Let Anduin be homosexual

Of course I don’t dispute that.

Sorry, I apologize, I misread the tone/what you were actually saying in your post of your post, I think you’re the first person who’s quoted me and hasn’t been trying to disput what I’ve been saying in this thread and it took me by surprise.

743 replys…in one and a half day…wow…guys…really wow, i´m impressed :smiley:

It’s ok. All of us were forgetting something though. Shandris.
Yes of course she is a Night Elf, so her culture can’t be used for Stormwind. However, she shows that adoption is a thing, or at least for Night Elves and she is seen as Tyrande’s daughter.

Its basically one person trying to redefine what the word Bloodline means just so they can make Andiun’s hypothetical adopted child a Wrynn by blood.

No argument or logic will convince them. Really impressive.

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Then why don’t you just stop discussing it, if a person doesn’t want to see it, they don’t want to, I’m not bothering much about it.

For what seems the hundredth time that is not how monarchies work… so why are you trying to change this?

Probably should.

Stormwind is a fictional monarchy that developed on Azeroth, where homophobia doesn’t exist, and I think it is reasonable to expect Stormwind to have certain differences, particularly with regards to laws of succession, noble lineage, and inheritance, to the real-world monarchies that the writers took influence from, since these real-world monarchies did develop in socities where homophobia and compulsory heterosexual bias did and does exist. I am not and have never been trying to claim that historical monarchies that developed on earth work this way (we only discussed Roman Emperors and Roman adoption laws earlier, which I believe doesn’t count as a monarchy) and am not in any way trying to change that.

You seem to disagree with this idea and I think we are at an impass, so I agree that we should probably just drop this.

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Yeah whatever you said I disagree with it on the strongest terms and I hope that the writers have some mercy and stop butchering the factions and their identity for some cheap points that they could easily done better with another race or character.

Its clear you don’t care about any of the lore or the race in question so I am going to take others advice and just call it quits.


If there’s one thing we should be able to agree on, I think it should at least be that you and I both clearly care about the lore or else neither of us would have spent so much time discussing it in this much depth.

It’s been two days since this thread got moved from GD, do you all realize you’ve been repeating the same points in that time span?


Honestly I just find it silly that people are clinging to “Historical accuracy” as their argument in a game about orcs, spacegoats and our favorite flammable elves.

I’m pretty ambivalent about the actual topic of “Make Anduin gay”, but I find some of the arguments against it silly on that front.


How this thread is still ongoing is beyond me.


All that is required is vocal and fanatical opponents to keep an conversation alive on a forum.


I mean muting this thread was always an option, right? It’s not really my problem if people are going out of their way to follow a conversation that they’re not enjoying on an opt-in internet forum, is it really that surprising that someone has like…an interest in discussing something that you don’t. Plenty of people spend hours discussing discussing, like, small worldbuilding details related to kaldorei culture for RP purposes, which a lot of people find tedious and dull if they’re not into night elves, this really isn’t that much different.

So uh, point of order here, but Romans have been brought up in regards to humans a few times. But there’s nothing linking humans to Roman themes at all, the closest we have is the Arathi Empire, but all we have for that are the helms some of the cavalry wear. Ancient Arathor has far more Arthurian themes than anything else.

The closest playable race with Roman aspects would be, loosely, Dark Irons, who had an Emperor and a Senate. And the closest in actually are… well, ogres. Specifically the Gorian Empire.

And if I might kick the battered corpse of this horse, Anduin being gay would be just fine, but it’s not happening specifically because Golden has stated she wants a straight male character that is more sensitive and in tune with his emotions in order to show that these are traits linked to healthy mindsets in all men, not just gay ones. I don’t necessarily agree with that logic but I can see the merit in it, and given she is be all end all Anduin writer, that’s how it’s going to be.


I don’t know what some of these jackals are talking about as far as why Anduin punched Wrathion, but it’s not necessarily because they were in some type of romance, mutual attraction, or one sided attraction.
We know in MoP that Anduin is with Wrathion in the Tavern while the players are doing the legendary cloak quests and there is at least some conversation between the two. Taking this situation out of the game situation and placing it in a story form would mean they got to know each other as friends and trusted one another, this is assumption is reinforced when you take into account that during Garrosh’s trial Wrathion helps Garrosh escape and Anduin confronts Wrathion and Wrathion knocks Anduin out.
The series of events that Wrathion set in motion with that action directly led to the death of Varian and the everything that happens in Legion. So when Wrathion shows up again Anduin punching Wrathion is not a romantic or sexual act, its the act of a betrayed friend who is still suffering from the wound that took so much from them.

As far as Anduin being gay, many aspects of his fleshed out story have strong indications of him being gay, in a lot of cases Anduins story is extremely relatable for LGBT, in particular Gay men. Varian tells Anduin to not worry about finding a good political woman to partner with and to follow his heart and be with someone he loves truly. Then there are the times that other leaders of the alliance and other advisors to Anduin after he becomes king telling him over and over again that he needs to find a woman and sire an heir he constantly shuts them down. I believe it was Turalyon and Genn, they both pointed out women who would make good queens, were fair political moves, and had shown interest in Anduin in the past, he shuts them down.

None of this indicates he is gay at all, but it adds to the mystery, because it is not as if we are speaking about an established straight character like Varian, Turalyon, or Genn. There is not established story that makes Anduin “straight” he could just as easily be A sexual, Pansexual as he could be straight or gay.

Show me in the books. And if you refer to the one convo with Wrathion where he acts like he is a father figure, and try to twist that, you need to talk to someone about how people interact. That not everything in life has to be sexual.

If you look for the number 23 enough you will find that too, just ask Jim Carey. The author, the person who wrote the character is telling you no. So stop with your fan fiction. Would you tell George R.R. Martin that he was wrong and you feel Drogo should have his orientation changed? No, you don’t. So tell me why this author gets it constantly from a pool of kids who can’t get their own stuff published? Who have to ride on someone else’s characters to push a narrative?

You can’t and won’t. And for the love of Bob in Janitorial, stop necroing bait threads, they should stay forgotten.


Yes. For Bob’s sake.

If Anduin became Zovaal’s pool house boy toy and then they got married… a Necro of his thread might be a little funny… but short of new information, it is just a necro.

Hm. Reminds me of when Forum Mods move threads like these from GD to the Story Forum. Maybe they just like seeing where the conversation goes in a “story” context?



Man so many people in this thread made or switched to a certain alt specifically to give vaguely homophobic takes and it won’t go back to their main/forum main

Blizzard really needs to establish a Forum ID system (separate from BNet handle), tired of people using alts to hide bigotry