Let Anduin be homosexual

Then we’ll have the Scarlett situtation in reduex. And that’s just lazy writting.

Now, if they were to take that and have this supposed Calia’s son try to make a claim for Stormwind in Anduin’s absence, THAT could make for some interesting story.

“I really don’t see that as lazy writing. The lost Bloodline could go far back enough to be even older than that of the Scarlett situation. A Bloodline claim that rivals even theirs.”

The problem with that is that the heir of Lordaeron would have a greater claim to the Bloodline of Arathor then any older bloodline.
Only someone of direct decent from Varian would have a stronger claim. POSSIBLY of Llane but it would still be 2 generations removed from royalty, where as the son of Calia would not.

Just saying, if the Nobility had their say, they’d go with the claim of Calia’s heir over anyone else. And in this situation, where it would be the Nobility who would be doing the tracking, they do have say in it.

“I think that would depend on if Calia becomes Leader of the Forsaken. That may not go over so well with the Nobility. They may consider her Bloodline tainted (or lacking Loyalty) at that point. They may ALREADY feel that way.”

Royal succession has nothing to do with homophobia though.


Didn’t real monarchs, straight or speculated gay, do that whole marry for succession thing all the time? They and their partner would just get around it by having relationships on the side everybody knew about but nobody brought up in polite company.

As far as I know, yes.

This happend to real monarchs because comphet was the presumed norm in their society. Succession shouldn’t have developed this way in Stormwind in the first place, because the lore was retroactively changed to where comphet isn’t the norm on Azeroth, and no king or queen in current or future lore would feel pressured to make this compromise just to have children because the ability to have biological children wouldn’t be expected of any couple by default.

There is a huge difference.

Jaina always defend her people.
Baine literally did nothing as the Barrens were invaded and Tauren were murdered.

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Defends her people?

Andiun and Jaina sent in a suicide army to distract the Horde for Dazaralor and after the battle was over they decided to not attack the Horde again until they finished mourning.

They care more about Horde feelings than Alliance lives. Jaina pretty much betrayed the Alliance when she teleported Varian away from Undercity while she had the Horde leadership captive in her ice… including Garrosh! Back in wotlk.

Really these two characters have an incredibly long track record of helping the Horde when they shouldn’t have been.

Ps. Jaina’s people are all dead thanks to the Horde. So… she really sucks at defending them too.

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Of course she did.

Yes that was rather stupid and no idea if it was Anduin’s plan or what else. But, you are forgetting something.
You are putting her up against Baine.

You know the guy that did not defend his people during the invasions of the Barrens. So… yeah.

Wasn’t the suicide diversion Wyrmbane’s and Genn’s idea?

Shouldn’t it? How does a monarch maintain a hereditary claim on a throne without a line of succession? Even a gay or lesbian ruler needs to churn out a few babies.

They are super duper dead. So she didn’t do a very good job.
Why would she make peace with the ones responsible?

You mean the same Baine that attacked her own king infront of his enemies to stop them from fighting? Or do you mean Andiun who allied with a war criminal that genocided one of his Allies (or in someways Subjects?)

Jaina and Andiun have truck loads of Alliance blood on their hands by pandering to the Horde’s every wish.
Jaina and Andiun are constantly helping the Horde rather than trying to destroy them or even stop them.

Baine is a light weight compared to these two psychos

Wrong. She saved the survivors of Lordaeron and later she saved the civilians of Thermore and she defended Kul’tiras.

That never happened, but okey. I mean Baine that did not defend his own people. He did nothing during the invasion of the Barrens. Nothign at all. There is no comparison between such a useless tool like him and others.

The civilians of Theramore were captured and murdered by the Horde in Orgrimmar
You see their corpses when you do SOO.
She failed them by trusting the Horde and now she has a new people to fail by trusting the Horde… again! Girl never learns.

Only some. Quite a number of them (if not most) were ported out. That’s also not really something she could do anything against, while defending the city. You can’t be everywhere at once.
That’s not a defense you can make for Baine though.

I don’t know why you are trying so hard, but Baine failed his people. He did not even try. That’s it.

Jaina attacked Varian when he tried attacking Thrall in Undercity.
Alliance could have killed him, Garrosh and Sylvanas in one move… but she didn’t.
Can’t say Baine has ever physically attacked his warchief when he tried to kill Alliance.

Oh sure she could have.

She could ended the Horde as a threat multiple times.
She keeps helping them and they keep destroying what they can get hands on.
She is a failure as a leader, if she stopped favoring the Horde for a moment she would have permanently saved her people.

No, because adoption can be used to maintain a hereditary claim on a throne, which has irl historical precedence, which has been discussed multiple times in this thread:

There’s no reason why this can’t also be true for the Stormwind monarchy.

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