Let Anduin be homosexual

What does this have to do with Anduin being ace?

Why are we talking about Anduin being an Ace Fighter Pilot?

Dropping my two cents: Anduin is not gay.


I think you may be getting a little to hungup on your bias here.
I don’t think you are aware of what you’re arguing anymore.
Do you know what ACE is?
Or are you just so fixated on Talia not being interested in Anduin that you’ll bring it up at any opportunity, regardless of it’s relevance?

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I feel like I’m having Luca deja vu. Look, in an ideal world we would have MORE non-traditional male characters and some of them would be gay/straight. As it is the reason so many people, gay guys including myself, ship Wrathion/Anduin is two fold.

1, The frienemie to lover thing is a well worn trope. Heck, even Red of Blue from pokemon ended up being shipped because of one of the recent games where they vacation together.
2. the fact there isnt alot of gay couples in Blizzard games highlights even more when characters share some of those traits/experiences. Having a very confusing relationship with another guy that may or may not be romantic in nature is something gay guys do experience.


Stop it… just Stop… stop ippl. Not going g to happen.

That still doesn’t mean Anduin’s gay. The fact remains he’s only shown attraction to women.

If being rejected by a woman made a man gay, we’d have gone extinct long ago.


The idea that gay men don’t reproduce is simply false.

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I wasn’t saying they don’t. Not every gay man does… and cryobanks are a recent thing in human history (they don’t even go back past the 20th century).

I feel like there’s a lot of “Anduin flirted with a woman therefore he must be straight!” but many people his age experiment with their sexuality. Anduin being pressured to get married for sole purpose of procreation could explain why he is experimenting with an attraction to women. There isn’t enough conclusive evidence that he actually has any sexual preference. Jaina interrupted him before he could figure it out. As for Taelia, it seems like his “flirting” was just him being super excited to meet the daughter of his previous mentor and she didn’t rebuke him out of love for Flynn, it’s very clear in the Flynn BfA Freehold stuff that his crush on Taelia is unreciprocated. I think it would be cute if Anduin and Taelia got together, but there’s just as much evidence that Wranduin could also be a thing the writers are hinting at.

What would suck would be if they continued to queer bait Anduin and then make him straight because they didn’t want to commit and it seems like from Christie Golden’s responses to Wranduin fans on Twitter, that Blizzard has no intention of making Wranduin canon.


I never said that he was gay. I wasn’t talking about Anduin. Taelia however is fixated on ta guy who’s dating Shaw.

Anduin could be as gay as Zorro. That would not stop him from siring a child.

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Why is it so important that he sire a child? maybe the Wyrnn dynasty dies with him. Maybe he adopts. Maybe the Alliance moves away from a Hereditary Monarchy and High King is a role that is earned through merit instead of birthright.


To some, that would be “shoving an agenda down our throats in a medieval fantasy game.”

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some people also think the world is flat…


Yeah, and imagine calling the game “medieval.” Some aspects are.

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Which is dumb because the HRE was an electoral monarchy, a lot of Medieval Kingdoms had royal lineages die out due to lack of an heir and just elevated a random new noble or the King’s 7th cousin 3 times removed, and otherwise just Might Makes Right played out and war determined which minor Noble became king.

Hell, a bunch of the Roman Emperors we’re adopted sons, as I’ve mentioned on this thread before.

People just want Disney Medieval with some grit rather than anything more meaningful with every passing day :roll_eyes:


A bunch more were guys who murdered the previous Roman Emperor.

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Et tu, Brute?

That reminds me of Varimathras’ prophesy. “When your thrones run red with betryal. Only then will you know… and it will be too late”

Turalyon betrayal, maybe? Manipulated by Lothraxion?