Let Anduin be homosexual

“I can be no one else. I am who I am.”

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“By the way. I wish you were on my Bnet. We could have a blast, just chatting about the world.”
/shy smile

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Fair point.


This completely depends on the writers and I’m not sure why you’re talking about this as if it wouldn’t make sense to retcon it even if it was given that children would not be expected of monarchs in an Azeroth where no one would have a reason to be closeted.

“You want another silly thought of mine? Here goes…”

“Anduin meets a beautiful Lady at a Bar, he is so taken by her it’s like love at first sight. As the night rolls on, he finds out it’s Wrathion, in female form. He is intrigued that Wrathion can be BOTH sexes. This fascinates him, and he decides to go with the flow. That would be a twist I’d LOVE to see.”

“This also doesn’t HAVE to be Wrathion, just one of the Dragon Aspects people.”
/wicked giggle


There is even more confusion with the use of pronouns. He / she / they / it … Better a race of intelligent sex-reversing snails.

I’m not sure what one has to do with the other. Being gay doesn’t mean you can’t have a child with the opposite sex. It simply means your not sexually attracted to the opposite sex. Political marriages can still be a thing even if one or more parties involved are openly not attracted to the other.

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“I, personally, feel that ‘they’ best fits a shapeshifter, because we are dealing with a collective, since they can be either, as well as an ‘other’ form.”

Because you still haven’t answered the question of why it needs to be a biological child, why either would want to. Politically married couples can still adopt. Anduin can marry the king of another kingdom for financial or tactical gain and they can adopt an heir.

“A thought occurred to me. It can be a biological child, with out sex. On Earth we already have test tube babies. It’s possible that on a planet as advanced as Azeroth, there can be a similar process, just better than on Earth.”

Bloodlines are important on Azeroth politics - and have been made the basis for treaties and alliances. Prime example - because the High Elves had made pact with/had a debt to the Arathi in ages past - when the last living descendant (Lothar) put out a call to arms against the Orcs - they were obligated to answer. If similar such alliances were made with the Wrynn line - then maintaining the Bloodline would be deemed important.

Unless you want to change that little nugget of warcraft history as well.

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In HearthStone, Epherial has a clone-making facility in the lab. Only small clones come out.

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“That’s another thought, and a cool one, but I don’t think a clone would be the same thing. All they have to do, is have him chose a Lady, and artificially inseminate her, and he will have an actual Blood Heir, and be free to love whom ever he chooses.”

Unless you want to change that little nugget of warcraft history as well.

Yes, I do. I would like them to either completely retcon it or retroactively adjust the lore so that a “bloodline” can include some kind of adopted children or ward, however you define it, the end goal being that a lineage is not determined by a couple having children, therefore Anduin would not currently be expected to take a cis woman as his queen by default so this cannot be used as an excuse for why he absolutely must be straight.

“If all they need is a Blood Heir, look above, I have the perfect answer.”

In making that change - you’d then have ask why Lothar didn’t adopt to preserve the pact - if all he had to do was pick up an orphan at the child store. And I’m sure that’s not the only story point that would require a second look.

Regardless - the lore as it currently stands seems to be bloodline based political systems for many of the Alliance’s Kingdoms (less so for the Horde) - and the writing has been that way for a while… to do a retcon of that size would require a lot of consideration of previous actions if adoption suddenly becomes a method that’s always been valid to pass on ruling power.

If its a reform/new law that is only now coming into place because Anduin is actively making those changes himself - then you have a story of Stormwind political interests between the old way and the new way - which could be interesting.

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Because the Wrynn family were chosen to rule because they are decedents of the original Arathi bloodline. If a Wrynn marries someone of the same sex, and chooses their adopted child as their heir, then the Bloodline ends. It is no longer the original Arathi Bloodline, which was the basis of which the Wrynn family was chosen to rule.


I don’t care how they do it, I don’t care what it contradicts, I don’t care what they have to retcon. I would like the writers to be held accountable for the decision to make homophobia non canon in Azeroth and for them and the rest of the community to incorporate that seriously into the worldbuilding going forward. Anduin, no monarch in Stormwind, would ever “’“NEED””" to have a biological child in this version of Azeroth, it would never be written into law by a society that has always accepted and expected same sex couples as a possibility, even for the monarchy, and that cannot be used as an excuse for why he or any other Alliance king or queen must be straight going forward.

“A light bulb just went off, over my head…”

“What if Anduin has a Sister he knows nothing about? Just because HE is too goody goody two shoes, to have a Mistress, doesn’t mean his FATHER was a saint as well. His Dad could have had a fling, and produced an heir, that no one knows about yet.”

They would if maintaining the original Arathi Bloodline was a prerequisite for Kingship.