Let Anduin be homosexual

I understand perfectly - but it hasn’t been used within Warcraft stories thus far - and if it was suddenly to be used now - it would represent a change to the wider lore. You don’t care about effects of that change - but there are those that do.

I do very much care about the effects of this change. The most significant effect would be that Stormwind’s line of succession would make more sense given that we know now that king/king and queen/queen partnerships were common and even expected in monarchies on Azeroth, including Stormwind.

Actually the founding of the Empire of arathor by the unity of three tribes of humans where Strom was founded by a vision of a wolf actually is based on one of myths of the founding of Rome

Likewise various Roman motifs all over Maldraxxus

And Imperial Roman (both Roman and Byzantine) architecture used for various in-game races

The human kingdoms have very little in common with the roman republic or roman empire.

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Theme is already there so can’t say it hasn’t been used.

It’s fair game.

Using just Medieval Europe to base stormwind humans is boring when there’s other moments of European history to be used including Antiquity and the Renaissance


So suddenly we will have Stormwind Senate and an emperor?
Complete cultural change of a european medieval culture to a imperial culture from antiquity.

This severely hurts the lore.
Its like if the orcs organized into a parliamentary democracy.

Its out of character.

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High King and Roman Emperor have the same list of duties and responsibilities yes.

Nope it’s using a minor detail of a different moment of the same cultural regional history

Actually the Turkic/Mongolian/Hungarian tribes are largely democratic so it would also make sense

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And how were Strom successor’s to throne chosen… was it a bloodline kingship? Because all the lore I’m familiar with in this universe kinda suggests that.

I have yet to see any material to suggest it would be common in the royalty. Not having homophobia is good - but all that says is that society doesn’t have problem with anyone bringing any gender into your own bed.

Doesn’t necessarily mean that the Kings and Queens for generations have swung any which way. It implies it - but there are no actual examples of this - or how transfer of power was handle at the deaths of such rulers within the Warcraft story.

At present - there are no examples I can think of in the lore of a past human monarch who had a same sex relationship.

You to seem to be trying to say it shouldn’t be an issue at all.

I’m saying it should be an issue that Anduin has to overcome within the story - because heroes overcoming issues in stories make heroes more interesting and the stories more compelling.

Yes but - the alliance is a boring faction for the boring people - who don’t want to be members of the Horde. :smiley:


I don’t discuss my opinion here.

Line of succession is how it works, how it always worked.

We have no idea because nobody has written the genealogy of the throne.

For all we know the House of Wrynn has actually jumped lines a few times due to a lack of heir.

It has after all been centuries, and 1 century = 4-5 generations usually

We do not know how the Imperial Throne was chosen back then, nor do we know anything beyond Varian’s dad

It could have been like the Holy Roman Emperor where the king is just any guy from the general Royal House to be elected by a Council of Princes

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I’m probably talking way out of my rear here, but aren’t Romans distant predecessors of Italians? Given the way that WoW uses different species as stand-ins for real world races, why waste that on humans when they already have 2 flavors of England locked down as a theme?

Who are the senators?

From an Alliance player perspective it really isn’t.
I am playing in a stereotypical medieval european setting. Not the Roman empire from antiquity with none of the cool Roman stuff like gladiators, legions, conquering armies and all the other goodies a roman setting has to offer.

So you are in favor of Orcs now voting for a prime minister?

Long story short but not quite, the Roman Empire extended Roman status to everyone in the Empire/Republic in the late period

The Iberian tribes were as much Roman as the Imazighen in North Africa as the Greeks in Greece.

In fact most of the time the Emperors were not even from what we call Italy. Many were Greek and North African.

No, it does not, it says a great deal more than that. What I have been trying to do is describe what it really means to have something like “a society that doesn’t have a problem with anyone bringing any gender into your own bed” built into World of Warcraft’s lore from the ground up. Take the next step and consider the overarching effects of how a system of government like a monarchy would develop if that concept was baked into the society itself. Why would a monarchy that could easily have a same sex relationship also make the decision to depend on those monarchs always having a biological child? The answer is, it would not, so it does not make sense to expect this of Anduin.

At present - there are no examples I can think of in the lore of a past human monarch who had a same sex relationship.

This is irrelevent. The point is even if there just so happened to have been none, it wouldn’t be unusual if there were in the future and this expectation would be built into the monarchy’s rules for determining succession accordingly.

Yes but - the alliance is a boring faction for the boring people - who don’t want to be members of the Horde. :smiley:

Also, I have to say, for someone who finds the Alliance boring, you’ve sure shown quite a bit of interest in at least its monarchy.

I believe laws / warnings are only written as issues come up. For example - McDonalds didn’t put a “Warning: Coffee Maybe Hot” label on their cups until a woman got burned having hot coffee spilled on her and sued McDs for money to cover the medical bills.

So if the issue hasn’t come up before now - then there would be no need for a system to be put in place to decide it.

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So if the issue hasn’t come up before now - then there would be no need for a system to be put in place to decide it.

You’re still talking about this as if Stormwind would have ever taken heterosexual couples as the default in the first place, which it would not.



So is there historical precedent for a medieval or even antique homosexual co-rulership like an Emperor/King and Empress/Queen.

No - I’m talking as if Stormwind would choose its king based off bloodline succession as the Default - which it has.

Historically incorrect, this is not the exclusive origin of laws.

Furthermore we don’t know if Stormwind is Common Law or Civil Law or Otherwise, nor do we know if succession is primogeniture salic style or otherwise, nor do we know how the King is invested with power (eg ceremony or election).


Llane died - Varian as a child was named king - either in the middle of Stormwind burning or during the evacuation immediately afterward. He had regents - but he was still named king.

Varian died - Anduin was named king. Andy was treated as the heir to the throne long before that point.

If the process is somehow different - it has not been shown or evidenced in anyway - and to do so now would break the previously established pattern.