Let Anduin be homosexual

To me it seems pretty easy honestly. You keep all the gay and trans stuff to minor characters with fairly minor dialogue, and simply edit that dialogue in the Chinese translation. Done.

They’ve already sort of done it for years with the Undead. In the Chinese client, undead don’t technically exist. They’re just cursed humans with a big dark curse on them. If they can change an entire race they can make a few relationships appear platonic. Harder to do that in a cinematic though, which is why I suspect major characters like Anduin will remain straight or simply not have relationships elaborated upon at all.

I’m not saying that’s the right thing to do btw, just saying that’s probably what Blizzard will do

I agree with you - but the title and the push this thread’s creator was aiming for was to make Anduin gay. Anduin definitely not a minor character.

Oh yeah agreed, I doubt Anduin will turn out to be gay, and frankly I’m in the camp that he shouldn’t anyway because Wrathion, who everyone ships him with, is a manipulative prick whose actions literally led to the death of Anduin’s father, and he’s also like 5 years old in lore, which sure is in “dragon years” but still sends messages I don’t think Blizzard wants to send for their first major gay character. Anduin’s writers have also said in the past that he’s not gay and shouldn’t necessary BE gay just because he’s not a big warmonger like everyone else.

The only reason Blizz would make Anduin gay at this point would be fanservice to try to retain subs, which might actually happen… but I doubt it. If it does, they’ll certainly just have Anduin having a cool Platonic best friend in China, I’m sure.


Anduin should just be bi and marry a girl and whoever he married should also be bi



shrug They were brave enough with 76 and Tracer

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Was that before or after this latest crack down? Also - how much of their “gay love” is actually in the game?

Anduin is gonna marry Calia’s lost daughter and unite the houses of Menethil and Wrynn

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You already have Shaw and Flynn, is that not good enough?

Anduin is very much interested in women anyways so trying to ship him otherwise would just butcher his character and look like pandering. Just because a man has a close friend who is another man doesn’t mean he wants to go to bed with him.


Bi Anduin in a poly relationship with Wrathion and Taelia.

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I forgot we’re limited to only two non-straight people per franchise, my bad


it’s the token gay quota don’tcha know. Only two and they have to only be gay in the books and not the actual game. In the game they are just friends or roomates.

They aren’t the only examples, you’ve got that original Night Warrior and his husband in the Ardenweald quest line, Khadgar and probably others that I can’t think of off the top of my head as well as Pelagos for a transgender representation.

Please leave Anduin alone, like I mentioned it’s already been established that he likes women. The constant shipping of him and Wrathion is a dead horse that’s been beaten long enough, let it be buried with some dignity.

who we’ll never get again because he’s a “borrowed power character”, essentially

Headcanon, but I’d be down

He’s a borrowed power character as well.

The only “long term” trans character in the game is Chromie.


Bisexual men exist

I don’t care for his ship with Wrathion. I honestly don’t care about him being gay, I want him to stay single. But the whole “we already have queer character, is that not enough??” needs to die.


Yes there do, but there’s no convincing proof Anduin is one of them. Just fan fictions shipping it.

We don’t NEED queer characters in the game, some players simply WANT them. Which is fine because everyone has a right to their opinion, I just wish people would stop acting like certain representations HAVE to be in what is clearly a fantasy game and then act like they’re being subjected to hateful discrimination if they don’t get their whims catered to.

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But y’all would assume a character is straight even if they show 0 interest in anyone shrug. Most people would.

That’s fair, as long as they include straight characters, too. Imagine if WoW had like… 2 relationships shown on-screen, both homosexual. I can see that being a problem for many, many people.


He has shown to be attracted to a few different women, all varying in race. That’s just a fact. It makes sense to consider him straight more then anything else currently.


Why are you assuming that’s what we’d be assuming? Not very open minded of you is it;)

I kid I kid, but to be fair I think most people would probably start suspecting someone might not be straight if they seemed to show no interest in anybody.

That said, we’ve seen in books and in some other dialogue that Anduin HAS taken an interest in not just human females but those of other races as well. So it’d seem to be a relatively safe assumption that he’s very much heterosexual since no book or in-game actions nor dialogue would seem to indicate or infer any real attraction to the opposite sex.


It is both.

You can have an elected monarchy.

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No there not gay stop

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