Let Anduin be homosexual

Warcraft characters don’t have genitalia.

Just saying.

Depends on which fan sites you visit.


That’s another race.

That’s another race in the Alliance - and the High Elves are also another race who answer the call to arms of a Human descendant in a certain blood line. Its not just how things work within the Stormwind - but this bloodline thing clearly extends to inter-race relations.

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“Lets say a child was hidden away during one of the first major wars, and from that child sprang a Family line, that is of the Royal Bloodline. Over the years they have thrived, and one day, the Eldest son, of the Newest family comes to SW, with proof of his Bloodline. The Nobles chose to declare HIM the rightful King, by way of succession, since he was born BEFORE Anduin. That way Anduin no longer has to be King, and is free to live any life they chose to write for him.”


Also the only reason the Quel’thalas monarchy ended was because Anasterian got murdered by Arthas and Kael’thas the last of the bloodline (like Anduin is the last of the Wrynn line) went crazy and was killed. If he hadn’t been villain batted he’d have still been king (or prince, since it’s still fuzzy whether or not he ever actually called himself king)


In Warcraft 3 - he referred to himself as Prince - in Burning Crusade there are letters in the Draenei starting area in which he signed “Sun King”.

I mean in Legion we are told there was a branch House of the Sunstriders, who tried to claim Felo’melorn (and died).

Regardless, we also aren’t told why the Quel’dorei followed the Sunstriders when exiled. Was he head of the Highborne in some capacity? Appointed? Elected? Magocracy?

Also reminder a Regent Lord is a Regent, and a Regency is a type of Monarchy.

Regents are generally those who rule in the stead of a Monarch… either the King is too young - or too insane to be allowed to actually rule - in case of Quel’Thalas - its because the actual King was busy in Outland - and then the King attacked his own people and the people said - yea we totally trust that King’s Regent over the actual King.

or there isn’t a King, i.e. “interregnum”

but it’s happened before a Regent is turned into the King once the prior royal line “dies”

Repeatedly, in fact.

Plus the Lorthemar short story has Lorthemar admitting to himself he’s already King in all but name

It’s sad to see Bolsheviks building up on the left

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Bolshevik Jesus Christ shut up you LARPing nerd you aren’t an early 20th century member of a branch of Russian nobility

It’s 2021


What next gonna call Catholics “papists”? Or romanists? Are Germans “teutons” now?


Its *insert present year here * !
Stop using *outdated term or mode of thought * !
Get with the times and start using *Insert new acceptable term or thought here * !

Amusing distraction - why are we using a Calendar/year system of an organization that doesn’t support inclusion? Haven’t we moved beyond the Anno Domini era? Why aren’t we pushing for the start of a new era - like the Universal Century era? or the Digital Year Era?


So we agree it’s outdated and anachronistic Great

This is what the Scarletts are currently trying to push for claim to Lordaeron, with a claim that they have Calia’s “son” who is the “rightful heir.”

But to answer the question, Stormwind is absolutely a bloodline Monarchy that will go by blood relatives first in the case of an untimely passing of the Monarch. This is absolutely true, even if they have to backtrack a dozen generations to find one.

Because the Nobility would never allow anyone who is not named heir to take the throne (without civil war.)

That said, Someone not of Wrynn blood COULD be named heir by Anduin, but any living member of the Arathi bloodline can still contest it. If Anduin did go this route, besides it potentially tearing the Kingdom apart, it would have to pass the scrutiny of the Nobility.
And frankly, the Nobility would insist on one of them taking the throne first. Or their children.

So, easiest way would be if Anduin was to adopt a Child of noble blood, and not just some street orphan. But eitherway, the Arathi bloodline would end, and with it, Stormwind.

“Not if there is a lost Bloodline, that can carry on for them. Especially if it goes back far enough to be an Original Arathi Bloodline.”

That’s my point. The last (KNOWN) of the Arathi bloodline would be Danath Trollbane (which would be ironic) as he’s the last living heir to the Arathi bloodline (who’s not Calia)

“Last KNOWN living Heir. That is my point. They could have hidden a child, back during one of the original wars, that begot a Family, that is of the ORIGINAL Arathi Bloodline, who is not even related to Calia.”

Right. Which is why I said they’ll have to backtrack a dozen generations, trying to locate every potential one-night-stand and concubine that any member of that bloodline had.

Eventually, they’ll reach Danath, if no living heir is found.

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“All the writers have to do, is create such an Heir, from a long ago child.”