Let Anduin be homosexual

Wait… I’m confused.

You were talking about Baine in the sentence I quoted from you.
During the Siege of Undercity, no Jaina did not attack Varian and he never was her king. At least not until Blizzard went full Highking nonsense and after her “neutrality”. All she did was to port him out of UC, because he wanted to attack Thrall.

Once more, you try so hard, but you really can’t deny she tried andshe saved a lot of people while Baine well… did not even try.

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After Wrathgate Varian attacked undercity and captured it.
The Horde shows up as well and Jaina freezes them all in place.
Varian and the more numerous Alliance soldiers could have killed Garrosh and Sylvanas and Thrall in one move but she teleported them out.
Alliance lost Undercity and a great opportunity to kill 2 of the major baddies in the future.
So… there is that. Baine has not done anything even remotely traitorous as this.

Who did she save?
And much less what did Baine do? He wasn’t even at Taurajo. He built a wall instead and hunkered down.
He saver thunderbluff from further attacks. Can’t say the same about Theramore.

That’s not even true. The Alliacne entered one way and the Horde the other.
It would simply have ended in a blood bath.

Bannishing your own warriors is a good start.

You are shifting the goal post around and around, because Baine is so useless. You know exactly he did not defend the Barrens. He let his people die.

The survivors of Loraderon and formed Thermore.
Thearmore citizens.
Pretty sure also Varisan at some point.
The people of Kul’tiras and so on.

Even if you want to say she failed some, that’s ok. You can’t save everyone, but she tried. She fought.

Baine did not.

With everyone frozen underneath I very much doubt that.
But regardless her actions go far far beyond “muh taurajo” that you keep harping on about.

Jaina and Andiun are consistently taking actions to benefit the Horde which hurts their people constantly. Baine’s Taurajo deaths is a joke compared to all the deaths Jaina and Andiun have on their hands by constantly trusting and working with the Horde.

I’ve not mentioned Taurajo once.

For your information, the invasion of the Barrens was not only Turajo and Baine did not even defend his people after Taurajo. So… yeah. He is really not comparable to anyone at least trying to defend their people against the other faction.

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You keep referencing Baine’s “legitimate target” Taurajo.
Thats the only thing you can reference it seems.

Baine stood at the entrance of mulgor and defended the breach and then made a wall. But mmmmk don’t let facts stand in your way.

Nope, not at all. I only mentioned it once (and only the banishment) after your claim Jaina was worse to “her faction”.

A wall made out of leather which oh shock the Alliance ran past and slaughtered the Tauren behind it all over the Barrens. But don’t let that bother you. Baine did not intervene. Baine let the slaughter happen.
Baine did not once defend the Tauren from the Alliance.

Edit: Let’s be cleat. No matter what your opinion of Baine is. You can’t compare him to anyone else in this matter.

The wall protects Mulgor what are you talking about?!?!
Run past and attack barrens? What? Baine made a wall and despite Alliance’s best efforts (the destroyed siege weapons) Mulgor the heartland of the Tauren is completely untouched by war.
In both BFA and Cata/MoP.

Neither Andiun or Jaina can say that for their leadership.

It didn’t. As the Horde player you have to save everyone there. The Alliance was already behind the wall. He hoped the wall would be enough and he could ignore the Barrens (which he did), but it didn’t work (and he would leave the others to themselves).

Yes, during Cata the Barrens were full of conflict and Alliance forces where everywhere. The wall did not protect and Baine was nowhere to be seen for all of those battles.

I repeat myself once more. Baine is the only leader not defending his people against the other faction.

The wall… protects Mulgor. How can the Alliance run past it and attack barrens???
That implies they are attacking from Mulgor.

What you say makes no sense.

TBF there was a planned cutscene with Baine in the S Barrens, but it got cut because of Cata being more work than Blizzard expected.

You’d think they’d have made up for it since, but positive/fun moments for the Horde dried up as a priority as the old guard writers and devs left.

Wrong. That’s simply wrong. The wall did not protect them. Go and play through the quests again. The Altaince even managed to get war machines through it. You had to clean up Bains mess.

Both things are true. They fought all over the Barrens and Baine did not send help, or was anywhere to defend it. The Allaince then even attacked the great wall yes. Baine again, did not defend it.

Show me because the wall stands when I play the game and wall is on the Mulgor border protecting the Tauren heartland.

There is no Alliance army inside Mulgor trying to breach the gate and enter barrens.
If there was then post the links here.

I know and Baine was also supposed to get content in Highmountain which he did not get. It was not even in any book, nothing.

This where really needed things Baine should have gotten and would have devloped him more. But I guess “funny cow man” doesn’t deserve dignity, a story and something more than to be pushed around and to send Anduin a part of his horn. It’s so sad what they did to him.

Yes the wall is still there. This doesn’t change that the Alliance went through and you had to save Bains mess.

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So the wall wasn’t breached and the Alliance didn’t use it to attack barrens as you first claimed.

How else did they get behind the wall? Fact is: The Alliance got behind the Wall and attacked the Tauren on their land.

I never claimed they went from Mulgore later on to the Barrens (fights happenes independent from the attack on Mulgore) and the order of events really doesn’t matter, because Baine did either way nothing. That’s all we care about in this context.

Was the wall broken through with Alliance armies pouring in and destroying Mulgor like Orcs destroyed Ashenvale or Forsaken destroyed Gilneas and Hillsbrad?
No? Then I think the wall did its job.

Yes you did.

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Alliance forces attacked Tauren on their land behind the wall. So, no it didn’t do it’s job.

Semantics. Perhaps I did not phrase it properly. Ok once more for you.
Some Tauren are living in the Barrens.
The Alliance attacked the Barrens. There where battles all over the area. Meaning Baine should have acted. He did not.
When the Alliance attacked Mulgore, he did nothing. They went beyond the wall and attacked the Tauren in Mulgore aswel. Battles escalated further for a while.

The point is: Baine did not stand with his people.

Acted how?

There are multiple possibilities he could have gone with.
A view examples, I’m sure there were other options too.
Trying to evacuate as many people as possible. Perhaps establish a command center let’s say at the Crossroads etc.
Important would have been, at the very least showing his face to the invaders of Mulgore to push them back.
He did not even to that.