Let Anduin be homosexual

this may have been said many times but Anduin doesn’t need permission

Fairly certain consent is another word for permission - unless you’re saying he doesn’t need consent?

Just let the thread die.

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It was technically dead for 43 minutes and then you commented.

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why do folks want to make the ones and only chast character homosexual

Dead would be if there were no replies for days. Trying to be witty isn’t for you.

It’s only as active as the last poster and you posted. Ending things is knowing when not to post. You clearly don’t get that. And I wasn’t trying to be witty. This thread was restarted by a low post count troll and we are simply feeding that, which I’m happy to do.

It’s been less then a day. Thread isn’t dead yet so I’m free to respond?

No. No it’s not. Completely different concepts.

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Nah, that just means Anduin isn’t attracted to corpses.

There’s nothing wrong with having gay characters in a story, but Anduin has an established attraction to women. Changing his sexuality to meet some ideological quota is a bad idea.


Nah lets not do this to major lore characters (maybe Wrathion) right now. Not in the mood to hear from the anti-SJWs and their nonsense right now.

…if they had done this years ago, I wouldn’t have cared much beyond ‘Well, they already showed him as being attracted to women, but I mean that’s hardly a big retcon by their standards’. With the shape the company is in now, I would see it as 100% virtue signaling to make them look less like… well, what they are.

Also, anything that puts more focus on Anduin of all characters right now is BAD in my book.

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Anduin in cannon is attracted to females. Amidst a movement for women of not being treated fairly and equally. (Also abused) I would advise not to take this character that route. They would know it would upset a lot of women. (As it would not be a virtual “heartthrob” for them) Also new comers the same.

Now if they would like to show they are being more “progressive.” (which doesn’t bother me in the least) I offered the route of making a female pairing. As they established more pairings in SL.


I’m sorry, what?
I don’t think you mean what I’m reading here but I would not assume to speak for what women want if I were you.


Every time I see this thread title pop back up, it reminds me of my brothers dog, when he was a puppy.

He would be so excited to run and play - but he knew he’d get in trouble if he didn’t have permission. So he would inch forward, huff and puff, whine a bit… until my brother would say “ok go crazy”, and then the puppy would blast off and run around.

This thread title conjures a similar image.

Like if Anduin is in a cage at some gay bar, eager to jump out and dance, but Blizzard is not letting him out. And the people around are shouting “let him be gay!” almost like Moses when he said “let my people go!”



Anduin: A character with personality traits that would traditionally be seen as non-masculine.

The WoW community: “Must be one of them gays.”



He flirted with Taelia who shut him down colder than the Antarctic.

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But he flirted with her


And she gave him the hard NO, did you miss that part?

She is preoccupied with another guy in case you missed the memo.

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When did this even happen lol

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