Let Anduin be homosexual

D&D has the same thing! They travel to other planets too on space ships. Look up D&D lore. This is not all that different.

If that is still in line with fantasy theme, then so does a fight against monarchy, it is way more grounded than a spaceship battle.

cough arathi kingdom. cough But anyways, fantasy settings don’t typically have fights to end a monarchy without installing a new king or destroying the kingdom in it’s entirety.

They also tend to not have a spaceships battle, like why are you acting like this?

Because here, it is politicized to try and segregate the population into tribes so that political powers can play on the idiots that believe they have the best interests for them and whatever their cause/community happens to be.


Well true but that was just an example at how easy a retcon is. Hell, WoW players who have some years under their belt already know how easy it is.

OP never said anything of the sort. That’s just how you interpret it in your own head. Maybe you need self reflection if you have such a deep hatred for threads like these.

it is cannon that Anduin is into Thicc ‘Choco’ girls.
I am not joking. He is crushing on win in Goldshire inn.

Appeasement doesn’t work, you never learned that? Also it wouldnt bring huge news at all, it would get a few articles on sites like Kotaku and thats about it.

It’s more like: here is a list of topics.
This one has an lgbt name.

Wow, I opened it and it had lgbt content. This is somehow not my fault.

Or maybe it shouldn’t be about appeasement, but representation?

It’s not though. You want them to pull a Soldier 76. The writers have said he is not, and that is not enough.

They could add new ones I wouldn’t have an issue, so here’s my question, why does it have to be Anduin for you other than pandering?

This is my issue, there have always been characters that leaned a certain way. It’s organic not in your face and done right, will you truly not be happy until you have a walking stereotype?


I thought Anduin was embracing his inner captain kirk and dreaming about goat women.

Soldier 76 is gay.

Because other character is just not relevant enough, just give 1 gay racial leader instead of mini character that we’ll never see again in the next expansion.

Wasn’t for years though but you knew that. I am sure you also know about how the community reacted to that change so far in. But let’s be fair here, there is nothing genuine about your request here.

Yeah, pandering…

You should really look up what happened with 76. Blizzard learned a valuable lesson that you should educate yourself on.

Why not make Thrall gay? He is married to what an axe these days? Why go for Anduin?

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Anduin should grow a beard and be a drunkard…hic!

His wife is Aggra.

Nothing wrong with Soldier 76.

Never said there was, but I encouraged you to look at what happened when they changed something midway, but let’s be real here, you don’t want to factor that in right?

You are only here to add to the ever growing pile and bait. Cool. When you actually want to truly advocate for the LGBTQ+ community give me a ring, I have plenty of resources to share with you that will actually make a difference.

Happy WoWing!

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Let him? I don’t think they can stop him, boy flames

Just say what happened, i don’t have time for your nonsense.

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