Let Anduin be homosexual

I don’t care how they do it, I don’t care what it contradicts, I don’t care what they have to retcon.

I don’t know how clearer I could be, I’m assuming you skipped this sentence.

So you are not making a case of worldbuilding, you are making a case of personal preference. Because, as already established, there are conditions to the Kingship, currently in place, that WOULD prevent a Monarch of Stormwind from naming an adopted child to the hereditary line.

But you are just saying “But I don’t like that.”

That about sum up your position?


But you are just saying “But I don’t like that.”

I am not the one who is arguing that Anduin cannot be lgbq because he must have a biological child and I am not the one who made the decision to make homophobia non-canon in this game.

And this is worldbuilding. This is what it means to have lgbtq themes built into your world from the ground up instead of slapping it on like a coat of shiny paint.

I am not saying Anduin cannot be homosexual. I am just saying that, regardless of his sexual orientation, he would need a biological child to name heir of Stormwind.

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“And I posted the PERFECT way that could happen.”

You may not - but others will - and the audience is bigger than just you.

But to be clear Andiun does not need to be straight… If the writers decide to make him gay - there are a bunch of story ideas to make an interesting conflicts/journey for Anduin to go through based on the fact that it has been a blood line up until that point.

Maybe the Wrynn line ends with him… I’m okay with that - but Anduin would have to think about these things in any good story in which he cares how his kingdom continues after he’s gone. And if he’s a good king - he will care. If he’s a terrible king - he will not.

Maybe he adopts - maybe he has third cousin twice removed that is the next in line living as a pirate out of booty bay - maybe they make him gay and then kill him off before he can solve any of these problems.

And if the story writers even give a damn beyond checking a box for diversity - they will care about this stuff too.

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And I am saying that this makes absolutely no sense in Stormwind’s lore given that homophobia is non canon in Azeroth and no monarch would be expected to have biological children as the result of a marriage.

The Wrynn line doesn’t have to end, like I and others have clearly stated you can change inheritance/succession to be passed on through adoption or some other way.

Homophobia has nothing to do with it. Requiring the Arathi Bloodline as a prerequisite for Kingship is, in no way, homophobic.


Bloodlines are not passed on to adopted children.

It doesn’t have to continue either.

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Is the Arathi Bloodline passed on by sprinkling fairy dust on someone, then?

No, it is passed on in your DNA lol

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It doesn’t have to continue either.

I didn’t realize this was ever in question.

In Imperial Rome they were. Genus extended to adopted children.

And before paternity tests were invented, there was an old saying that dates back to middle ages: “Maternity is fact, paternity is faith”.


Good point. I suppose rules of succession doesn’t have to follow modern rules. “Arathi Bloodline” just made me think it was a genetic thing.

You are arguing as if the fact that political power has been transferred via bloodline inheritance that stops Andiun from being gay. It doesn’t.

It can be a Bloodline based royalty and Andiun can be gay. But if he is gay - and is unable to produce an heir through heterorelations with a woman - then he either needs to try and solve that problem or allow chaotic succession after he passes.

There is a difference between being not being homophobic - and not having previously established ways of passing on power that doesn’t involve a bloodline. Maybe he’ll suggest democracy.

Imperial Rome was formed out of the Roman Republic - which was a very rough democracy. They had established the idea of the power of the vote - so bloodlines probably weren’t as important to Romans to begin with.

Can you say the same kingdoms in the middle ages?

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“This is why I like the thought of a Cousin, or half sister/brother, niece/nephew, etc., being introduced to give the Throne an Heir.”

“Royalty have, many times through out History, hidden a child of the Family, during a Major War, to insure the bloodline continues. This could have happened at anytime in the History of this Family.”

Imperial Genii were actually referred to as nobility.

And yes, there were (nonEuropean) kingdoms in the Middle Ages that allowed for adoption.

Other elephant in the room for the Bloodline argument - Queen Moira Thaurissan - only reason why she’s a queen of the Dark Irons that they actually listen to is because she gave birth to the bloodline heir.

Otherwise - she’s just a Bronzebeard - the Dark Iron’s ancestral enemy.