it comes to romance. “”""“Straight”"""" romance between kids is fair game in everyone’s eyes, it’s cute and not weird, but non-straight romance is anything from “imposing adult relationships on kids” to “sexualising them”.