Let Anduin be homosexual

Lol no one has established that. Thats not how European medieval bloodlines and successions work.


Have fun kids.

I guess you are just trolling then. Thanks for playing kiddo :slight_smile:

It depends on if an adopted child is seen as eligible of Kingship. Genn’s mentioning that Anduin needs an heir implies that name alone isn’t enough, that the right of succession is tied to the bloodline rather than the name.

We don’t know if adoption would be accepted. You think it would be fine. But we have no official confirmation from the actual writers.

As i stated above if adoption is fine then other kings wouldn’t have had political marriages or anduin wouldn’t feel guilty flirting with a peasent.

My personal guess based on what info we do have is the society requires a biological hier of noble blood.

He could marry a women for politics and have a side lover. But hes such a goody goody i doubt anduin would have a mistress.

Hell he can marry tealia. Then have valeera as a mistress. Give him a harem I’m sure theres a few ladies that would happily give him a cookie.

Storytelling 101 - tell a compelling story where a hero goes on a journey with challenges, obstacles, and adversaries in which they either have to overcome or adapt to.

Create an internal logic and consistency so that decisions that characters make within the story makes sense.

The last three generations of Wrynn kings has operated as a bloodline inheritance (probably longer- but that’s about as far back as we can see). If Anduin is gay and does not reproduce a blood heir - it breaks that pattern previously established.

There is a story telling opportunity there - but you have to be willing to tell that story. In compelling story - Andiun should be conflicted about that. The decision should matter because of the politics that comes from ruling the kingdom.

I’ll give an example of another gay King from fiction - Game of Thrones - Renly was the gay. It was the worst kept secret in Kings Landing. Everyone knew it - and yet he was still expected to produce a blood heir.

And that was an interesting story.

Do you trust wow writers to be able to tell a story at the same level of game of thrones season2?

Maybe marry Shandris to restrengthen the Night Elf and Stormwind relations.

Hey now, I won’t be knocking moderates. I love moderate types, can actually reason and fairly discuss things with them. I only used the broad brush of ‘Leftists’ as I have no real way of pinpointing exactly what kind, and I am hesitant to put people down as extremists too often.

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“Oh what an interesting concept… A thought came to me. Anduin adopts a Orphan, who was the child of a Noble… Not knowing that said child was not fully human, but born of an affair. Said child grows up as the Heir, later in life Anduin dies, and the child becomes King. And THAT is when they find out, the hard way, that the child was actually the offspring of a Horde Royalty, and takes over SW, and makes it a Horde City, and the Alliance have to fight to take it back.”

/evil laugh


Will there be a howl from the Horde “Again the Horde is besieging the city! When the siege of the Alliance?”

Stop. Orgrimmar, Undercity, Undercity, Dazar’Alor, Orgrimmar.
Gilneas, Southshore, Theramore, the city the Horde doesn’t know about, Darnassus.
It seems to me, or did something go wrong since all the besieged cities of the Alliance were destroyed?

How old was the child at the time of adoption and the race of the family in which the child was born?

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“I’ll leave that up to you guys. It was just a silly thought that came to me.”

“In my head I was thinking Half Orc, or Half Troll, because that could be easier to hide the traits, and fool the Humans.”

It remains only to determine how many fingers the troll child and human will have.
Wouldn’t it be better to use the blood elves?

Why would the child, and Stormwind itself, just accept that though? As far as they would be concerned humanity would be their people and their duty to protect them. Not roll out the welcome mat to a people they never knew. Watch Invincible to see how that goes.

“The Belves have those long ears, and eyebrows. It’s hard to believe those would not show up somehow. Maybe Orc is the best bet.”

“The child could have been trained, in secret, by one of the Horde. It’s not like they would be locked down in SW.”

“He could have been made into what people call a ‘Sleeper’.”

Trim ears, trim eyebrows or burn out with acid.
An orc / human hybrid may have to grind down its fangs. And what exactly is the orc? Mag’har? From ordinary Fel to children is transmitted.

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“Yes, the ones that are not green, and I have seen Orcs with little, to no fangs. It’s even in the Character Creation Page Options. There is no option for Belves to have short ears, or no eyebrows. It would just be easier to fit into the lore.”

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Cyndilou… Why did you have to put that idea into my head? I’m enjoying something legal in my state and my mind was not ready for that. :hugs:

Consistency is something I find Blizz lacks.

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“Because in my ‘same as yours’ state of mind, silly things come to light.”

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Thanks for being yourself Cyndilou.


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