Let Anduin be homosexual

Because usually that King or Queen may have a Brother or Sister or Cousin or Aunt or Uncle who’s next in line after they pass… Still within the same Bloodline but a different Branch.

As far as I know Anduin has no relatives in that catergory.

It could be an old tradition, or just a law born of superstition. Where the right to rule is tied to the Wrynn bloodline, thus a King that isn’t Blood related to the Wrynns couldn’t be a King.

Because usually that King or Queen may have a Brother or Sister or Cousin or Aunt or Uncle who’s next in line after they pass… Still within the same Bloodline but a different Branch.

As far as I know Anduin has no relatives in that catergory.

This still seems like a huge risk, considering that Stormwind is constantly at war and members of the monarchy and their relatives are frequently thrown into battle. Why not adoption, or securing a ward? Why does a king need to actually have a biological child? What is so important about the bloodline in a non-homophobic Azeroth?

It could be an old tradition, or just a law born of superstition. Where the right to rule is tied to the Wrynn bloodline, thus a King that isn’t Blood related to the Wrynns couldn’t be a King.

And tradition makes no sense, because the history of Azeroth is retroactively non-homophobic, so there would be no hetnormative tradition to bias this decision.

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I don’t have time for a full reply but I’ll just say one thing- conservatives have no business poking their nose into other people’s lives or actions so long as it doesn’t significantly affect their own or hurt anyone in some way.


Why would Anduin have been made king if it wasn’t a bloodline - putting the crown on an unproven pacifist priest in the middle of war with the Horde/Legion - was a dumb idea.

Either it is a Bloodline and he had to be made king or its not a Bloodline and the Alliance leadership decided they should make a boy king over a more experienced ruler like Greymane.

Biology still works the same way on azeroth as real life. Anduin needs to have snu snu with a women to make babies.

Its not phobia. The culture and way sw works is that of a fuedal class system based off tgeir chat. Part of the kings responsibilities is to have hiers. Well having side lovers has happened anduins just such a goody goody he won’t do that.

Stop trying to force whats not there on an already set character. Assuming anduins not axed. He and teslia are already basically hitched.

Make a new character if instead of forcing something.

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Anduin wasn’t unproven, he was raised by Varian (and Bolvar, and probably tutors) and served his entire life as the Crown Prince. Someone didn’t read The Shattering or War Crimes or Blood of Our Fathers or played during Vanilla…

This isn’t the origin of Pride you ignorant ahistorical fool.

But what else would I expect from a fashatru.


Not like we have any lore on the intricate family tree of the House of Wrynn.

He presumably has cousins, unless both his parents come from a long line of only children.

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Gens talk implies anduins the last of his bloodline. If he dies with no hiers. Civil war and power grabs will destroy sw. And gen says he wouldn’t be able to stop it.

Anduins a good person that wants peace. Its not in his character to let his people down.

Lore doesn’t have any named relatives. As far as we know anduins the last wrynn.

Wow Classic is out now… you can look around the throne room - you’ll Andiun - you won’t see Varian… so he wasn’t really raised by Varian.

And taking a step back - why would Varian have been made king if it wasn’t a bloodline? He was absolutely a child when his father - King Llane was assassinated. They had appoint a Regent to rule in the boy-king’s place until he came of age - but he was still made king.

All evidence is that its a bloodline.

But bloodline shouldn’t matter in a non-homophobic Azeroth. If Anduin is gay, he should have another way of securing an heir because this would not be an uncommon situation in Stormwind.

Yes but that’s easily addressed by introducing a royal family tree.

Reminder many Roman Emperors were actually adopted, not biological, children of the previous Emperor.

Adoption is equal to Bloodline in ye olden times, it just changed in the Middle Ages.


Or they can take a page from Quel’thalas and put an end to a failing system of governance.

9 times out of 10, I would agree with you. I am just saying there is such a thing as being too progressive, and progressivism shouldn’t be unanimously perceived as a positive. As mentioned, there are some things that should not be normalized, and conservatives help maintain that line.

The origins do not matter to me as much as the role it serves today. There was once a time when I did brandish a pride flag, and participated in parades. I don’t anymore because I feel the conditions and goals of the LGBTQ+ has changed in the Western World.

But you didn’t ask for my opinion on the matter. You saw fit to open the door and insult me as you typically do.


Side note too many European Night Elf Players are Right Wing and it’s weird.


To be fair Quelthalas is current a Regency, which is a type of Monarchy (Selective Monarchy) with Statocratic (ie Military government) elements.

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Oh neat, thank you, I didn’t know that! Yeah, Anduin does not NEED to have a biological child to secure succession to the throne, is what I’m trying to say.

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