Let Anduin be homosexual

Do you have a proper argument to make or are you just going to bash?


True. But would it make sense or come off as cringe.

And i am saying I do not trust conservatives to maintain anything but their own bigotry. Society needs to evolve and conservatives have always been a roadblock to that. Because they bring more harm than good by fueling hate campaigns and ignorant, often unscientific ideas.


Faelia has come out anti diversity multiple times, is pro conservative

Akiyass has stated eugenic race science in other threads

Kyalin has admitted she’s had to purge her night elf discord of racists at least once, ie it was a problem


Do you have statistics?
And isn’t the percentage of the right-wing night elves outstripping the average percentage in the world?

But what points do you have to go against what’s been stated in this thread specifically?

Their talk in the book says otherwise. Unless blizz changes something.

If Blizzard did a time skip, and Anduin adopted a kid and thus was the heir, but some Nobles were against this and wanted blood heirs and so investigated who is the closest noble line to the Wrynn line?

Would be good.

Well that’s why we need progressives too. It’s a Ying/Yang relationship, and typically a volatile one, with lots of arguing. I am just of the opinion that those heated arguments are worth having, because too much of one thing is rarely good, especially in the realm of ideas.

Eh, not really. Historically, a lot of the more hateful campaigns, including genocides were fueled and funded by left-leaning progressives. Not saying Conservatives don’t have their issues, I am just saying, you can’t really deal in absolutes like that.


They don’t know the history of Pride and are dismissing it based on false claims, they think conservatives have historically been some beacon of cultural equity when that’s materially false and we all know it, etc


Ok. But do you think a side romance story is gonna get that much effort over the fate of azeroth vs galactc evil here.

Come on now. We know the wtiters are getting worse not better. Case snd point bfa and sl.


And that’s fine if you want to go that story telling route - but you need to introduce that lore and tell that story. If Anduin adopts - who’s the kid. If he’s gay do we play out Wraithon x Anduin or introduce a new character. Etc. etc.

I’m fairly certain that Greymane has definitely pushed Andiun to marry and reproduce… what does that do their relationship.

I’m not against Andiun being gay - but if he is… don’t make as simple as flipping a switch - tell a story of that journey.

Can you explain the history of Pride month here, even with a short explanation? That’d be more helpful than just calling someone wrong then throwing out personal jabs.

You are expecting to much from him. He rather throw around insults and slander than contribute anything of substance. I have never talked about eugenic race science before btw lol.

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I mean they didn’t need to set up a history of lore for Shaw or Flynn, why does Anduin need a different metric?

And yeah retroactively saying that his friendship with Wrathion during MoP was actually a crush would kind of be doing just that so maybe Wrathion x Anduin would be a good thing, by your logic.

Well Shaw and Flynn’s deaths do not change their governments leaders… Andiun’s does… so by the nature of Andiun being the leader of his people - the weight of responsibility in that role… he’s already on a different metric.

Gen has literally cornered anduin sat him down and told him point blank. You need hiers or sw is doomed and i can’t save it.

To which anduin says i know my kingly responsibilities. I want to marry for love. I do not have anyone of interest. And i am too buisy and stressed to do romance. But i appreciate your concern uncle.

Thats the abbreviated version of their chat.

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Yeah but Anduin can adopt, he shouldn’t need to have a biological child to secure an heir.

Jesus christ you sound incredibly bigoted.


What are the rules for adoption in the Warcraft universe? As far as I can tell - I get tossed an orphan or 4 once a year for a week before returning it… the orphans even give me stuff if I let them out of their box at the right points in time.