Let Anduin be homosexual

You should be using a Troll avatar for such an obviously trolling post.

LGBTQ+ community doesn’t need Anduin when it has a far better specimen in Flynn. Whom I suspect works both sides of the street.

Flynn is implied to be bi. Its hinted he likes tealia before the book. And well blizz said flynn and shaw will be a thing. I felt by the end of the book they where more so friends with more being a future thing.

The book gave us shaws inner thoughts but not flynns.

And shaw was literally locked in a cell going crazy.

To be fair.

Many people want a Joker - Harley Quinn romance.
Where the hell in that relationship they see any romance or mutual love is beyond me.

Suprisingly, mostly women.

My brain explodes every time I read it.

I have read it and I enjoyed those scenes. And I really don’t mind the Wrynn bloodline ending.

Genn will drag Anduin and some noble daughter into the bedroom, and then just stand there, arms crossed, watching and waiting for Anduin and said daughter to get it down.

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Looks like the Mods deigned to give the Story Forums another beauty from GD.

Genn will drag Anduin and some noble daughter into the bedroom, and then just stand there, arms crossed, watching and waiting for Anduin and said daughter to get it down.

I know this is a joke, but it really should be said that the line from Before the Storm where Genn is concerned about Anduin needing to become married to a woman specifically for the purposes of having children and producing an heir (or several) 100% needs to be retconned now that homophobia is non-canon in the Warcraft universe. The Stormwind nobility, if they truly developed in an Azeroth where homophobia doesn’t exist and anyone and everyone would have no reason to hide their sexual orientation, would absolutely have other means of securing succession other than through bloodlines because a union between two people who could not have children would be very common, including in the monarchy.

Anduin should not need a queen to secure an heir and Genn should not be concerned about him needing to get married, particularly to a cis woman.

It should also be said that Stormwind has quite a few orphans. There’s even an entire in-game holiday around it. Anduin can adopt or take on a ward if he hasn’t fallen in love and must secure an heir to placate the House of Nobles, Genn, or whoever.

So in conclusion, yeah, just let Anduin be gay already. Lots of us in the lgbtq community love both his character and his story.

I thought Blizz stopped moving GD threads to the story forums, seems I was wrong

They put them here as a sign of their big "NO"

They get put here because Blizz is afraid to enforce threads about characters being gay

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I kinda agree with this logic, being a gay/questioning male myself. I find it annoying that there weren’t any clear gay characters in WoW 5 years back, and now the first time they introduce a queer character, they make sure to point out he/she/they are L/G/B/T/Q/…

But that is a problem with society in general. When the demand for normalisation arises, and businesses are involved, companies scramble to cater to the idea and show that they are progressive. It isn’t a bad thing, but I wish it would be naturally normalised and not a clear attempt to put a banner up saying “WE ARE PROGRESSIVE” because you couldn’t be progressive 5 years back when you were scowling at the thought of people like me.

I think the easiest solution is to have members of said community be actively involved in creating such characters to make them as diverse and multi-dimensional as possible. Rather than defining them by said identity alone or with stereotypes, instead of having multiple identities.

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I’m not sure I’m against the idea of Anduin discovering that he may be gay - if blizzard can tell the story in compelling enough way… but given the state of WoW Storytelling - I’m not sure they can.

The other issue with Andiun being 100% gay is that he is a King - and the last of his line as far as we know… if he doesn’t have a kid - the line of Wrynn ends - who is next in line to be King of Stormwind?

Who cares? Let the monarchy end. It’s not like it did SW any favors.

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Well… within the context of the story - the people of Stormwind should care about having a Monarch.


The problem with this is, if normalizing things that weren’t already normalized… was to be normalized? That is a bit of a paradox. Not to mention that there are some things that should NOT be normalized. I won’t get into details, but I am sure you can list off a number of things that should never be accepted by society as a whole. Yet, normalizing such things would be a “progressive” thing to do.

This is why conservatives are good to have around. They draw the line in the sand that needs to be drawn. They keep progressives from becoming too progressive, and progressives keep conservatives from becoming too conservative.

I think companies scrambling to cater to the idea and show that they are progressive IS very much a bad thing. Especially in the area of social media, where ideas that are less marketable can be censored. Or in other spheres where actors or employees can be fired for holding less marketable social ideas, not because they are hateful, or because the company actually cares about being the vessel of social change, but only because it doesn’t conform to their marketing strategy.

If we want LBGTQ+ people to be normalized, IE as normalized as Straight CIS people, then I for one reject anything that would set me apart from any other person. This is why I reject any LGBTQ+ flag, or parade, or month that celebrates merely who I choose to sleep with, and/or how I self identify. This is why I reject corporatists pandering that is shallow and only serves as a vessel of division. This is why I reject Token characters who’s only defining characteristics is their sexuality or gender identity.


Anduin should not need a blood heir to secure a line of succession in an Azeroth where homophobia is non-canon, it’s a direct contradiction to the lore as it currently stands.

It’s how Stormwind kings have worked for the last 3 generations within the story. Its a bloodline. They can either retcon it - or tell try and tell a story about changing the rules - if they go the gay route.

Why would any society that could conceivably, easily, have an out gay or lesbian king or queen write it into their laws that said king or queen would need to be in a lavender marriage? It’s fine if the last 3 generations of Wrynn kings happened to be straight (or bi, or pan…) but I’m mostly talking about going forward, for Anduin and whoever comes next.

The monarchy is the only form of government that Stormwind has known, so it’d be a very major change if that was taken away. It’d be interesting though if a Disco Elysium storyline were to happen. Have the city get invaded after the royalty has been disposed and it’s been taken over by commoners, then have Stormwind be in a police state controlled by the rest of the Alliance while they try to figure out a proper form of government. Would probably be a great way to show a morally gray Alliance and give a Siege of Stormwind raid that’d make sense for both factions to participate in.

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