Let Anduin be homosexual

When a royalty wants to break the royal rules like Edward the 8th british royal wanted to marry an American he abdicated to marry his love.
If Andiun wants to marry how he wants he would have to abdicate which will in effect end the Wrynn dynasty. He is perfectly able to marry and love who he wants but he can’t be a king doing it.

It is strictly biological. That is what a bloodline is.
The Romans didn’t care about the bloodline but about the family, it was a totally definitely culture where it was the connects rather than geneology.

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When a royalty wants to break the royal rules like Edward the 8th british royal wanted to marry an American he abdicated to marry his love.

But why would this even be a rule that exists and he would have to break in the first place? That is my question.

The Romans didn’t care about the bloodline but about the family, it was a totally definitely culture where it was the connects rather than geneology.

We also disagree on having this single detail as a part of Stormwind society would make it a “totally different culture.”

Why do you refuse to accept the same answer I and many others have given you multiple times?
This thread keeps going because you refuse to accept the explanation and multiple people are telling you why but we keep circling back to you asking the same question you asked earlier.

Because I disagree that your reasoning and the explanation holds water. My argument is that a society which has no stigma for same sex couples would never develop in this way because the comphet biases that would lead to this mode of thinking and decision making process would not exist. I think we’re just at an impass, this is not something we’re going to agree on.

Literally everyone here except Baal who wants to reinvent Stormwind as the Roman Empire which stormwind has no resemblance with everyone is telling you the same thing as I am.

The purpose of a monarchy is to pass on genetically the family line and strengthen it with more blood relations with powerful noble family bloodlines. A same-sex marriage with an adopted child will be impossible to achieve this.
There is no basis of it in history in a medieval european setting. So what you want is simply NOT possible UNLESS we completely destroy the Stormwind and other human kingdoms identity.

You are right. Me and everyone else who telling you it is not appropriate are talking to a rock who refuses to accept any argument either based on history or established lore while offering nothing to back your own arguments.

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Can you point to a story that has been made non-canon because it had a homophobic plot point?

I honestly can’t think of any example prior to the announcement where a Warcraft Character was actively homophobic - I don’t think the issue ever came up in any Warcraft story up to this point. Xenophobic - maybe but not homophobic.

I know… I said a person in the post you are quoting.

It’s been discussed - no definition has been agreed upon when it comes to how it works within the story of Warcraft. Every example that currently exists makes it out to be biological ancestry.

In fact - looking back there’s a story in which having a biological offspring was necessary for a character to take control of their own life - at least that’s how the character saw it.

Aegwynn - the Guardian before Medivh - went got herself pregnant in order take the choice away from the Tirisfal Council on who was to be the next Guardian - if she could have just picked an apprentice herself to transfer the power to… wouldn’t that have been more practical?

I never once said that Anduin was a real person. I suggested that the writer let the character speak to them as they were writing the story to help guide the writer. Which is one method on how certain writers go about writing their stories.

You rejected that idea - but we could extend the logic into a religious/psychological discussion about how certain divine entities speak to certain individuals guiding their actions - and whether those voices are real.

I’d rather not - because it probably wouldn’t end well.

Patterns are relevant because it helps convey the rules of a society in which you are telling your story… the pattern is that political successions have been from parent to offspring in this universe when it comes to human kingdoms. You can make an announcement about your intent for the story - but not every person reading your story will hear that announcement - and if you have to make an announcement outside of the story to clarify your intent - then it means you failed to clearly convey that message within the story.

I’m pointing out the pattern that exists - saying that we can totally break this pattern - but let’s break in way that has consequence.

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Literally everyone here except Baal who wants to reinvent Stormwind as the Roman Empire which stormwind has no resemblance with everyone is telling you the same thing as I am.

Baal is not in any way trying to reinvent Stormwind as the Roman Empire and I am aware that there are multiple people saying similar things, which I disagree are actually addressing my point, which again, is that why would these laws and concepts take hold in a society which doesn’t have compulsory heterosexuality as the default assumption? Why would a society in which same sex unions are commonplace and accepted then place a stigma on same sex couples, including monarchs, having nontraditional families by denying them the right of securing succession through adoption?

Because of the requirement of making a biological child to carry the ancestry and keep the family bloodline going.
This is a basic requirement of a Medieval European monarchy.

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This is a basic requirement of a Medieval European monarchy.

It can be a basic requirement and still impose a stigma or bias against gay or lesbian monarchs, those two concepts can and do apply to this concept making it ultimately inappropriate for Stormwind.

its not a stigma because you say it is.
The requirement is to have a biological offspring to keep the family line going. That is all.

Otherwise Wrynn will not be a family name but a title like Caesar became for almost every emperor.

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How is making a gay or lesbian monarch have sex with a woman or a man that they do not want to or else be denied a future lineage not a stigma? This is a concept that has real world parallels to same sex couples fighting for the right to adoption, and it’s already been determined that laws which would deny a same sex couple securing inheritance for their adopted children are homophobic.

They won’t be forced. They will abdicate and end the dynasty, and a new royal family line will be chosen based on who has the strongest claim to the royal family line.

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They should not have to abdicate or end their dynasty. Stormwind society should have a way for this to happen for a gay king or a lesbian queen that doesn’t involve biological children. I don’t know how better to explain that a law which would force or place pressure on a gay man to have sex with a woman or a lesbian to have sex with a man is homophobic, this is the crux of the conversation that I’m trying to have.

Not only that but McDonalds fought tooth and nail to not have to pay anything, and then went on a PR spree to attack the poor lady in the media, which is why the “lol dumb lady didn’t realize coffee was hot” take stuck so well


That is how a hereditary monarchy works or you are reinventing everything that stormwind and other human kingdoms are.

They have. Andiun can marry who he wants but he won’t be doing it as a king.
He will have all his family holdings but he will lose his job as the king and be back to being just another noble family while another family who is interesting in furthering the Wrynn family dynasty will continue as king.

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They have. Andiun can marry who he wants but he won’t be doing it as a king.

…er, they do not, this is not at all what I said should be, which was that there should be a way for a monarch to do this, still remain the monarch, and secure a successor to the throne that would be for legal purposes be considered their kin, i.e. some form of adoption. Also please keep in mind this is all me arguing what is ultimately my opinion, it’s fine if you disagree.

Adoption will not work.

Because the adopted child with will have zero claim to the throne. If this were to happen the other noble families will start a civil war because it is open season on who gets to become the new ruling family.

The only way this MIGHT work is if Andiun makes another family’s son or daughter as his heir assuming this family is also a Wrynn but of a lower branch. If we want to talk about a general rule for Stormwind being accepting of same sex couples this is the only solution I see. However this requires there to be another Wrynn family to exist to succeed Andiun when he kicks the bucket.

But since there is no such family the Wrynn family line will die off and a new dynasty will be succeeding Wrynn after probably a very bloody succession civil war.

So, what happens if Anduin or some other monarch adopts in secret and tells everyone it’s theirs and pays someone to swear before the Church of the Holy Light that it’s their biological child and no one ever finds out? Is the Wrynn family line actually dead? Or will that child for all extensive purposes be the next Wrynn in line to succeed the throne because everyone in Stormwind came to an agreement, even though it was trickery, that they should be?

They would have adopt when the kid is an infant - and have very large fake mom to go with the ruse.

Otherwise - where did this 10 year old come from?

Yes, Anduin adopts the kid as an infant, or finds a recently pregnant woman to say that she was the one who fathered her child. That is the hypothetical I’m discussing here. No one finds out. Is the Wrynn line actually dead?