Let Anduin be homosexual

Sorry. I don’t think your question is put correctly. Any one of your options is fine. The second one will cause more controversy, like I said, because people (often homophobes) love to have some kind of warning for that characters potential gayness. Should we cater to those people? I think we should not.

Ah - I see they decided to banish this thread to the Story Forums?

My condolences to everyone here.


Question: When has the pre-established lore ever stopped Blizzard from doing anything?



Didn’t they come out and say they will ignore established lore in order to move the story forward? Looking at past expansions, it seems clear they are.

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Please, do not try to simplify Baal and Nox’s arguments as “just being Leftists.” Just being a Leftist doesn’t make someone as absurd as these two.
They are so far out in Left field, they aren’t even in the Ballpark and aren’t even playing the same game.


I don’t know, I feel like a character like Andiun is far too gone to be the one “lets be gay” as the thread suggests.

Someone new and fresh like Arator is far better imo.
And if Andiun becomes gay and takes a husband as his… co-king? That would mean the end of the Wrynn family line.
Andiun being the character for this has too much baggage. Someone else a better candidate imo.

I can just see it now. They make Anduin gay and now, suddenly all the Anduin hate that’s infecting these forums gets lumped in with Homophobia.

It’ll be Homophobic to Hate Anduin. LMAO.


Oh hey you’re back again whining about trans characters.

You don’t even know that Pelagos is trans unless you actively pursue optional dialogue with him at very specific parts of the story.

So, no, sorry, your bigoted nonsense here that he’s just a token Trans is ridiculous.

You don’t even know that Pelagos is trans unless you actively seek it out through optional dialogue at very specific places. I’d argue based on how ignorant your comments are about him or Chromie that you personally wouldn’t even have picked up on it unless other people weren’t screeching about it out of game too.

And the only reason there was even a blue post about it is because people datamined the pronoun swap and they were trying to head off the confusion beforehand.

Eeeh, I disagree that Anduin needs to be written in some kind of special way to work as a queer character. He has shown an interest in two women in his life? I see nothing stopping him from showing interest in a man 🤷

But Anduin doesn’t seem to be interested in relationships anyway.

Very barely, which is funny. He has one moment where he thinks Aerin is attractive a total of one times in The Shattering, and then looks at a Draenei lady in the same book and blushed. When the kid was 13.

Two incredibly minor examples in a novel from 2010 lol

Soooo… you’re saying he’s a Bi Icon?

I never said that.
I said how he has been written so far and who he is is what makes him a bad candidate.

Hmm, yeah, I guess

The irony of you calling me a bigot is humorous.

I fail to see how demanding more complex characterization for LGBTQ+ characters is bigoted. I’ve said it before, and as a Bi Queer, I feel like I at least have some authority to speak on LGBTQ+ representation, that shallow representation for merely the sake of it is significantly more bigoted than having no representation at all.

Like so many big corporations who change their logo to a rainbow during pride month everywhere except in places where LGBTQ+ need the most support and activism. I, personally, find it insulting for any corporation to claim they care about me while sitting silent in the face of our genocide in other parts of the world.

As a fan of George RR Martin, I really liked his answer when questioned “What was your intent when writing such female characters of strength in a genre that typically reduces women to witches, wives and/or expletive?”

His answer was “I have my fair share of all three, but I try to make them fully fleshed out human beings. There is a common humanity, and regardless if they are witches, wives or expletive, women are people.”

The same is true for any LGBTQ+ person. These are human beings with their own loves and hatreds, strengths and flaws, fears and motivations. When you reduce them to tokenism, it is a disservice to the community they are supposed to be representing.

It is from this reasoning I think Chromie is a fairly “good” trans character (quotations because I think Chromie has always been somewhat bland, but I don’t think she is a Token character). And Pelagos is generally a bad trans character.

As far as Anduin being homosexual? I could take it or leave it. It wouldn’t be the worst thing for the character, but I also think he is better served as a straight man who challenges traditional conceptions of what it means to be “masculine”.

  1. Canon: he had a crush on the dwarf girl who was training him to sword fight.

  2. Canon: he was attracted to a female draenei

  3. Canon: He was FRIENDS with Wrathion (stated multiple times by author to be JUST friends), and again, this was before said friend was the indirect cause of his father’s death.

  4. Canon: He was attracted to and flirted with a female barmaid in Shadows Rising.

  5. FANon: A bunch of crazy 'shippers think Wranduin is hot and are angrily stamping their feet wanting their slash pairing to be made canon and willfully ignoring writer statements and canon proof that Anduin has only evidenced canon attraction to girls because it doesn’t fit their delusions.


And honestly, I try (and often fail) to not assume the worst intentions of people. But a lot of shippers in general are really just fetishizing the characters being shipped. Even if they just think it’s cute, it is still a romanization of these characters in a sexual context.

This is particularly problematic with Wranduin because this ship was born from the MOP era, a time when Anduin was a young teen. I don’t think it would be reaching to say that a lot of Wranduin fanart out there is, at the very least, softcore CP.

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Ok, umm, here’s the thing. A guy who had a hand in the death of your father shows up. You punch him in the face…

Where’s the lover’s quarrel? Also why do you equate violence with love? Seems so off to me it’s insane.


The horn is a sign of friendship. And baine is kinda hooking up with the fenale moose tauren leader.


Read before the storm. Gen and anduins chat about his lack of hiers and not dating spells things out very clearly.

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