Let Anduin be homosexual

Flynn flirted with Talia. As far as Anduin’s sexuality, that might be moot if he doesn’tt survive Shadowlands.

It was a certain Void Elf’s threads, if I recall.

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I don’t think Anduin ever actually flirted with any women.

But he have been fairly enraptured watching a couple of, in his own mind, beautiful women. I remember the lines being quite descriptive of how beautiful he found these women to be.

Safe to say, I think Anduin is quite into women, and many women are probably into him. He just isn’t interested in a relationship, appearantly. That is perfectly normal for men who are fairly healthy in body and mind, really. Happens quite often nowadays.


He made a fairly lame effort with Talia who promptly shut him down.

Oh man, so anyone else notice how Zorvaal let Kel’thuzad re-decorate an entire wing of Torghast in Kel’thuzad’s personal style?

When your husband lets you redecorate your own room in his spooky tower. #totallymarried

Warcraft is for the girls, gays and they’s. I don’t make the rules that’s just how it is.

A happy marriage includes a healthy Man Cave. or in my husband’s case a healthy Man Fort.

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I know this is a bait thread but Wrathion and Anduin have chemistry that can not just be chalked up to a bromance. We have yet to see Anduin form this kind of chemistry with anyone else.

There’s real tension there.

And the MoP “let’s run away and explore the world together” is popular gay subtext (look at Luca.)


I might be missing your point, but what I meant, was that in the game if you go to the Tavern in the Mists Anduin is still sitting there with Wrathion and much of what passes between them is not in the game, Anduin spent awhile at the tavern with Wrathion being there almost the entire time, while Anduin recovered from being crushed by the divine bell in Kun Lai Summit that Garrosh destroyed… practically the entire reason for Anduins being at the Tavern is not even known in the game and nor is it known for how long he was there in the game.

First things first You seem to think I am forcing my sexuality on Anduin against the wishes of the “author” multiple different authors have written the books I refer to. Also you quote a part of my post without reading the key parts that literally and specifically state that I am NOT saying that he is gay What that entire post was about was providing context on why some think he might be gay, because also as I stated in the books, game, and lore in general Anduin shows no interest in women, or men, there are no indicators that for sure tie him to being gay or straight at all.

Reading Before the storm, Wolf Heart, Jaina Proudmoore Tides of War, The comics about Anduin during Pandaria. I am not going to give you exact locations of these convos if you haven’t read them thats not my problem, I am just telling you a about small events that happened during them
The only narrative I tried to push is one of understanding, you clearly are not gay and clearly have an issue with it, my post, again, was to provide context to those who constantly say that “the gays” are just trying to force a fictional character to be gay to further their “agenda” which isn’t true they see key parts of their own story that shaped them into who they are in Anduin’s story, I pointed this out, while also stating that I wasn’t trying to make the case for Anduin being gay, or straight for that matter.

A bait thread would be someone from blizzard heavily hinting at Anduin being gay but making him married and in love. People having a discussion about the sexuality of a character that has no set sexuality as of yet due to how they relate to the characters story is not “bait”
As for necroing the thread, I didn’t even realize it was almost 2 months old when I replied. had no one replied to me it wouldn’t have necro’d it just would have stayed dead…

Bait how? like baiting you to join the conversation/debate? or as in Queer Baiting?

Anduin and Wrathion have Chemistry for sure they definitely like each other, but I still do not think it is anything romantic or sexual. I do not know how much you know of the story between them… But they met after Anduin was crushed underneath the Divine Bell in Kun Lai Summit in the Tavern in the Mists where Anduin was recovering from his wounds, Wrathion was there at the tavern for most of the time that Anduin spent there. It was Wrathion who taught Anduin about the ancient history of Pandaria, it is unknown how long Anduin spent at the Tavern but considering he was crushed by a divine bell his injuries were likely significant, even taking into account any healing magic used to heal him I do think it’s safe to say at least a month passed and this is not taking into account that they were also on the Timeless Isle together as well. Wrathion and Anduin spent a ton of time together. They built a close friendship and Anduins natural thirst for knowledge led him to want to travel the world and who better to travel it with as a prince than with the most powerful Black Dragon who shares Anduins same goals.

Wrathion betrays Anduin at Garrosh’s trial and knocks him out and helps Garrosh escape. That single act of Wrathion’s led to the death of Varian and the Legions return sooner than Wrathion had intended. These events can easily explain away the real tension between them especially when considering their friendship.

it might be popular gay subtext but there are to many other possibilities for it to be said than the gay subtext alone. Anduin has a thirst for knowledge rarely seen, Wrathion revealing he has vast historical knowledge of Azeroth would naturally pique Anduins interests, regardless of his sexuality. There is also Anduins tendency to want to explore but is often unable to, due to him being a prince, and having a protective father. The first part of the Alliance storyline in Pandaria is chasing after Anduin afterall. In Wrathion, Anduin likely found someone who could help him learn but also protect him with relative ease if they journeyed together.

When you try to enter Stormwind Keep in the Horrific Vision of Stormwind, Wrathion asks you to stay out. He says, “That is one vision I would rather not see.”

Someone said Wrathion doesn’t want to see Anduin cheating on him with Taelia. :stuck_out_tongue:

he doesn’t want to see someone he cares about fully dominated by the Old Gods, which means he deeply cares about Anduin.

No way let Anduin become his true form a sea sponge

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He made some attempt towards the barmaid in Shadow’s Rising. We don’t know how far he would of taken it if Jaina didn’t interrupt.

I wouldn’t call it “shutting him down.” More like “side-stepping him.”

But you have to remember, he has ZERO experience with flirting, and very little polite conversation with women.

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Genn wants him to marry a lesbian, so frankly, I think the kid just needs to figure it out on his own and stop listening to other people on who he should marry.

However, Anduin found the idea of an arranged marriage abhorrent and noted that Tess was a strong-willed woman who would likely not be particularly interested in the prospect of an arranged marriage either. Anduin internally reflected that he had heard all kinds of rumors about Tess, suggesting that she had “taken a page or two” from Mathias Shaw, but he was unwilling to bring them up to Greymane, let alone after just having her be suggested as a bride.

How else were we supposed to interpret that Tess has taken a page or two from Shaw other than as a wink and a nudge.

Tess Greymane is a bonafide homosexual. (and I just want to her run away with either Lorna or Vanessa)

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Great romances often come from two people with a lot of tension.
I want to see him and a girl finding they can’t stand being in the same room with each other, but needing to have to work together.

Totally Rom-com romance. I have a weakness for sappy love stories like that.


Enemies to lovers is good trope omg.

and banter that’s the female gaze right there.

Me too the sappier the better.



When I read this I thought it was more of a nod to her membership in the Uncrowned. The fact that she was into all sorts of dodgy spy work and probably wouldn’t want to settle down and be a good married Princess lol.

But now that you point this out you’re probably right!

“taking a page out of Mathias Shaw’s book” is the new WoW slang for “He’s a friend of Dorothy.”

She likes the ladies. It’s not up for debate lol.

But that also raises questions of just how much Anduin knows about the birds and the bees. Mathias Shaw is openly gay, and everyone knows, Anduin has gaydar, Anduin knows what being gay is and Tess isn’t out to her parents yet.

His flirtation’s with the barmaid may just be him experimenting.

Anduin marrying his daughter links him and his family to the throne. Back in the day, marrying for love was considered an idiotic reason. It was all about making strategic connections between families.

The fact that his daughter might be a lesbian is completely irrelevant to the mores of the day.