Let Anduin be homosexual

haha that’s fair but i also choose to believe its a commentary on just how out of touch Genn is with his own kids. This could be just my anti-Genn bias but, he’s trying to weasel himself into the royal family tree, part of that is likely to secure a throne for his own family because he lost his own. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.

You’re supposed to, though. He may have been shifty back in WC3, but ever since reappearing in WoW, he’s been nothing but cuddly toward Anduin.

Yeah, I know, which is either a retconn or they have just reduced him to a satelite character, revolving around Anduin, as the surrogate for Liam.

Why not both?

He could very well be both. I just don’t have to like him now that he’s cuddly with Anduin.

Just because he’s paternal with Anduin doesn’t make him less of a jerk to anyone who isn’t Anduin.

But you were suggesting that he was using Anduin’s marriage as a way to advance his personal power, which would be him being a jerk to Anduin.

And actually, we haven’t seen him be a jerk to anyone in the Alliance that I can think of.

Of all the races of the Alliance, the only heir to power is Moira’s son, Darion Thaurissan (his name is that?)? That is, if Greymane wants to seize power by joining someone else’s family, then the choice is very limited, right? Elves and draenei live too long, gnome has a democracy (now a monarchy?), Dwarves remain. Although, they do live for two or three hundred years, right?

He could be nice to Anduin and trying to advance his personal power. That’s what i thought you meant by he could be both.

No, I meant he was both retconned and a satellite character.

He doesn’t have a nation of his own any more. His people have been twice disposessed. He really is lliving on Anduin’s charity and his respect is based on Anduin’s indulgence.

It would be profoundly stupid for him to adopt any other stance.

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Yes, that is all true but the suggestion that Anduin marry his own daughter is posturing as well as trying to secure his displaced kingdom a stable throne.

I don’t doubt he loves Anduin like a son but he’s acting more like a king and not like a dad here.

He’s acting… LIKE A NOBLE. and that’s part of the game of being one… always working on securing better positions for your family.

I’m not arguing with that.

I just think he should care about his daughter’s happiness instead of trying to marry her off to a man she doesn’t care about and Anduin agrees.

(Especially if she really is a lesbian, and not into men, let alone Anduin)

Anduin is in no rush to get married, he’s literally 19. Maybe when he’s in his mid twenties his mind will change. Besides Tess is severeal years older than him and he should find someone his own age. Taelia is promising.

Dagran Thaurissan, II. Named after his father.

That would be correct. :smiley:

In the world of Feudalism, Royalty and Nobles, Marriage was a political tool rather than a matter of love. Genn wanting Anduin to marry his daughter makes sense. First, as a father, he knows Anduin would treat her right and keep her safe. And gaining Anduin as a Son-in-law probably fills some kind of void left in the wake of Liam’s death.

Second, joining House Greymane with House Wrynn opens an Avenue for the reclamation of Gilneas. The Queen of Stormwind would also be the Princess of GIlneas, thus that incentive would always be whispering into Anduin’s ear. Not to mention that Stormwind, as much as I hate it, is the cultural and political center of the Alliance. House Greyman would go from merely a House in name, to among the most powerful Royal families in the world.

The problem is, aside from whatever feelings the two may or may not have, Tess just doesn’t have anything to offer politically speaking. She has no lands attached to her Titles anymore. Gilneas is a wasteland. The only thing Anduin might gain from that marriage is some loyalty points from the few Gilnean refugees, who are already probably a bit annoyed with him for his inaction in War of Thorns, and may arguably identify more with the Kaldorei than humanity at this point.

From a strictly political perspective, Anduin probably has eyes for Talanji or… Taelia? If Jaina had a child about Anduin’s age, that would have been perfect, but that’s not on the table, and the idea of Anduin marrying Jaina herself just makes me feel wrong, but I suppose that is a possibility as long as we are talking about this in the context of Medieval marriage alliances. Lucille Waycrest might also be an option?

But this is all speculation on my part, and thinking of Blizzard’s writing style, they are more likely to go the rout of a traditional love story than a political arranged marriage.

Side note: Kind hoping Blizzard doesn’t write Tess as a Lesbian. The tom-boy Lesbian trope is kinda gross and played out.

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Anduin is gay. (He should be gay, with Wrathion.)

If I had to bet I’d say Anduin and Taelia become a thing… and not gonna lie I actually ship it way more than Wranduin. Wrathion is a conniving little sleaze and I reckon Anduin deserves better lol

Anduin and Taelia isn’t a bad choice, needs some more development, but it can be cool. And now that I think about it… It would secure a pretty strong Alliance with the Knights of the Ebon Blade… I doubt Bolvar would tolerate anyone threatening Stormwind if his Daughter lived there.

As for Anduin being gay. I enjoy the shipping, but not as a serious narrative choice. I am not against a gay Anduin but I also feel he is a bit tropey as a gay character. He is like a protagonist flip of the Sissy Villain trope. Pretty, Intelligent, Effeminate… That is why I liked the Shaw+Finn thing. Before they were shown to be a couple, people just assumed they are straight. Sexual orientation isn’t a full blown identity, it is a facet of a greater whole. Gay people are just normal people, and the fact that the default is “Straight” unless they tic these specific boxes and trigger the “gaydar” is not so good.

In popular media and literature, A lot of gay characters are written around their sexual orientation. Hell, I am guilty of that myself, admittedly. I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with that because some people really do make their sexual orientation the whole identity. But I feel like that sort of gay person is already over-represented, as if there was only one way to be gay.

And Anduin, while he was not written to be gay, it would feel like he was because he ticks many popular LGBTQ tropes. I think he is much more impactful as a Straight character with personality traits that aren’t traditionally masculine.


I genuinely hope Anduin stays single. I understand that from a political standpoint a king sorta kinda has to get married and produce an heir, but like… I can’t stand when stories forcefully assign everyone a romantic partner.

Anduin has already flirted with someone so Ace Anduin is off the table, I guess, but… eh.


This might be a hot take for some, but gay men in general are the least in need of rep when it comes to LGBT+.


Word of the slowdown followed a meeting between Chinese officials and representatives of Tencent and NetEase, an internet technology company. The purpose of that meeting was to reinforce the need to enforce restrictions, and also to lay out other content guidelines: Games with a “wrong set of values,” including “gay love,” are to be avoided, according to the report, and the companies were also instructed to ease up on monetization and profit-focused game mechanics.

Whelp - Blizzard is partnered with NetEase, wants Chinese Money, and hasn’t shown that much of a spine when standing up to China before… not sure how you overcome that argument without saying screw China… which isn’t an argument that will work when the primary motivation is profit.

As such - I don’t know if they’re going to be brave enough to make any major lore character gay… much less the leader of the Alliance.