Let Anduin be homosexual

Ahh the typical fantasy isn’t real so just do whatever you want reason.

the poster Silriven is obsessed in making Andiun and Andiun alone fully homosexual. I am trying to find a way to compromise in a way that the Lore wont be damaged by this development but it seems they have no interest in the lore or compromise.

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Ahh the typical fantasy isn’t real so just do whatever you want reason.

I would like to kindly point out that I am not the one who started making this argument here. Why are you coming after me and not Finninbas, who literally made this argument several posts ago here:


“They aren’t the only one in here, and MANY have suggested he be Bi, and I agree with them.”

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I agree, bisexual Anduin would be wonderful.

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“Thank you. I had a feeling you would be accepting of that.”

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So now you agree with Andiun having a biological child with a queen is now acceptable?

Context matter.

“If he is Bi, and it is not a forced relationship, yes.”

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Yes, I was always accepting of that, my point is that bisexuality is not a compromise, it is its own unique sexuality that is deserving of respect. My point is that the Stormwind government should be able to accomodate a monarch of any sexual orientation without forcing them into an undesired relationship.

Anduin having a biological child with a queen was never unacceptable to anyone, I believe that is actually the default assumption that most World of Warcraft players have about Anduin.

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I am going to wait until they confirm. If yes then wow this little troll wasted a lot of time for everybody.



“I get that too.”

“Many Royal Marriages have been merely Marriages of Convenience. Where it was done ONLY to continue the Bloodline. It was not uncommon at all, for them to have a Second, even Third Love as well, but the Marriage was in name only.”

“I also suggested that the Child could still be born without Sex. We can do that here on Earth, and Azeroth is far more advance than we are.”


It really, really should be. I think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree about this.

For a second there i was worried you might have been erevien.

Stormwind’s original lore is a medieval european fantasy.
That means hereditary titles.
princes and princesses
Kings & queens
corruption, famine, chivalry, churches, castles and villages.
And so and so on. You get the point.

The Kingdom of Stormwind could be based on medieval france or britain or germany.
Not Rome. Not China. Not Japan. Not any Middle Eastern caliphate or empire.
As an Alliance fan and that includes Stormwind if this was to be implemented as you wish then that would really suck in my view. It would totally rewrite something I fell in love with when I first made my Human Warlock in 2005.
Maybe what you want can work with another race with a different culture.

Gnomes? Sure. Draenei? Oh yeah no problem there. Night Elves? Shouldn’t be an issue. Dwarves? ehhh maybe not… idk. Humans? NO. DONT.

I guess we will never see eye to eye on this but this is my final word on it.

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It would totally rewrite something I fell in love with when I first made my Human Warlock in 2005.

It sounds like what you’re saying is that the thing you fell in love with will utterly be destroyed if Stormwind is able to now or in the future ever accomodate a gay king (not necessarily Anduin) or a lesbian queen without forcing either to have sex that they do not want to to secure an heir, am I understanding this correctly? Is your love for this game really so fragile?

"I have a question, that I think you might know the answer to… Didn’t Europe once have a King, that had a Queen he only slept with until she had his child, then he never touched her again, because he preferred Guys? "

Thats fine. He still had a queen and had an heir to continue the royal line.
I don’t care if he is gay and has a harem of guys. I really don’t as long as the above criteria is met to keep the Medieval European fantasy going.

Renly is one of my top 5 Game of Thrones characters. But even he knew his duty and everyone knew he was into guys. Including his queen.

Unless you can find me a historical European Medieval fantasy with a gay monarchy, then yes. What you propose is unacceptable to me.

“Not what I was asking about. Do you know if he was real, and who he was? I am seeking a small History lesson, and you seem like one who would know this stuff.”
/shy smile

Nothing comes to my mind off the top of my head regarding this specific situation but I can try and dig it up and I have no doubt this kind of thing could have happened thought it would have definitely not been openly advertised.

Thought if you want to know about someone gay historically then I think the life of Julie d’Aubigny is pretty interesting.

“Thank you. Let me know if you find anything. It has been a pondering of mine for a long time. I think it was a story some one in my Family told me, but it was a LONG time ago.”