Let Anduin be homosexual

Here, let me hold your hand:

That doesn’t make them related by blood.

Romans didn’t care much for bloodlines and but family relations and making family alliances.

This is completely different than european medieval civilizations who were so intermarried it bordered on inbreeding.


That doesn’t make them related by blood.

I give up. You can lead a horse to water, but you certainly can’t make them process that information.

I think that Azeroth is a world of magic and a world of possibilities, and one of the things that’s really important to know is that, in Azeroth, you can love who you want, you can identify yourself the way that you want, and all of those things are possibilities.

Unless you’re a Stormwind monarch, then you might need to forgo love to enter a relationship just to have children. That sounds like where we’re at with this, you’re saying Steve Dansur is incorrect.

Frankly, if an heir is a problem for some people, why not dissolve the Stormwind Monarchy? it’s overdue for some of these absolute monarchies to start dissolving anyway.

We had one player race govt that had an elected leader and they threw it away to make yet another friggin kingdom.


If we dissolve the Stormwind monarchy then we make the Horde a representative democracy, maybe led by a president and vice president with a new election every expansion

That’s Rome - not Azeroth - another counter point in which Bloodline is important in Warcraft Universe would be to look at how magic works with Bloodlines.

Looking at the Trolls specifically Bwomsamdi’s deal with King Rastakhan - the deal transferred his daughter upon his death. She even felt something when the deal was first made…

There are political laws - and then there are the laws of magic - which in this universe would be akin to the laws of physics… these are laws that can’t be rewritten or planned for on a rulers whim.

Now that said - I haven’t seen evidence that Wrynn have any sort of magical deals for their bloodline - but if it was revealed that they did - or Anduin was to make a such a deal… these are things to consider.

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The Wrynn bloodline is 1,200 years old and which apparently can be directly linked to Arathi bloodline.

This is staple medieval fantasy trope, having a kid adopted as the heir will end the bloodline. Usually these bloodline ending events are a huge deal in fantasy. Whether its to show a sacrifice (Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion) or to show an empire or kingdom that is falling apart with their last king dying out.

A gay marriage with Co-Kings/Queens adopting a kid and ending an ancient bloodline…
Just wow. That’s a first alright.

GLAAD marks some of those positive achievements with its Annual Media Awards. This year, the organization presented ten nominees for outstanding video game, honoring titles that provided “fair, accurate, and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community and the issues that affect LGBTQ peoples’ lives.”

The last thing I want to say in this thread is that dealing with issues pertaining to adoption and respect and acknowledgement of non-traditional families is one of the key issues that affects the LGBTQ community. World of Warcraft does not deserve this or any nomination or award if, after announcing that homophobia is non-canon and therefore never could be a part of how any society on Azeroth might have developed its system of governance, Anduin or any monarch in any kingdom is still pressured into having a biological child to secure succession of the throne.

The argument you seem to be making is that governments should have perfectly figured this out already.

The argument I’m pushing for is that the world and the governments of the world are imperfect - but can strive and push to make the world better. I think that makes a better story - and conveys a better message.

I can’t speak to the GLAAD awards…But this entire argument hinges on some writer assigning a sexual orientation to a fictional character rather than letting that character decide its orientation for itself.

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I can’t speak to the GLAAD awards…But this entire argument hinges on some writer assigning a sexual orientation to a fictional character rather than letting that character decide its orientation for itself.

…ok, I lied, the last thing I actually want to say is fictional characters aren’t sentient and cannot decide their orientation for themselves, a writer assigning a sexual orientation is in fact how this happens, that is what writing fiction is, and I cannot believe that this is something that needs to be stated. Anduin is not real. He does not exist. I didn’t realize the bar was THAT low for this conversation or else I never would’ve ever tried to engage in this discussion and I’m truly sorry I’ve wasted both mine and everyone’s else’s time.


It depends on the writer - George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) has talked about his writing style being akin to gardener - he plants the seed for his ideas and has a rough blue print - but allows himself to get into a flow state where his own characters surprise him - and more often than not goes with where that writing takes him.

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What does homophobia have to do with medieval bloodlines used as means to establish successions?

Like I said in the thread earlier.
Make Shandris gay. NOOOO Problem.
If you want a male gay representation then pick the next blond boy of the Alliance Arator.

This guy will be the central figure in the Light vs Shadow story his parents will definitely be involved with. Easy peasy and no complicated succession issues to deal with.

Problem solved and you don’t need to reform the Alliance and Stormwind to do it.

This is George RR Martin poetically describing his writing process, this does not mean that Arya Stark is a real person. She is the end result of a series of decisions that a writer made about her character and likewise so is everything in the Warcraft universe.


There is a World of difference between him being the father of a boy or girl that is born from his seed and him adopting a baby.

Just like a woman can offer to accept a mans seed in life, (and fiction) the opposite can occur as well.

People are definitely arguing from different perspectives here. Sure there are line of succession systems that freely accept non biological children but the one Stormwind is based on is not one of them. Siring an heir in a loveless union was something that happened plenty and the people involved in them typically just took lovers on the side. I don’t see why Anduin’s situation couldn’t be similar. Hell gay or straight he probably would have to end up doing that given he’d have to marry some noble for the purposes of an heir.

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Siring an heir in a loveless union was something that happened plenty and the people involved in them typically just took lovers on the side.

My entire argument is that Stormwind society putting Anduin or any monarch into this situation would be homophobic and therefore non-canon and a lore contradiction.

Its literally what happened in real life and might still happen due to family pressure on “maintaining the family line”
If Andiun had a side lover no one would care male or female. He is the bloody king he can have a harem of hot guys if he wanted to. thats fine.
What Andiun needs to do though is marry a woman and have an heir or two. Thats all he has to do. Keep the Wrynn family line going and all is well.

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And it certainly was homophobic in real life, so it would be a contradiction if it also happened in the current World of Warcraft lore.

Gonna point out any children of adopted members into the Imperial Families were considered bloodline-legitimate


Thank you. I kind of take it back, I feel like this conversation was actually worth it for the incredibly interesting bits that I’ve learned from your posts about this topic. Hoping to incorperate that information more the next time I dive into something like this thornbush.